posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 09:13 AM
I know this comes from extreme grief, as my nephew was seriously beaten by bikers 2 days ago, and they are pulling the plug in a few hours.
The reason I'm writing this, is because I had told my sister that I'm praying he wasn't an organ doner, because being an adult male in the prime of
life, and unvaccinated, he is worth more dead than alive. My niece, his twin had already signed for organ donation. He started opening his eyes,
tightening his grip, one side of his face was paralyzed, but the CT scan didn't show a reason for it. Then suddenly we are told he took a turn for
the worse and is now brain dead.
I fell to my knees screaming no no no he was murdered by the Dr for his organs. When I composed myself I messaged my sister with the news, at that
minute my autistic grandson,s bus pulled up, so I left the tablet on the bed, and ran out to get him. When I returned, the words "Thanks for saying
that" were written. I messaged my sister, with "your not going to believe what just happened", and told her about it. And that message repeated
itself, it is written 2 x.
So I think I'm trying to say, make sure to make it clear to your loved ones where you stand on organ donation. And make your decision wisely, your
life might depend on it.