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Former Navy Pilot Ryan Graves on His UFO Encounter

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posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 01:14 PM

OK So, this one had me almost floored, and I have been bored of UFO stuff for a long time.
I got into ATS (check my first topic) because of Aliens and personal experiences. But stayed for the shouting.

But this video as short as the clip is really struck to me because of the obvious occult leanings in the appearance of this craft.

'A solid black cube surrounded by a translucent sphere'
This immediately brings to mind a lot of formerly occult aspects:
Squaring the Circle
Circling the Square
The Black Sun
etc etc

Just thought it was amazing that this piece of 'technology (?)' confirmed to these timeless principles.
Not to mention it's capabilities.

It was hovering in over 100mph winds without moving one mm.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 02:01 PM

originally posted by: chris_stibrany
'A solid black cube surrounded by a translucent sphere'
This immediately brings to mind a lot of formerly occult aspects:
Squaring the Circle
Circling the Square
The Black Sun
etc etc

And a Rubik's Cube.

Remove the coloured stickers and you have a black cube (made of cubes), and the area of occupation of it's parts (when rotating) represents the transluscent sphere.

UFOs are powered by Rubik's Cubes.

I always felt those people who could solve those damn things weren't human.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 02:02 PM
Yeah, very good video and informative.

Hadn't heard of a black cube within a translucent sphere type craft before. My opinion is that it uses a very powerful counter rotating magnetic field(s) to isolate it from environmental effects like wind, which according to NASA also lowers mass. NASA came out with some plans on building space craft employing this a few years ago, and then it went silent.

Here's an old image of that, that NASA put out at the time. Maybe there is still a link to their report on that, I'll look for it.

Perhaps this even in an infant stage of development, is related to this craft's performance.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 03:43 PM
That's kind of you.
I appreciate your attention to this matter.

a reply to: nerbot

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 03:44 PM
That's very cool. Thanks for sharing that.

I had never heard of a cube craft before, especially a black one.

I was only familiar with your typical silverish saucer, an acorn/bell shape, or the cigars.

a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 04:47 AM

originally posted by: chris_stibrany
'A solid black cube surrounded by a translucent sphere'
This immediately brings to mind a lot of formerly occult aspects:
Squaring the Circle
Circling the Square
The Black Sun
etc etc
You think of the occult, I think of US patent "US3671965A - Rapid deployment corner reflector" from 1972 which resembles that description 'A solid black cube surrounded by a translucent sphere' quite well. Here's an illustration from that patent:

Now is that what he saw (or something similar)? I don't know, but the description sure sounds very similar to that drawing. I'm not the only one who noticed this possibility of the cube in a clear sphere radar reflector:

Are Some Of The UFOs Navy Pilots Are Encountering Actually Airborne Radar Reflectors?

When I thought of round orbs with cubes inside them, balloons and radar reflector devices came immediately to mind. I began hashing out this possibility with my colleague Joseph Trevithick shortly after the reports came to light. The reality is that traditional high-altitude balloons and radar reflectors already go hand-in-hand.

Because a high-altitude balloon doesn't have much, if any, of a radar cross-section, metallic radar reflectors, which come in a variety of geometric shapes, are strung below its gas envelope, thus providing a radar return so that it can be tracked. The combination can look pretty bizarre in and of itself and they are cumbersome and clumsy arrangements. But couldn't this be simplified for more conducive deployment and better aerodynamics by just suspending the reflector inside the balloon itself?

It was hovering in over 100mph winds without moving one mm.
That's an unproven claim (which I think we would find is lacking supporting evidence, but if you have any, post it), and even if it was somewhat true (I'm sure it moved more than one mm), it would only require that the balloon be tethered to the submarine (if a sub deployed it) for it to remain somewhat stationary.

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

Great possibility Arbi……

Here’s an example of what’s out there…..who’s to say there aren’t more robust and militarized versions using high altitude deployment systems


edit on 29-10-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1
That's interesting, and sounds like a similar shape, but that says it needs to be attached to an airborne object for it to be airborne if I'm reading that right.

The radar reflector in a balloon idea would be a hydrogen or helium-filled balloon that provides its own lift and doesn't need to be attached to any other object to be airborne. It could be tethered, if desired.

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 06:16 PM
Would hate to point out the obv with the amount of serious heavy thinking going on in here.

These objects consistently avoid collision. The odds you guys are trying to argue aren't in your favor.

He clearly states the one pilot saw it and how that pilot saw it.

The odds for a radar device to precisely shoot between the two passing jets, not to mention intentionally or non intentionally while in a known practice military airspace (Note I said military airspace not forbidden/restricted or any such dictation) during training flights would have someone court marshalled so fast.

And for these things to be out there in any type of formation or doing routine are track runs at the end of the day has to be manned by a Testrial pilot or computer operator ,

So if the secondary is the one skeptics are hoping for a terrestrial origin, again someone would not be authorized to jeopardize killing or ruining million dollar jets or commercial air liners.

posted on Oct, 30 2022 @ 06:20 AM

UFOs are powered by Rubik's Cubes.


I'll let myself out.

posted on Oct, 30 2022 @ 07:01 AM

originally posted by: ContractedMercenary
The odds for a radar device to precisely shoot between the two passing jets,
Shoot between two passing jets? You make it sound like the object was moving when you say "shoot", but the OP claims it was stationary:

originally posted by: chris_stibrany
It was hovering in over 100mph winds without moving one mm.
So it's not "shooting" anywhere according to the witness, it's "hovering", which is something a tethered balloon can certainly do. And I see no reason why two jets can't fly past a balloon, if that's what it was.

So if the secondary is the one skeptics are hoping for a terrestrial origin, again someone would not be authorized to jeopardize killing or ruining million dollar jets or commercial air liners.
Well even a bird strike can potentially take out a jet engine if the bird is large enough, but I think striking a balloon would cause far less damage than striking a big bird.

What really doesn't make any sense is he says these things are stationary and he's flying past them day after day after day. They should therefore be easy targets to photograph being motionless, but does he have any photos? Not that I've seen. So how does it make sense to complain about UAPs or unidentified objects that he's apparently made no effort to identify by simply getting photos of the motionless objects? They have advanced helmet activated cameras in those navy planes. David Fravor had one too, a decade earlier and he didn't bother to turn his camera on either, even though his mission was to id the UFO.

edit on 20221030 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Oct, 30 2022 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

What really doesn't make any sense is he says these things are stationary and he's flying past them day after day after day. They should therefore be easy targets to photograph being motionless, but does he have any photos? Not that I've seen. So how does it make sense to complain about UAPs or unidentified objects that he's apparently made no effort to identify by simply getting photos of the motionless objects? They have advanced helmet activated cameras in those navy planes. David Fravor had one too, a decade earlier and he didn't bother to turn his camera on either, even though his mission was to id the UFO.

SO, to snap a descent photo or video of a balloon, Rapid Deployment corner reflector, EM35i or whatever is floating around stationary would most likely take multiple passes depending on its size especially if they had no radar contact of said object and just visually see something flash by the canopy. Any of these objects would be next to impossible to get a visual on especially f you have no clue anything is out there. Even with a radar lock and flying by i think it would be difficult.

I have had occasions were ATC will point out an aircraft to us (two crew) " Turbo Otter at 3 o'clock 2 miles 1000' " and we never saw it. That's a forty foot long plane on floats 2 sets of eyes are looking for, know where to look and never saw it.

I have flown past objects doing merely 135kts that I wanted to photograph with my cell phone on the center console and by the time I had it up, did the 2 button press to quickly get to camera mode (Samsung) it was behind us. Not so simple.

I commend you guys for searching the internet finding these devices which look exactly like the ones Ryan Graves describes and I agree they are a dead ringer for said objects. But why would anyone test or park these things right in the middle of an ingress/egress point for an MOA? Being tethered out in the ocean it would either be off of a sub or ship implying US Navy or Navy contractor putting their own aviators at risk.

Graves describes the object as doing extraordinary things such as loitering for extended periods of time with no concern for fuel or energy used while maneuvering from stationary to mach 0.8. Doing course reversal which on the SA page looked like a ping pong ball bouncing off a wall. And doing not so extraordinary things like flying around in a race track pattern which he himself has done in is F18, In civilian aviation the procedure is called a hold which ATC can get you do to for spacing or other reasons really nothing out of the ordinary.

We are not going to find the answer here, just have fun with speculating. The military holds all the cards either they know what these are or aren't.

edit on 30-10-2022 by Slyder12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2022 @ 06:27 AM
a reply to: chris_stibrany

Not to mention it's capabilities. It was hovering in over 100mph winds without moving one mm.

That makes of it a perfect easy target, though.

posted on Oct, 31 2022 @ 08:55 AM
It's my understanding that Graves did not have any encounters or eyes on any UAP. He's only going on radar data. He never saw anything.

posted on Oct, 31 2022 @ 09:14 AM
That is my understanding as well that he has never actually seen anything other than his radar contacts.

posted on Oct, 31 2022 @ 09:34 AM

originally posted by: RMFX1
It's my understanding that Graves did not have any encounters or eyes on any UAP. He's only going on radar data. He never saw anything.

I listened again and…..,,and yeah, Graves never says he seen the objects with his own eyes. Using ‘see’ or ‘seen’ is in reference to looking at the radar. Actual visuals were seen by other pilots other than himself.

Why waist time with Graves………the actual eyeball witnesses should be the ones to be interviewed

edit on 31-10-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2022 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1
Because it takes a few people like Graves to get someone that saw something like this to come forward, better that than nobody. He’s very credible and isn’t making crazy claims.

While he never saw one, he saw the same radar and FLIR images as the pilots that did. As an instructor and pilot of many years I am sure he would be able to rule these things out way before any thought of going public.

edit on 31-10-2022 by Tortuga because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2022 @ 10:52 AM
a reply to: Tortuga

Graves claims a team of two F-18’s had one of these external spherical/internal cubed objects fly between them.

Im not questioning Graves credentials or sincerity based on what he himself was exposed to.….I’m more interested in having the actual eyewitness pilots be interviewed if at all possible to give their own accounts.

Last I heard…..retribution against pilots… now off the table. Those pilots should come out….

Nothing has happened to Graves for speaking out…..has it?


edit on 31-10-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2022 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

Nope, so it looks like it’s getting easier for people to come forward. However, any witnesses that see themselves having a great career in the military and after, won’t be so keen.

posted on Oct, 31 2022 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: Tortuga

True, but some who fancy a career in media or fifteen minutes of fame wouldn't hesitate.

My worry would be the disinfo jockeys jumping on the UAPUIP bandwagon...oh hang on, they already h....

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