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We the People Must Remove Puppets of the Deep State from Office

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posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 07:34 AM
This thread is inspired by a two-part interview of former intelligence officer and expert on weapons of mass destruction Scott Ritter by Sarah Westall.

The discussion centers around the nuclear weapons danger because of the Ukraine situation, as well as the fact that free speech has been destroyed at the hands of the U.S. government. The Chinese Communist Party is also discussed. Scott Ritter: "The biggest enemy to American democracy isn't the Chinese Communist Party, it's the United States government." I agree with that! The U.S. has mid-terms coming up in less than two weeks. A lot is at stake.


posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 08:28 AM
TBH, I think democracy has been compromised inmost countries world-wide; we just don't realize the extent yet. WWIII is a scaring cloud over the people and is being used as an excuse to implement more control over individual lives.

Technology has taken us to place where the masses have no ability to fight back. If TPTB pull the plug on all things internet it will be far more cripling than lockdowns ever were to the economy and the lifves of everyone on the planet.

There are those at the top working for a one world government, with digital currency being a main part of control. It's being talkid about openly by leaders the world over, and no longer can be dismissed as CT.

When individual access and control over our finances and health becomes tied to our digital currency we're going to be faced with the fact that we are indeed owned by the 1%; always have been, always will be.

Just as the Patriot Act furthered the loss of even more individual freedom, the 'pandemic' has been used to enact even more laws and restriction against the working class.

Honestly, WWIII doesn't scare me nearly as much as a world where I'm not allowed to have a voice; where I have to pretend the insane are sane and a dog is a cat. One where some higher authority dictates if I can own a car, and what kind it must be.

A government that restricts my movements because I dared to speak openly of unjustice and corruption. One where I can ostracized because I won't behave in the robotic manner a world government demands.

We have always been slaves to 'the system' with a liberal amount of freedom over our destiny in America; it looks like those days are over. BOTH political parties have and still are taking part in restricting our ability to have control over our lives one new law at a time.

War seems to have always been a game the Big Boy's play. It changes the world's political power structure and and makes billionaires out of the well-connected. Researching the blood lines of politicians shows power is a generational thing; it gets handed off to the offspring and maritial partners.
All you have to do is look at the family tree of current political elite to see it in action; The Chenny, Bush, Pelosi, Murkowski are just a few examples of passing the torch. Then you have people like McCain, who marry into the power structure.
Chelsia Clinton has been groomed all her life to become a 1% mover and shaker. She's been kept pretty much under the radar but I expect her to be presented on the world stage at some future point.

Diving into the 1%'s histroy of how they came to power, and the white-washing that's been done to covwer up their corruption on rising to the top is very telling. They're not running the world because they care about the well-being of humanity; they're doing it because it allows them the ability to live off of the blood, sweat and tears of the majority. They can do whatever they want, whenever they want- because they write the laws for others to follw, exempting themselves.

I'm sure I sound like the world's greatest pessimist, but I consider myself more of an optimistic realist. The facts, as I see them, show we have no ability to control our collective destiny. We are allowed to think our outcries are effective when we can protest and make little changes along the way, but the big changes are in the hands of the 1%.

While we squabble over who can use what bathroom, our ability to live and breath is being compromised by things like Green Energy and Climite Change.

China has survived total authoritarian rule, and so will the rest of the least, those who are allowed to. It's been a privilage to live my life as freely as I have in the US, but I don't see that freedom continuing much longer.

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 08:36 AM

originally posted by: nugget1
When individual access and control over our finances and health becomes tied to our digital currency we're going to be faced with the fact that we are indeed owned by the 1%; always have been, always will be.

But we MUST take charge of what will be.

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 08:50 AM

originally posted by: DevotedResearcher

originally posted by: nugget1
When individual access and control over our finances and health becomes tied to our digital currency we're going to be faced with the fact that we are indeed owned by the 1%; always have been, always will be.

But we MUST take charge of what will be.

I've come to the conclusion that the only power I truly have is my relationship with the creator. The entire US could revolt over gov. overeach and it won't make a bit of difference in the long-range plan for us serfs.

Freedom has always been an illusion we're allowed to have.

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: DevotedResearcher

WWIII may bring about the removal of global puppet-masters. Is the immediate carnage worth the results long-term? Maybe.

I said Ukraine wasn't worth WWIII and still feel that way.

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 09:00 AM

originally posted by: nugget1
I've come to the conclusion that the only power I truly have is my relationship with the creator.

I think if all of us would focus there instead of going along to get along with the powers that be, solutions would be found organically.

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 09:03 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
WWIII may bring about the removal of global puppet-masters.

And us along with them.

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 09:36 AM

originally posted by: nugget1

Technology has taken us to place where the masses have no ability to fight back. If TPTB pull the plug on all things internet it will be far more cripling than lockdowns ever were to the economy and the lifves of everyone on the planet.

Despite decades learning about conspiracy theories, the "pandemic" was what proved to me just how interconnected it all was to me. They created a trap, we walked into it. Some of us kicking and screaming, but collectively we walked into it.

At this point, I think the only hope is to turn away from the technology they used to trap us. We need to re-establish community connections in person. Do business in cash or barter. Buy nothing online. They plan to flatten our economy with inflation, we need to flatten theirs.

We need to set our spirits free long before death to defy their authority. Don't buy into the ww3 hype and turn off the news. We need to set ourselves up to face a tough life without their system in order to be free. Nothing that humans haven't done since the beginning of time, we're just a little rusty at believing in ourselves.

During the "pandemic" I had to resign myself to the fact my children are adults and made their own decisions for petty reasons. Likewise if conscription is brought back. I have to honour their free will which doesn't feel free to me with all the manipulation but at least honour their path they see best fitting. Same with my parents/friends/community/society. I've set them all free from my expectations /wishes and continue on among them but alone. We come into the world alone, we leave alone but in the hands of all creation. I am choosing freedom even if it means death and that feels right.

I will not go to doctors anymore either short of having them as a mechanic if I have a broken bone. Will not give the pharma companies another penny. My $500 '89 van still runs fine until it doesn't.

We have either been totally scammed out of the wonderful potential of life on this planet or we chose to come to this set of lessons at this point in history.

Rambling, sorry.

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: igloo
Rambling, sorry.

Not at ALL!


posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: nugget1

While I agree with most of what you said, freedom is not a privilege, it's our right! We are born as autonomous beings, so we should be free. We have done no crimes (assuming) that warrant us losing our freedom , so we should be free.
These 1% twankers don't get to do decide whether I 'deserve' to be free or not!

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 10:12 AM
Big Problem so don't fall for getting corralled into a comfort zone.

The deep operators are not elected and are implanted so deep in actual government agencies and outside orgs that influence governments. It's not just the U.S., it's worldwide and local ☠️

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 10:20 AM

originally posted by: xuenchen
The deep operators are not elected and are implanted so deep in actual government agencies and outside orgs that influence governments. It's not just the U.S., it's worldwide and local ☠️


But the only recourse we have is to withdraw our compliance and reform government in any way that we can.

Robert David Steele was working on election reform when he died. Election reform is a need, because the way we FUND elections is all wrong. It's the money in politics before election day that kills us. Good candidates often CAN'T EVEN GET ON THE BALLOT for elections every two and four years.
edit on 10/27/2022 by DevotedResearcher because: Format

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 07:04 PM
"We" the people aren't going to do anything against the government lmao.

One minute they're complaining about how corrupt the government is, then the next minute they're making an argument about how the government can still be trusted and that the drama shows our politicians and corporate leaders put on actually shows how one side is better than the other somehow even though they as a collective don't care about us as humans, but only as a source of revenue.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 02:21 AM
a reply to: AutomateThis1v2

Guess you need to decide whether YOU are a part of "we" or "they."

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 05:31 AM
"We" or "they"?

What about the innocent bystanders . . . ?

edit on 28-10-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 05:39 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

My point is that people can't afford to be bystanders.

If we're going to survive the Great Reset, it won't be because of a savior who rescues us, it will be because a critical mass of ordinary folk wake up and do their part in turning this around.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 05:48 AM

originally posted by: DevotedResearcher
a reply to: AutomateThis1v2

Guess you need to decide whether YOU are a part of "we" or "they."

I know where I stand.

You really think you're part of "we?" What are you going to do? Type harder? Yell at your screen a little louder?

You're not going to do anything except continue to work and pay your taxes and vote for whoever you think is the "lesser of two evils" like a good little patriot.

Prove me wrong. It'll make me happy if you can.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 05:58 AM
a reply to: DevotedResearcher

A critical mass will never be reached. Any real threat to the system will be quickly sabotaged in one way or another. It can be demonised, subverted or hijacked and morphed into something else. Back in the day movements could be organised secretly to a certain extent. Nowadays it's all online in one way or another. Dissenting voices (such as yours) will be allowed however as we must be given the illusion that we have 'say' and someone is saying what we want.
Look at what they have in the US. Biden, Pelosi and Harris. No one wants them, they aren't fit for purpose and yet there they are, firmly entrenched. Even if the whole system collapsed tomorrow the same type of scum would quickly rise to the top.

S+F though...for endeavour!

edit on 28-10-2022 by midicon because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 06:03 AM
a reply to: DevotedResearcher

My point is that people can't afford to be bystanders.

Kids will always be the innocent bystanders.

If we're going to survive the Great Reset, it won't be because of a savior who rescues us, it will be because a critical mass of ordinary folk wake up and do their part in turning this around.

Maybe when the adults stop for a moment from their busy lives and realise it is their kids, their neighbor's kids, the ememy's kids who will suffer, then they may start looking at what is happening. That is about the only thing I can think of.

The Russian Imperial Romanov family (Nicholas II of Russia, his wife Alexandra Feodorovna, and their five children: Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, and Alexei) were shot and bayoneted to death by Bolshevik revolutionaries on the night of 16–17 July 1918.

Source: Wikipedia - execution of the Romanov family.

The five Romanov kids were innocent bystanders.

edit on 28-10-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: typo

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 06:04 AM
a reply to: AutomateThis1v2

The mess we're in is going to take a LONG TIME to clean up.

I'll be happy if some progress is made during my lifetime.

Typing on the internet is not idle chatter. If it were not for typing on the internet, we would be in a BIGGER mess than we are in now.

A small percentage of people will take action. That's the way it works. It's up to each person to decide whether he or she will be a part of the small percentage. In my opinion, taking the time to thoughtfully type on the internet counts as taking action, because, as we know, knowledge is power.

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