posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 02:08 PM
Neo Libs, War Mongering Liberals did not like the letter of complaint from the Progressive Caucus.
In which it questioned the current Ukraine strategy.
In the letter of nearly 40+ Democrat Progressive Caucus they urged the Biden admin to let Ukraine go through Negotiations with Russia instated of
further escalating the tensions with Russia.
As of a result of anger by the Neo Libs anger towards the Democrat Progressive Caucus.
The Democrat Progressive Caucus had withdrawn the Ukrainian letter in which it questioned the Biden admin is strategy.
At least its far to say not all Democrats are in favor of this endless wars that the some war monger liberals want to keep pushing in Eastern Europe
agaisnt Russia.
Its a shame they had to withdrawn the letter.
Progressive Caucus withdraws
letter on Ukraine strategy amid blowback
“The Congressional Progressive Caucus hereby withdraws its recent letter to the White House regarding Ukraine,” Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.),
the caucus chairwoman, wrote in a statement, representing a stunning shift in their call for a diplomatic push to end the Russia-Ukraine war.
Its clear now who doesn't a diplomatic push and want to see a endless conflict in Ukraine.
The same Democrats under the Obama admin that were responsible for letting ISIS roam free in Syria, while trying to drive Assad out of Syria with the
Jihadist fighters.
The "Traditional" Republicans arent any different on foreign policy.