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The Reptilian Crusaders: Galactic Plan to Divide & Conquer the Human Race

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posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: chris_stibrany

I hear they are Krogan that come from Tuchanka seeking a cure for the genophage that plagues their species.

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 08:37 PM
Where you should not find Reptilians….

……”Winter is an extremely harsh time for reptiles and amphibians in colder climates. As cold-blooded animals, exposure to even mildly freezing conditions can be fatal. Many northern species find places to overwinter that protect them from freezing temperatures by burrowing underground.”…….

Weapons against Reptilians

Honorable Mention

edit on 19-10-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 08:46 PM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1
Where you should not find Reptilians….

……”Winter is an extremely harsh time for reptiles and amphibians in colder climates. As cold-blooded animals, exposure to even mildly freezing conditions can be fatal. Many northern species find places to overwinter that protect them from freezing temperatures by burrowing underground.”…….

Weapons against Reptilians

Honorable Mention



I'm just chillin in Canada, suckers.

edit on 10/19/2022 by MykeNukem because: eh?

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 09:22 PM
Dinosaurs were warm-blooded, shocking study says

It's a discovery 65 million years in the making.

Despite most scientists generally accepting that dinosaurs were cold-blooded creatures, a new study suggests they were in fact warm-blooded.

The research, published in Science Advances, looks at fossilized eggshells of the terrible lizards and found that the dinosaurs had warmer body temperatures than their surroundings.
Theres no where you can hide.

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 10:12 PM
They usurped this reality and have enslaved the human race. Massive pyramid scheme. The most illuminated people get close to breaking the veil but they get offered what are essentially soul bribes from the serpent race (i.e. Jesus or Buddha being tempted by the serpent race in the wilderness), though most take the bribe and compromise their birthright for slavery.

The reptilian brain, or the autonomic nervous system, is split into two ying-yang functions: the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system is described as the tree of knowledge of good and evil, it is one of the two trees in the middle of the garden (the spine in the middle of our body).

Satan the apex of the reptilian race essentially mind-f#$%ed us into being sympathetic dominant. If you look up what happened upon eating the knowledge of good and evil, it matches exactly the neurological functions of the sympathetic nervous system - especially fear and work... i.e. slavery.

Segway to Moses's serpent staff consuming the serpent staff of the Egyptians priests. He had mastered his biology and could perform miracles through his obedience to God. If any Israelite looked upon Moses the brazen serpent in the wilderness they were saved, otherwise they were consumed by the serpent! These drastic measures were necessary to get them out of the mind-spell of this extra-dimensional slavemaster race

Our neurobiology and consciousness as a whole has been hijacked by these mental parasites and Christ shows us the way to be healed from these abnormalities. This is why he calls the religious leaders at His time a "brood of vipers". They're the serpentine overlords, or "archons".

The same goes today, do we listen to the blind doctrine of man that veils the truth of the Way, the Truth, and Real Life? To truly be liberated from our slavery to sin and embrace the yolklessness of Christ. Then we activate the tree of life and a new consciousness emerges (Revelation 2:7)

The tree of life is the parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for health and repair.

I'm open to greater interpretations of the Good News, but this makes most sense to me.
edit on 19-10-2022 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-10-2022 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-10-2022 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 10:52 PM

originally posted by: Lysergic
Dinosaurs were warm-blooded, shocking study says

It's a discovery 65 million years in the making.

Despite most scientists generally accepting that dinosaurs were cold-blooded creatures, a new study suggests they were in fact warm-blooded.

The research, published in Science Advances, looks at fossilized eggshells of the terrible lizards and found that the dinosaurs had warmer body temperatures than their surroundings.
Theres no where you can hide.

Bah, FFS.

I'll just bend over and wait for it...

posted on Oct, 20 2022 @ 03:51 AM
a reply to: chris_stibrany

what is a cute insect-ish looking girl?

Keira Knightley did qualify as cute (I saw the soccer movie she was in). Flat and sticky gives a qualification for the insect look too.

I wasn't thinking of skinny teens in short shorts though. A reference to the wood-nymphs of classical literature and the fairy lore. The Lady Of The Lake of Arthurian fame is a wood-nymph. Nimue was her name. Merlin is said to have fallen hopelessly in love with Nimue, and in turn Nimue taught Merlin his magic.

In (cringey) modern UFO lore we have the "reptilians" and "insectoids" as they call them. The "insectoids" were mentioned earlier in this thread. To my thinking and within my own experience of the fae and other unseen critters, I would suggest the "insectoids" are probably fae, and probably not "aliens". They have been here a lot longer than mammals.

Now that is just a statement, so I'll give some context by describing one of the "insectoids" or wood-nymphs as I prefer to call them. One turned up above my goldfish pond.

Her form was a naked female human with rather modest breasts. About four feet tall, and with three pairs of wings as dragonflys have. I know dragonflys normally have two pairs of wings, the see through appearance and shape is what I refer to.

Her countenance (face) was a bright yellow glow that hinted at as human and also dragonfly. One could kinda see both at the same time yet also see neither. She would hover above the pond face down, bum up as a dragonfly would do.

She showed me her transformation from dragonfly to human-ish. She could shift between the two. Watching the transformation kinda twists the human mind in a way.

One sees the dragonfly in the insect form; three pairs of legs, body and two pairs of wings. Legs below and wings on top. The shape-shift inverts this form. The dragonfly legs become her (fairy) wings. Her dragonfly wings become the limbs (arms and legs). The distinct feeling one gets from the shape-shift is inversion; she is, in a way, upside down in her human-ish form.
( : So adorable : )
She clearly loves the dragonfly insects a lot as that is her primary form, yet it is apparent she has also spent a lot of time around humans and especially a human girl that is the basis for her appearance as the wood-nymph.

Now wood-nymphs don't normally hang around humans in this day and age, so she wanted something. As it turned out she had lost two sisters and wanted help to reunite the triplets. Her mother knew where they were. Modern farming had cleared the land and the ponds were drying up trapping the wood-nymphs. One only had a windmill bringing up water from below a dried up pond. No surface water nor woods. Sad what humans have done.
; )
Anyway, that should give an idea of what I meant by "cute insect-ish looking girl".

For what it is worth, wood-nymphs procreate by division. When a fairy gets weary with life, she will divide her self into normally six or so duplicates of themselves. Little clones if you like. Where mom is wise and weary, the c( : So adorable : )hildren are impetuous. That is to say they know if one lives too long wisdom accumulates and causes a petrification. Too wise to take a chance one might say. The children have all the ancestral memories going back a long way; before the earth.

From the moment they are born as identical to mom, they begin to experience life anew without the weight of wisdom. One might find the legends of Nimue being in this or that lake are all so. Nimue's children would look just like mom and have mom's memories too. So not neccessarily one true lake, many "true" lakes each with a Nimue.

The girls caught me admiring their butts one day and made a great fuss of causing embarrassment thereafter. I would leave for work with three butts waving in my direction and return home to the same greeting.

So one must keep a sense of humour when dealing with the fae. A sense of the rediculous too. At the same time one keeps in mind that dragonflys are also predators. National Geographic has tales of dragonfly females eating the males after mating. That I still have a head is probably proof enough of my gentlemanly manner around wood-nymphs.

edit on 20-10-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: typo

After thought:

Encountering shape-shifting Beings is not all that extra-ordinary really. Most people jump to conclusions and get scared. I'm sure the orthodoxy don't want people to meet them any more, so tell tales and demonize the fae. My own pet theory is because lies and dirty laundry might see the light of day.

edit on 20-10-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: added after thought

posted on Oct, 20 2022 @ 07:05 AM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

You write a lot about little naked girls fairies and young dead girls a lot.......

Yeah I do. Ya know ManBehindTheMask, you're probably the first person to actually draw attention to this.

I guess it's a very difficlt subject for most folks, especially here on ATS where certain subjects have become politically polarized over the last few years and even tabboo in a way.

Still, I have a reason for mentioning nudity and non-human "girls" both. In my own opinion derived from my own observation, the subject of the unseen side of life and the critters who live there is largely misrepresented and mostly by the orthodoxy. They have their reasons undoubtedly to discourage folks from interest in what is now "unscientific mythology and folklore". The afterlife has some very dark aspects too which is sometimes contrary to the orthodox teachings.

So in a way, I want to bring something into the open here on ATS, the other side of the story. The fae and others don't like being demonised and misrepresented as they are either. So I'm just talking about (for me) normal things to help set the story right.

Nudity is one of those things. Maybe one should alternatively say that being clothed is a human trait, and therefore out of the ordinary within the larger picture. Out of the deceased people I have seen, clothing is true. I have not seen a naked deceased person. From the deceased clergyman in his priestly robes, to the kid who died of neglect in a farmshed in her filthy potatoe sack dress, always clothes. I guess it is something people are accustommed to from birth and the memory of clothes carries over.

Conversley, if a Being is not brought up to wear clothes from birth, clothes-less is the normal.

Though this is not a strict rule. A fairy I encountered wore an emerald green robe with hood. I guess so she had a familiar shape for me. Cloaked so I would see her. Otherwise I would have seen a bright creamy light and I would have ignored her.

Dead kids are the tragedy. Especially the ones who died in trauma. All my wards except one are European and died at the hands of the church. The inquisitors and churchmen who convert by means of physical torture caused so much harm. I would think that the stories of MK* creating dissociative identy disorder to create alters is similar to the church's desired outcome. Two very similar procedures.

I always assumed the kids were simply traumatised deceased, but after looking into MK* I now know many of those deceased kids are probably lost alters in the psychological sense. The demographics are young female European humans. There is something about prepubescent girls with certain psychological disorders that occult inclined men have used as sonambulist trance mediums. The church seems to have just wanted to get rid of them.

The one exception was a deceased (Berber) muslim girl who commited suicide rather than marry an old man. Even in the afterlife she was gonna get married off, so she sought help here. As is the custom in their culture, promise of marrage at a young age is normal. So it was a case of her needing to find someone safe so she was spoken for. Her reasoning was; I only had one wife, and she was she insisted, of marriable age.

That was gonna get me in a whole heap of trouble with her people, and more importantly she was, when alive, young enough to be my grand daughter. So what does one do with a very determined small problem like this?

Keep digging and find out the real reasons to begin with, and then, well, find her a Jinn; a 'tall flame' as she called it. Then hold her hand (so to speak) back at her afterlife village while the girl and her tall flame sorted out the decrepid old magician who ruled there. A very brave little dead girl. She won and can sort out her own troubles with the men now. Pretty good for a girl. Last I heard from her as she left was; "I like him better than you." - happy ending : )

That's one of the most wonderful things about going to the places we are told not to go in the various teachings, ya get to do this sort of stuff.

My waffling aside, the point of the matter is things are often not what people say they are.

So supposedly there is a "Galactic Federation" of enlightened humans battling valiently to save us from the "evil reptilians".

Is that what it seems to be, at face value?

Kinda smells fishy to me. Kinda like trying to sort out who are the bad guys in the Eastern Europe conflict . . .

edit on 20-10-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on Oct, 20 2022 @ 12:47 PM
You know the world sucks when internet users be like:

I rather be ruled by giant shape shifting demonic latin lizards rather than progressive clown world avatars.

posted on Oct, 20 2022 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

You don't worry about her going all Mantis on you?

posted on Oct, 20 2022 @ 03:45 PM

originally posted by: Lysergic

I rather be ruled by giant shape shifting demonic latin lizards rather than progressive clown world avatars.

They may be referring to the same thing

posted on Oct, 20 2022 @ 06:25 PM
a reply to: Lysergic

You don't worry about her going all Mantis on you?

Not at all, they are wonders.

ETA: Thinking about it, while I regard "them" as wonders, that doesn't mean they are harmless. Come to think of it, I've mainly encountered what we would call shape-shifting predators. That seems to be the norm. My educated guess is: why would one choose a victim species such as a herbivore to aquire the abilities of?

Generally they avoid humans for obvious reasons. So when they do appear there is generally a reason. One needs to have the presence of mind and patience to work out what they want you for without panicing.

Because humans can be cruel it is no wonder they keep their distance and make sure they have complete control of a situation when they do appear.

I once read the first chapter of the skinwalker book. The chapter about the bullet proof wolf. A week later there was a predatory consciousness prowling about my house at night. That went on for a while untill the wolf appeared. We don't have wolves in Australia and since I had recently read that chapter of the book, it was not hard to work out what was going on.

Wolves hunt in packs, so the wolves one can see are not the dangerous ones. So one can relax somewhat and study. Long story short; the wolf grabbed me by the back of the neck with it's jaws while I was gardening in my vegetable patch and just held on. Okay. After a few minutes I saw a small human looking girl who looked about two or three years old.

She had what looked like a six inch thorn embedded in her abdomen.

That is when the penny drops and one understands the situation. The wolf's precious thing was injured and the wolf wanted help. If she could remove the thorn herself she would have done so. Now we understand that she sees humans as dangerous and was taking precaution by holding my neck in her jaws. She had to overcome her suspicions of me so she could get help for her precious thing. Understandable.

So pull the thorn out and they simply disappear and no more wolves in my vege garden.

A similar thing with the reptilian shape-shifters the Hundu call Nagi. They can be found below the temples in India still. They are scary too.

Here's an old painting where Arjuna meets the water spirit Urumpi. And yes they do look like that in half human form. They also have a completly human form and a snake form.

I saw one in her human form chained by wrists and ankles in an 'X' within a dungeon below one of those temples. A fella here on ATS and I were talking about a certain temple and so had a sticky beak. Someone mentioned the 'X' is a trademark of the illuminati. So maybe some occultists chained the Nagi up. Anyways, we got her out of those chains, plus another aspect chained in asecond dungeon below that one.

Maybe she was caught and used as a sacrifice by the Hindu saints, wouldn't put it past them to do stuff like that to a Nature Being. The "saints" used to kill and ritually trap the spirits of the slaves who built temples in the walls after all. We would call that blood sacrifices I spose.Making old style temples is a complicated process. I have seen an old cathedral with a similar practice of trapping the Nature Spirit within like the Nagi god was trapped. There are reasons why the church built on the sacred sites of the people they conquored, unpleasant business.

Anyway, after fixing the Nagi's problem, she asked if I wanted immortality. There are old legends about the snake gods bestowing immortality. I so no thanks and was going to leave. Then she explaned she would bite me and I would die, then spend forever in their world. Tempting when one looks at what humans can do each other in this world.

Then she a little human looking girl poked her head around from behind the Nagi and looked at me. That was the Nagi's precious thing, seeing her was the reward for me. The Nagi's attention went to the people above in the temple, it was revenge she was thinking of obviously. I shrugged and let her know I don't stand in the way of revenge. Then she lifted the corner of her mask and smiled and they disappeared. Seeing a snake smile is the most curious of things.

One needs to keep in mind that shape-shifting is a skill, so calling them shape-shifters isn't quite right.

I spose word got to the wolves via the snakes and why they bring their preciouis things to my home occassionally.

That world of the "shape-shifters" overlays our physical reality, so close it is that one can simply reach out and touch them, if they let you.

So I can can understand that there is more to the question of evil "Reptilians" vs good "enlightened human galactic saviours".

edit on 20-10-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: waffled on a bit

posted on Oct, 22 2022 @ 11:17 PM
Well, a lot of things just started to make sense!

Thank God for the providence of divine Truth revealed. This is what the Watchers meant by an old war lost in a far-off place!

I am one step closer to my destiny!

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 02:18 AM

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 03:16 AM
a reply to: Lysergic

This movie tells the whole reptillian story

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 09:18 AM
a reply to: Lysergic

originally posted by: trombleforth
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

PBS NOVA: Arctic Dinosaurs

Nice historical data and argument for warm blooded dinosaurs.

But hey ….. I’ll capitulate on the whole Reptilian’s being able to survive or not survive in cold weather……not solely based on ancient dinosaurs, but on today’s reptile….namely:

……”The Komodo dragon is the largest living lizard species in the world, weighing as much as 200 pounds. These predators can detect their prey from miles away and can speed up their metabolism like warm-blooded mammals even though they are cold-blooded.”……

I suppose an intelligent 200lb. Reptilian Alien, if they exist, could survive in cold weather conditions.


posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 09:36 AM

originally posted by: Saloon
a reply to: Lysergic

This movie tells the whole reptillian story

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 06:31 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Scary Real ?

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

I watched about ten minutes. Some of the talk of encounters with Beings had a familiarity about it. Like the "portals" under stairs. The roads of the dead are like that. Back in the early 1960s, the old house I lived in was a path to the Emu Brewery in Perth Western Australia. The dead drunks used to walk through the house to go soak in the alcohol at the brewery. The Irish talk of the fairy roads, but more than just fairies use those.

The video comentary is outside my experience actually.

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Grain of Salt . Tongue in Cheek Stuff . Entertaining to say the Least , but Questionable at Most .

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