posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 12:09 PM
So we’ve all been to public restrooms or areas that have paper towel dispensers right? Well I’ve seen all kinds of brands but there’s always
been a few that stick out so this took me by surprise.
I have never personally witnessed a Mandela effect before of my own and this is a very simple one. I clearly remember the name being York on paper
towel dispensers, not Tork!!!!!!
This paper towel dispenser is located in a huddle house in Tazewell county Virginia. I know for a fact that I have never heard of this brand before
but if I Google it, it’s everywhere with no remnants of the name York, which is what I clearly remember on these types of towel dispensers and
possibly hand soap dispensers as well.
I showed the photo to a friend of mine that was with me at dinner, and he also said that he has never heard this brand before and he can only remember
the names, Scott and York being used in commercial settings.
So has anyone else come across this? Have I discovered a small Mandela effect or is this just a case of I’m not remembering things correctly?