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Why Is The First Thought To Grab A Weapon?

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posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 06:53 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: frogs453

This is the ugly side of gun ownership, the irresponsible!!!

No, this is the ugly side of humanity. They've been irresponsible in this exact same manner since Cain killed his brother Abel. And he didn't use a gun to do it. That proves we can't blame guns for murder. What (or who) do you think we have to blame for murder? I wonder....

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: frogs453

Gas Light Much ? ...................

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 06:57 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: frogs453

Gas Light Much ?

I can answer that for you.


posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

By pondering why someone who has never been in any type of criminal trouble before according to the article reacts to seeing someone on his ring camera, grabs a .45 and chases down a woman who had nothing to do with it?

In what way did I gaslight? You can check my post history. I'm all for gun ownership. I got my cpl about 12 years ago now.

However, like I said, I've taken packages incorrectly delivered to me over to my neighbors. I also have ring cameras. Yet, I don't immediately assume anyone I see on the camera is there to do me harm. I will not take a .45 out of the house to confront any person I see.

I had a political volunteer worker on my porch the other evening right as it was getting dark. I didn't see on the camera she had her daughter, a girl about 11 with her. Can you imagine if I confronted them with my gun? I do take my pitbull to the door with me, but in this case the young girl just got to cuddle and pet her on the porch.

As for my reply earlier, he is well aware of posts in another thread we were on, someone who's a good Patriot flat out referred to cops as terrorists. Got 8 or 9 stars for it too. And there are some congress people selling defund the FBI tshirts. Facts are not gaslighting, trying to claim that the reaction of this man can be blamed on the left is pure gaslighting.
edit on 18-10-2022 by frogs453 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 07:26 PM

Why Is The First Thought To Grab A Weapon?

There are a LOT of bat sh__ insane folks today .
To the sane , weapon is the last option .
From an old country boy.

Thread answered .

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 07:28 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman
Because God, flags, and eagles and stuff.

Next line on the way...
edit on 10/18/22 by Gothmog because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 07:32 PM
Any 100% proof this isn't a staged setup like we too often see 😀

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 07:38 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: frogs453

This is the ugly side of gun ownership, the irresponsible!!!

Yes , liberals buy guns too .
Yet they know nothing of when or how to use them.

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

I value your opinion, but I think you're wrong in the assumption
most people have trust issues. All of these over-reactions/irrational
impulses are caused by fear.

It really depends on everyone's personal experience.
I'm 58 years old and raised in south philly. I can assure
you no one had trust for their neighbors or strangers
in my city in the past. Distrust is always the norm in
a violent environment.

What's changed is a hyper media-driven
society giving everyone the impression
their surrounded by violence.

edit on 10/18/2022 by MrBlaq because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 08:32 PM
Yea because no one is ever murdered senselessly anywhere else.
a reply to: LordAhriman

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 08:37 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

By pondering why someone who has never been in any type of criminal trouble before according to the article reacts to seeing someone on his ring camera, grabs a .45 and chases down a woman who had nothing to do with it?

In what way did I gaslight? You can check my post history. I'm all for gun ownership. I got my cpl about 12 years ago now.

However, like I said, I've taken packages incorrectly delivered to me over to my neighbors. I also have ring cameras. Yet, I don't immediately assume anyone I see on the camera is there to do me harm. I will not take a .45 out of the house to confront any person I see.

I had a political volunteer worker on my porch the other evening right as it was getting dark. I didn't see on the camera she had her daughter, a girl about 11 with her. Can you imagine if I confronted them with my gun? I do take my pitbull to the door with me, but in this case the young girl just got to cuddle and pet her on the porch.

As for my reply earlier, he is well aware of posts in another thread we were on, someone who's a good Patriot flat out referred to cops as terrorists. Got 8 or 9 stars for it too. And there are some congress people selling defund the FBI tshirts. Facts are not gaslighting, trying to claim that the reaction of this man can be blamed on the left is pure gaslighting.

Blah , Blah , Blah . What ? Are you trying to Sell me Insurance here ?

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 08:48 PM

originally posted by: MrBlaq
a reply to: Vroomfondel

I value your opinion, but I think you're wrong in the assumption
most people have trust issues. All of these over-reactions/irrational
impulses are caused by fear.

It really depends on everyone's personal experience.
I'm 58 years old and raised in south philly. I can assure
you no one had trust for their neighbors or strangers
in my city in the past. Distrust is always the norm in
a violent environment.

What's changed is a hyper media-driven
society giving everyone the impression
their surrounded by violence.

I agree, it's even been mentioned here that people are "nervous". I think it goes beyond that. We even see here on ATS, to me post of the topics have some sort of extreme fear element and fear mongering.

I like you, grew up in a city and as a single female rented my first apartment in the middle of Detroit while I went to a University there. There is definitely a difference between being aware of what is around you and of potential danger, and acting on flat out fear.

It's unfortunate that this type of situation is not even out of the norm these days. And very sad a 15 year old now will be giving up a normal teenage life.

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 08:49 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

By pondering why someone who has never been in any type of criminal trouble before according to the article reacts to seeing someone on his ring camera, grabs a .45 and chases down a woman who had nothing to do with it?

In what way did I gaslight? You can check my post history. I'm all for gun ownership. I got my cpl about 12 years ago now.

However, like I said, I've taken packages incorrectly delivered to me over to my neighbors. I also have ring cameras. Yet, I don't immediately assume anyone I see on the camera is there to do me harm. I will not take a .45 out of the house to confront any person I see.

I had a political volunteer worker on my porch the other evening right as it was getting dark. I didn't see on the camera she had her daughter, a girl about 11 with her. Can you imagine if I confronted them with my gun? I do take my pitbull to the door with me, but in this case the young girl just got to cuddle and pet her on the porch.

As for my reply earlier, he is well aware of posts in another thread we were on, someone who's a good Patriot flat out referred to cops as terrorists. Got 8 or 9 stars for it too. And there are some congress people selling defund the FBI tshirts. Facts are not gaslighting, trying to claim that the reaction of this man can be blamed on the left is pure gaslighting.

Blah , Blah , Blah . What ? Are you trying to Sell me Insurance here ?

If you don't care, you simply keep it moving and post on a thread you do care about. It's really not difficult.

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 05:39 AM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: network dude

Seriously? A neighbor puts a package on your door that was misdelivered so the first thought is to rush outside and shoot at the first person you see, because "defund the police"? Now that's really funny.

And don't forget our other discussion here, that had posts showing MAGA does not actually back the blue, traitors remember? And you must have missed congresspeople selling defund the FBI tshirts, so in case you're new to the planet, the FBI is law enforcement as well. Go gaslight someone it will work on.

yes, the left is trying really hard to pretend they weren't the defund crowd. Good luck with that. (there is a tiny bit of video that shows just how stupid that idea really is) The FBI has been proven to be corrupt. If you payed attention, you would know that. And knowing that doesn't diminish the entirety of law enforcement. I can see how with a tiny mind, that would all be the same, but some folks can think a bit better than 2nd grade level.

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 06:21 AM
a reply to: network dude

You're still trying? I never denied anyone on the left said it. I just pointed out that many on the right, even members here have similar feelings. Where the left believes many instances of racism occur within police departments, and that mental health instances should not be responded to with such extreme force, the right believes many are traitors. And it's cute you're trying to justify that it's ok for the right to call for defunding of law enforcement. I certainly never have.

And you truly believe this guy did this in Republican Florida because Fox news and OANN scared him? Maybe he'll use that as a defense. How do you think that will go for him and his son?

Trying to belittle me as you always do, really points to your character.

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 07:30 AM
a reply to: frogs453

I'll offer you a window into why my post made you a sad panda.

My first post ended with this:

and you have people who aren't trained in how to deal with situations like this, doing just this.

So while I did try to explain the "why" I also recognized that the people involved were wrong. And rather than accept that as it is, and contemplating how the defund movement has changed the landscape in the nation, you decided to try to pretend the right is behind that movement. it's a common trick by the idiot left, and it's really transparent.

The MAGA movement was and is pro law enforcement. Some who were criminals likely aren't fans of police, but they are few and far between among the majority of the right. So when you try to paint the right as anti-police, you are doing the usual, projecting your own failures onto others as the democrat establishment does often and frequently.

lastly, if all that hurts your feels, then perhaps you should look inward as to why you thought trying to make it appear that because the FBI is corrupt and along with the DOJ and the IC are all holding Biden's proverbial dick, that means that to notice it, make those who notice anti-police. that's ignorant on it's face, and makes the person (you) who tried to do it look equally as ignorant.

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: frogs453

Looks like they were mimicking exactly what the police do these days..

posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 02:22 PM

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: frogs453

You’re going to have a hard time rationalizing crazy.

Unfortunately, crazy people can make kids just as easy as anyone else.

Yep. You people need to be thoroughly disabused of your drug habits and judgments of other's thoughts as "crazy."

Sane people who own guns "talk crazy" all the time but there's a heavy legal bar on the interpretation, that the sane interpretation should rule, placing "the best construction on all things" so that we do not require the professional services of a bloody attorney for every word we might post or utter in a public place, or risk a forfeiture of our firearms because druggers are taking over our neighborhoods.

posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: frogs453

"Why Is The First Thought To Grab A Weapon?"

Been outside the past few years?
Clown World...that's why.

I'm not saying I think it's the right thing.
But I am saying that's enough for some people.


posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 05:01 AM

originally posted by: frogs453
So, a father and son are charged with attempted murder. A person received a medical delivery meant for the man. He put it on their doorknob. The father got an alert on his ring camera. Left his apartment, saw a woman in a car out front. He approached the vehicle with his gun drawn. She thought she was being carjacked. She backed up to try to get away. The man's 15 year old son sees this and starts shooting. 7 times. She was unhurt, however thankfully her baby was not with her as a bullet went right through the baby seat.

Gino Colonacosta, 73, and his son opened fire Saturday morning after they got a Ring doorbell notification about someone at the front door of their Winter Haven apartment around 7 a.m., Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said.

That person was a neighbor who received a medicine delivery for the Coloncostas at his home, and being “a good Samaritan” he took the medicine and hung it on the Coloncosta’s front door, Judd said.But after receiving an alert from their Ring doorbell camera, the father and son exited their home armed with .45 caliber firearms(at least it wasn't AR 15 this time) searching for a person they suspected to be a burglar, according to the sheriff’s office.

Nearly 100 yards away, they found a woman sitting in a dark-colored vehicle with dark windows and the engine running, looking at her phone, and targeted her, Judd said.The woman threw her car into reverse in an attempt to back out of the way and crashed into a car behind her in the frantic escape.

The teenage son heard the commotion and neared the car and thought “our victim is trying to back into him” and he opened fire, Judd said.

Both Colonacosta and his son started shooting into the car as the woman sped away. The sheriff said neither Colonacosta nor his son had criminal records until Saturday morning, adding, “our goal is for them to go to prison.

“You don’t shoot at people. You don’t leave the security of your home and go out and chase people down,” Judd said in a sharp rebuke.


What is up with people? They couldn't have looked at the area they saw the person on the camera was? Saw the package? The first thought is to go out with a .45?

For a week or so I was getting my neighbors packages. I always took them over and put them on their porch. I thought it was the neighborly thing to do. Now I have to 2nd guess myself I suppose.

What is up with reaching for a gun as a first reaction? And then to just chase down the first person you see while brandishing it? No crime was even committed.

People are stressed out of their mind constantly lately. And that tension leads to incidents like this. Not trying to justify their actions, but a lot of people in US right now are at the edge.

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