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Million Miles Away, NASA's DSCOVR Spacecraft Shows the Moon Crossing the Face of the Earth

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posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 10:14 AM
I'm surprised you guys haven't caught on what NASA is doing... there is a reason they are coloring photos and showing the dark side of the Moon.


Turn off the flash, and focus your camera on the Moon instead of the sky, usually by touching it on your screen. To avoid a blown-out, fuzzy, white image, lower the brightness. You want the Moon to look gray rather than white. If you can see some lunar features on your screen, even better.

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 10:36 AM
a reply to: imitator

This is how to take a photo of the Moon.

Ie not the far side?

Sounds like good advice.

What's your problem with it?

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: imitator

Are you saying the natural moon color isn't brown tinged gray but a shade of white-boy? 😝

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: oddscreenname

"They" want to hide the snow.


posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: oddscreenname

The terminator "line" in the voyager shot is all over the place.

That's a normal thing, caused by the weather systems present that affect the brightness levels available to Voyager's camera (eg by shadowing out oceans). You get a similar effect on the moon if youi zoom in close enough when the terminator crosses mountain ranges.

If you look at images of Earth from lunar orbit taken by eg the Lunar Orbiter probes in the 1960s you also see that effect.

and this from Surveyor 3:

edit on 27/10/2022 by OneBigMonkeyToo because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 02:49 PM
Here's a beauty: Earth and moon spotted by 'Lucy' at 890000 miles

Notice the relative size of Earth and moon.

Here's Earth close up:

So, how does it compare with other views of Earth?

DSCOVR from a million miles:

Russian satellite

Indian satellite:

Meteosat 9

Meteosat 11

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 03:02 PM
Here's another beautiful Earth-Moon combo, as seen from Mars:

As above, note the comparative size of Earth and moon.

Here's Earth close up:

and a satelltie view from teh same day. The white cloud cover over south America and north America,and the cloud free remainder, can be made out.

If ever there is an image of Earth posted taken in space, there are multiple sources available to verify what it shows.

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 03:52 PM

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: HUBE007



Dammit HUBE, you made me agree with Oldcarpy, but they are likely spot on here. So I got to ask

Seriously, I agree it looks so much like CGI, but does that make it CGI? So got to ask what did they launch into space
7 seven ago or was that CGI and fake then too? Even if you believe the moon missions were hoaxed does that mean every NASA mission was hoaxed and CGI?

Let's not forget we got other countries taking pics of the moon are they in on this VAST SCIENTIFIC CONSPIRACY?

in other words, I'm willing to listen to how this is fake, why they would fake it, and how they convince the hundreds if not thousands of employees, sub-contractors, etc. to go along with faking this.

No satellites, no space station, no space junk? And the moon looks like it has a cross seam on it. Fishy.

Ranging from the size of a small school bus down to the size of your lunchbox, satellites of all shapes and sizes are used to monitor Earth from space.

NOAA’s satellite fleet is made up of a variety of spacecraft, from the 3,238kg GOES-15 satellite to the 570kg DSCOVR satellite.

Do you really expect to see a satellite from a million miles away? on top of a cross seam LOL so they are gonna fake it and it would have a cross seam left. Pretty sure that has to do with the illumination from the sun and below here is a reasonable explanation about long-distance space photography that no doubt lots of us have absolutely no clue about.

Good explanation for that below too

What’s the green ring following the curve on the right half of the moon?
I have no idea if photo is real or fake

The camera takes pictures by placing a color filter in front of the light sensor, only allowing a narrow range of frequencies through. To take what we would consider a full-color picture like this, it has to take (Al least) three separate images for each of the three color channels: one through a red filter, one through a green one, and one through a blue filter which are then stacked to make the color image.

Normally this isn’t an issue because it is designed to image the watch and the amount of time it takes to change the filters is very short compared to how long it takes stuff to change on earth. But from DSCOVR’s vantage point, the moon passes by the earth very quickly by comparison, so the moon was in a slightly different position in each color channel image, leading to a slight chromatic aberration-like effect for the moon.

Note that this isn’t too different from how almost all other digital cameras work, they just usually use a grid of different color filters so you can take a full-color image all at once. This allows for quicker images (as usually we don’t have the time or the stability to change filters to get images of stuff in our daily lives), but at the expense of resolution (either/or spatial or color-space resolution, since multiple sensor pixels must be used to create one image pixel) and the moveable filters allow the space camera to take images in many more individual colors, which is very useful for research (e.g., it can take an image through a very specific green filter that is the wrong green for making “true” color images, but allows a very narrow band of colors through that are reflected by chlorophyll, allowing measurements of plant activity).

TBH with you, I am a very open minded not trusting government agencies type of fellow. I question anything and everything that comes from the alphabet agencies. We have been lied to since the beginning of time. Our history is written by the victors and re written again to fit what ever narrative the leading political class at the time wants to shove on the populace. I am skeptical about the moon landings of the 60's and 70's. We "lost the technology" to get back to the moon according to the current head of NASA yet we have hypersonic missiles, 6th generation fight jets and quite possibly UAP's or reverse engineered alien tech (nano tech, fiberoptic cables etc).

So in other words, you can post and show me links to NASA ad other government run agencies but if NASA is anything like our FBI, NSA, CIA or any others I take everything from them with a BOX of salt.

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: putnam6

Wouldn't you? If this can of worms is opened they have to fess up about a ton more things than just the moon and they do not think our simple minds can "handle" all that info hence why they keep it from the common man.

my 2 cents

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 12:59 AM

originally posted by: HUBE007

So in other words, you can post and show me links to NASA ad other government run agencies but if NASA is anything like our FBI, NSA, CIA or any others I take everything from them with a BOX of salt.

Well, you're in luck there, because NASA is NOTHING like the FBI, CIA or NSA (incidentally, the budgets for EACH of the latter two agencies is around three times that of NASA). NASA is not a monolithic organization. It is a confederation of research centers spread across the country. Here is a list - Note that each and every one of them have a website and visitor information; you certainly don't find that with the other organizations!

Some of their activities overlap, and in those cases they cooperate (Marshall Space Flight Center builds and tests ISS equipment, which the Johnson (Manned) Space Center uses) or compete (Johnson promotes manned space exploration, but Jet Propulsion Lab insists that the same research can be done more cheaply (and in greater quantity) with unmanned probes). Sometimes NASA does things in-house (Goddard Space Flight Center handles the data from the Hubble & Webb telescopes), but often they farm it out to educational institutions (Arizona State University processes all one million-plus images from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter).

All of these centers are populated by engineers and scientists. Engineers love to design and build things. Scientists love to discover things (even more than they like to argue, which they do… a lot). Both engineers and scientists LOVE to talk about what they do. The deeper the question you ask, the more they like to talk about it (Don't believe me? Go find a bar near one of those centers and hang-out after quitting time). I cannot stress this enough: They don’t do what they do for the money (you don’t see them with big houses and fancy cars), they do it for the prestige and the feeling of achievement. This idea is strange to a lot of people (and borderline unthinkable among conspiracy believers) – which goes a long way towards explaining why sci/tech people are considered nerdy weirdoes. But think about it for a moment: Imagine something that you built with your own hands sitting on the surface of another world! I can relate: I work for a semiconductor manufacturer. Some of the chips I help make are used in Go-Pro cameras. Every time I see a Go-Pro video on TV, I think to myself, “There’s some of me in there!” and I smile.

The upshot is that whether they’re at a center, a contractor or a university, the kind people who work for or with NASA are absolutely NOT the kind of people you’d hire to keep a secret; they have little incentive to “fake it” and they have great motivation to achieve great things.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 01:03 AM
a reply to: HUBE007

Questioning things is fine, unless you dismiss the answers because you aren't as open-minded as you thought. Your not liking the source of information doesn't invalidate it.

We haven't lost the technology to get to the moon, that glib throwaway quote by Don Petit is badly abused and misunderstood.

Many nations have sent unmanned probes to the moon. What we have done is not taken people to the moon since Apollo. The technology we used for that has been put to one side. We have newer technology and different safety standards that means it all requires testing, just as it did for Apollo.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 02:15 AM
a reply to: OneBigMonkeyToo

I’ve seen you use weather analysis before but personally I don’t think it proves anything. NASA will have access to the same imagery and can easily impose those cloud patterns onto a fake image of the Earth. If it was me I would.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 04:24 AM
a reply to: Grenade

The task at hand then is to prove that they did. It would require a constant team of people to update these images in almost real time.

Take for example the recent massive eruption in the south Pacific. That was also captured by DSCOVR. I was able to find it in exactly the right image not long after the eruption.

Is it a) an accurate depiction of a real time event or b) the result of a dedicated team constantly updating the relevant images just in case anyone's looking and to appease the suspicious?

It might, just might, be the case that the reasons these images all match, whatever the source, is because they're all genuine.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 04:47 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Fake just like all the pictures of earth ,all are color full unique in their own way cloud patterns are placed and duplicated so this picture is no fact .When humans can think on their own calculate truth and it is not rocket science to test the many lies we are told to take as fact . Old word of advice believe nothing you hear or half of what you see and you will find truth. oh is it servitude that most the world gave their freedom for .Now you do as your told see and hear what we want you to hear .Now at best you can say and think out of the box find true purpose and enlightenment will come to pass .But than you for the post its is not looked at the same by each person so no harm only insight

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 05:26 AM
a reply to: OneBigMonkeyToo

I agree it's the most probable explanation. The possibility still remains that there's some trickery going on, for all we know it could be some clever software. Again, i believe the images are genuine, just can't say for certain. I'm around 99% convinced but never take a stance 100% on anything. It's when we stop questioning that those in power take advantage of our trust.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: allisinfrontofureyes

And what happens if someone looks at a photo of Earth, examines it critically, looks at all the evidence available and concludes that it's genuine?

You're assuming that people aren't critically examining the things they see. You have no justification for that view other than people hold a different view to you.

Just because you're seeing yourself as some sort of free thinker, doesn't mean your conclusions are right.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: Grenade
NASA will have access to the same imagery and can easily impose those cloud patterns onto a fake image of the Earth. If it was me I would.

That says a lot more about you than it does about NASA.


posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 10:25 AM
I think there should be a huge shadow of the Moon visable on Earth.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 11:07 AM

TBH with you, I am a very open minded not trusting government agencies type of fellow. I question anything and everything that comes from the alphabet agencies. We have been lied to since the beginning of time. Our history is written by the victors and re written again to fit what ever narrative the leading political class at the time wants to shove on the populace. I am skeptical about the moon landings of the 60's and 70's. We "lost the technology" to get back to the moon according to the current head of NASA yet we have hypersonic missiles, 6th generation fight jets and quite possibly UAP's or reverse engineered alien tech (nano tech, fiberoptic cables etc).
a reply to: HUBE007

The technology was not "lost" - it was set aside after we had accomplished the mission of beating the Soviets/Russians to the moon

It was not economical to keep going with the current level of technology as existed in 1970

The F1 engines of the SATURN V first stage were all hand built - some 55 were produced

Rocketdyne , who produced the F1, recently tested a modern version of the F1 called F1B, It was a simplified and updated version using modern materials and production techniques

Rocketdyne was testing it as a possible engine for a super heavy launch vehicle to the Moon or Mars

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: 11SK1180

I think there should be a huge shadow of the Moon visable on Earth.

The moons orbit is inclined 5 deg to the plane of the earth orbit around the sun Only 2-3 times a year is the moon in the right place These times are called ECLIPSES

One of the times was caught and photographed from the ISS during a total eclipse in 2017

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