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How to find out what's REALLY in the COVID jab?

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posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 07:15 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

The Propaganda is Relentless . Some People Will Fall for it .

I think cognitive dissonance is the strongest force. If you can just ignore a problem it will go away.

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 03:32 AM

originally posted by: thebtheb

originally posted by: Mandroid7
a reply to: DevotedResearcher

(...) or it's an actual attempt to help people through injecting supramagnetic material for a suspected upcoming solar event with some unfortunate side effects.


I find your second idea interesting, to help people with graphene oxide for some upcoming pole shift, etc. Very interesting. I've heard the idea that this solar event will actually evolve humanity, something to do with DNA, and that they are using the vax to prevent us from receiving this "DNA upgrade" because then they won't have control over us.

What do you mean by "pole shifts"? Changes in the tilt of the Earth axis, which would cause catastrophic geological upheavals, or inversions of the polarity, with north and south poles trading places, as happens every few hundreds of thousands of yrs.?

"Solar events", by which you surely mean "solar storms", which increase the intensity of the solar wind, wreck satellites and cause disturbances in the communications and the electric power networks (blackouts), are an entirely different matter, and not only would they never cause beneficial mutations (most of them are undesirable because they are always random, whimsical, chaotic) but they are dangerous if you're in outer space, with no atmosphere to shield you from the charged solar particles, or at the poles or near them, since the force lines of the magnetic field of the planet bend there, touch the surface, channel those particles and make them strike the surface.
edit on 17-10-2022 by quodlibet because: had to add that last paragraph

edit on 17-10-2022 by quodlibet because: mistaken wording of a phrase

edit on 17-10-2022 by quodlibet because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 04:09 AM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: quodlibet

Dr. Robert W. Malone, inventor of the mRNA and the RNA immunity induction treatments, had been warning that his technology was being misused, but he was defamed.

He's upset that his name is not all over it, so he decided to defame the vaccines.

Saying he invented mRNA vaccines is like saying Alexander Graham Bell invented cell phones.

If it's true that he's a dishonest doctor who is claiming that he invented a procedure that others invented, then tell me how I can hire a lawyer who will help me sue him for plagiarism or whatever crime he is committing, without me having to pay anything to the lawyer. Better yet, YOU do us all the favor, posthaste, before that quack jabs a string of viral genes into one of us and sends us into a near-death experience, and we find ourselves in the tunnel, walk towards the light at the end of the tunnel and out onto the lower astral plane, where the demons will attack us and steal our souls.

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 04:56 AM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Bill Gates actually talked about depopulation through the use of vaccines, but I think people have had a hard time believing that he was serious.

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 06:52 AM

originally posted by: DevotedResearcher

originally posted by: CthruU
If there was truly a hidden agenda ( so far ) the jabs would not have been made by multiple suppliers - to many cooks spoil the broth.

I don't believe that's true.

The hidden agenda of depopulation, transhumanism, and worldwide tyranny is obvious to me from the events of the last 2 1/2 years. Think "Great Reset."

Multiple suppliers are all parts of Big Pharma, which belongs in the category of NOT in the interest of we the people.

The fact is, profit-seeking corporations and the globalists who own them have seized control of most of the world's governments.

That's how the jab has been unleashed on the public.

Now it's up to the public to fight back.

I'm not involved with any vax of any description, but I have a lot of experience in an adjacent field.

When you manufacture something like a vaccine multiple people are involved at every step when it comes to purchasing the ingredients, storing them, retrieving them from storage, distributing them in the manufacturing facility, mixing them together and then checking the end product. There are multiple safeguards, checks and balances in place to prevent contamination or a bad mix going through.

Adding in an extra ingredient, changing the ingredient ratio, or putting in a Mislabelled ingredient without it being picked up would either require gross incompetence or for dozens of people in every facility to be part of the conspiracy.

We're not just talking about a few corrupt managers but the QSE tea, the external auditors, and people on the shop floor at every level. Now multiply that by the number of facilities around the world.

We're talking 10s of thousands of people.

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 07:20 AM

originally posted by: DevotedResearcher
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Bill Gates actually talked about depopulation through the use of vaccines, but I think people have had a hard time believing that he was serious.

Gates was talking about people in Africa having 2 or 3 kids, instead of 5 or 6. Because they would have a better chance of survival to adulthood.

Not sterilising people.

Basically what happened in Europe after the industrial revolution.

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 07:43 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
Gates was talking about people in Africa having 2 or 3 kids, instead of 5 or 6. Because they would have a better chance of survival to adulthood.

That's the cover story.

Bill Gates is a eugenicist.

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 10:53 AM

originally posted by: DevotedResearcher

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
Gates was talking about people in Africa having 2 or 3 kids, instead of 5 or 6. Because they would have a better chance of survival to adulthood.

That's the cover story.

Bill Gates is a eugenicist.

He is more of a psychotic individual who believes he has a say on how the world should be managed and what decisions should be taken at a global level.

I say
Mr Gates! Keep your views and ideas to yourself and to your family. Others can think for themselves and they don't need modern Messiahs and moral crusaders.

Just as a friend of mine says who is of Irish descent: "The world doesn't need to be saved. It was saved 2,000 years ago.."

Can we trust the media or let's say the Pharmaceutical Companies for anything? Including the ingredients that these vaccines are made of.
The Pharmaceutical Companies and the Media have damaged their credibility irreversibly.
edit on 17-10-2022 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit
Those are indeed the questions. If you find out the answers let me know

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 01:12 PM

originally posted by: DevotedResearcher
Poornima Wagh was a good source until her credentials got questioned, she was called a fraud, and she dropped out of the public eye. She had testified that her team around the world had examined the contents of vials and had found nothing biological in them—but LOTS of heavy metal contamination.

I highly recommend people watch: Dr. Lee Merritt and Poornima Wagh

In the video, Wagh states that the vials examined by her team included Novavax, Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J.

She said there is no mRNA, no spike protein.

But lots of heavy metal contamination, among other things.

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 04:45 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: DevotedResearcher

originally posted by: CthruU
If there was truly a hidden agenda ( so far ) the jabs would not have been made by multiple suppliers - to many cooks spoil the broth.

I don't believe that's true.

The hidden agenda of depopulation, transhumanism, and worldwide tyranny is obvious to me from the events of the last 2 1/2 years. Think "Great Reset."

Multiple suppliers are all parts of Big Pharma, which belongs in the category of NOT in the interest of we the people.

The fact is, profit-seeking corporations and the globalists who own them have seized control of most of the world's governments.

That's how the jab has been unleashed on the public.

Now it's up to the public to fight back.

I'm not involved with any vax of any description, but I have a lot of experience in an adjacent field.

When you manufacture something like a vaccine multiple people are involved at every step when it comes to purchasing the ingredients, storing them, retrieving them from storage, distributing them in the manufacturing facility, mixing them together and then checking the end product. There are multiple safeguards, checks and balances in place to prevent contamination or a bad mix going through.

Adding in an extra ingredient, changing the ingredient ratio, or putting in a Mislabelled ingredient without it being picked up would either require gross incompetence or for dozens of people in every facility to be part of the conspiracy.

We're not just talking about a few corrupt managers but the QSE tea, the external auditors, and people on the shop floor at every level. Now multiply that by the number of facilities around the world.

We're talking 10s of thousands of people.

If they couldn't be bothered to test the vaccine to see if it prevented transmission, I scarcely think they have issued a ton of checks and balances. Classically, going back decades, there have been all kinds of problems with vaccine batches. The food industry uses the same "rigorous" check and balance system, yet has recalls every year.

It's not a matter of people being "in on it", it's a matter of them not knowing what is going on and thinking they're doing their job.

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 08:55 PM

originally posted by: CthruU
a reply to: DevotedResearcher

If there was truly a hidden agenda ( so far ) the jabs would not have been made by multiple suppliers - to many cooks spoil the broth.

Although many may suffer side effects this is par for the course with any experimental drug, its far to early in the game to release the types of jabs you speak,they are still learning. The jabs so far are an experiment in compliance - the best is yet to come.

The key as you put it is actually to learn to not panic, to not allow coercion to not override that little voice inside that screams no and to put health before wealth.

Any ploy to underhandedly inject the masses with as you put it transhumanism or deliberate poison will not be so easily available for testing i can assure you of that.

When the real jabs you think are here they will not be handed out to countless parties to administer they will bring it to you- no third parties.

The jabs so far reek of............testing testing 1,2,3.......and the readiness of the majority to throw all caution to the wind was everything they had hoped for initial testing purposes.

When it really starts and it will make no mistake you will know.

What? Too many cooks provide plausible deniability and cover. It makes the hunt for the worst and most dangerous offender more difficult whilst allowing them to feign naivety, which slows down any solutions thereby maximizing the damage.

If you had an agenda to accomplish with a vaccine weapon, wouldn't that be the absolute best plan?

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 07:18 AM

originally posted by: DevotedResearcher
For answers, it seems to me we can't trust mainstream media, science, or medicine.

Because I follow The Medical Rebel Dr. Lee Merritt's Telegram, I see posted today a new video on the free-speech platform Odysee. I recognize the name for the channel, "StopTheCrime." That is the good work of an independent researcher that I have followed for over a decade who does extensive reading of primary documents, posts them, and shares her analysis.

The video is 10:38 long and here are my notes for the first 50 seconds regarding what the jabs Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Janssen and Moderna contain, according to Ricardo Delgado Bioestadistico of La Quinta Columna:

1. Nanorouters

2. Nanoantennas and plasmonic antennas

3. Nano-rectennas (which act as rectifier bridges of alternating/direct current)

4. Codecs and certain logic gates for encryption of these nanocommunications emitted from the inoculated individual to a remote server

Breaking News: SHOCKING - Here is What Really is in the Vaccines

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 04:27 AM

originally posted by: DevotedResearcher
In order to find solutions, one needs to know what we're dealing with. What poisons are in the jab?

Dr. Bryan Ardis of the documentary Watch the Water, about which he did a 3-part interview laying out all of his research that led to the documentary, with Mike Adams of Natural News, published 7 months ago on Brighteon; has recently done an interview with Stew Peters.

(Dr. Ardis is doing what he’s doing because of his outrage from his personal experience seeing his father-in-law killed by hospital protocols. Since then he has dedicated himself to research and dot connecting, which, in my opinion, he is very good at. His focus is on saving lives at this point in time. In other words, he’s looking for the truth about what’s in the jabs (mRNA and non-mRNA) SO THAT TREATMENTS can be explored.)

In the following interview, Ardis talks about the side-effects for the jab that are showing up in the U.S. government reporting system, VAERS, for BOTH mRNA and non-mRNA jabs, and the fact that they match the effects of venom poisoning.

The point is: Known treatment for venom poisoning is the logical treatment for vax-injured people.

Also, apparently, venom should be considered both a poison and a medicine, because evidently venom is used in anti-venom therapy as well as in other medications.

In this video, Stew Peters points out that more than one theory about what is in the jab can be true. It could be “all of the above,” as in self-assembling nanoparticles, biosynthetic parasites, and venom. (Synthetic venom.)

[Warning: There is a more than irritating moving ad next to this Rumble video]

LIVE: Dr. Ardis UNCOVERS Demonic Plot Behind Gene-Editing, mRNA Death Shots

edit on 10/28/2022 by DevotedResearcher because: Typo

edit on 10/28/2022 by DevotedResearcher because: Format

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 05:10 AM
a reply to: LordAhriman
Cayman Chemical i got this info from first days of vaccines deployment. gh802 h225 ghs06 h310 h351 h361 h372 ghs09 1 h410 SM102 sm12 lipids sm 102 has one more element not in description heptadecan-9yl sm102 has heptadecan -9-yl-8-[a=hydroxyethyl] [6-oxo-6] [undecyloxy]hexyl]amino]octanoate] ionizable amino lipid used in combination with other nano lipid particles luciferase mRNA ALL VERY TOXIC these vaccines never got tested fear was deployed after agenda 201 prior to the said out break a simulated exercise of covid out break and how to deal with anyone countering the B.S. why was C.I.A. involved the director. The biggest deadly lie in history of the human race .before anyone can say differently please do your home work name numbers the crumbs that led to the rabbit hole population reduction great reset

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 05:33 AM

originally posted by: DevotedResearcher
LIVE: Dr. Ardis UNCOVERS Demonic Plot Behind Gene-Editing, mRNA Death Shots

A screenshot:

Dr. Ardis just said mRNA technology is venom research.

This makes sense to me, because it seems clear now that Dr. Robert Malone's occupation leading up to the scamdemic was working on weapons.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 06:41 AM

originally posted by: DevotedResearcher
LIVE: Dr. Ardis UNCOVERS Demonic Plot Behind Gene-Editing, mRNA Death Shots

This video also includes information about Karen Kingston's research into patents and what they reveal about the technology that's now showing itself in vaxxed people. Keyword: quantum dot technology. Quantum dots emit electromagnetic fields.

A screenshot:

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 07:13 AM

originally posted by: DevotedResearcher

A screenshot:

Karen Kingston is saying:

1. Your cells are part technology and part human.
2. Quantum dot is an electronic device; it's an intelligent technology.
3. Your cells are now receiving signals in your body.
4. Ultimately you will have no free will.

Apparently, Karen Kingston is the only spokesperson for this information at present, and desperately needs other truthseekers to step up to the plate.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 08:01 AM

originally posted by: DevotedResearcher
Apparently, Karen Kingston is the only spokesperson for this information at present, and desperately needs other truthseekers to step up to the plate.

An interview of Karen Kingston by Maria Zeee:

Karen Kingston joins Maria Zeee to explain the way humans have now been connected to the demonic realm through the nanotech in COVID-19 injections and the quantum field - but there's more.

The patents show that nanotechnology is embedded into everyday products and every single human has been exposed.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 08:29 AM

originally posted by: DevotedResearcher
An interview of Karen Kingston by Maria Zeee . . .

In the interview, Karen Kingston says that the concept that mRNA gain of function viruses are infectious is not true, because they have to be merged with nanotechnology for any harm to be done to the human body.

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