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Some very convincing photo's

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posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 10:00 PM
Not to change the subject... but do any of you get depressed when looking at pics in space and you see the moon and these massive planets, the milky way, and colorful distant galaxies that we'll never see for ourselves?

I look at these pictures and I'm amazed sometimes how humans are crazy about having money and being wealthy when we could be peaceful and help each other to achieve success and just move forward. There is no stoping the potential we have to move forward in space and here on earth.

Thats just me tho and I'm compassionate at times when I think about things. I come on ATS to inform myself of things going on in the world and I read about all these conspiracies about corruption in government or moon landing hoaxes and other negative crap and I wonder why people do these things for little things such as money and power when theres so much to explore and learn about. I look at these pictures and just go into deep thoughts about things. Do any of you think like this or am I just crazy lol?

Sorry that was so long and for changing the subject, just curious and wanted to get away from the negativity about the "moon landing hoax" stuff.

[edit on 10-4-2005 by metalfan87]

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 12:14 AM
Look. It happened OK! We went to the moon. I seen it live on television. I watched Neil step off the lunar module. I heard him make his speach. I went to the museum to look at some of the rocks they brought back. Despite all the evidence that is readily available some still think its a hoax. Why would you spend billions on creating something perfectly capable of transporting 3 men to the moon and back and then not do so.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by The Block
Look. It happened OK! We went to the moon. I seen it live on television. I watched Neil step off the lunar module. I heard him make his speach. I went to the museum to look at some of the rocks they brought back. Despite all the evidence that is readily available some still think its a hoax. Why would you spend billions on creating something perfectly capable of transporting 3 men to the moon and back and then not do so.

We did go to the moon. As said in a previous post it would be hard to keep from the population especially something so big and with the Soviets watching our every move. Some people just can't take in the fact that the world we live in is random and spectacular things do happen. People will always down play achievements made by others and people will always come up with crazy stories about tragedies such as the JFK assasination, the Lebanon prime minister assasination, OK bombing, and 9/11 terrorist attacks saying that they were planned by CIA or Government. Sometimes they bring up good points and questions that need to be answered with good detailed info explaining what happened and investigations should be done to shoot down Conspiracy theories which sometimes get out of control.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by apc
Ive noticed in a lot of photos cited as being "a clear hoax", a reasonable explanation for the anomalies presented are that the photographs are indeed man made or local photoghraphs.

An even more rational explanation can be had by understanding some basic principles of optics and photography and the physics of an airless environment.

If some of the shots taken on the Moon didnt live up to expectations, they could have easily redone the takes in a closed set.


There would be obvious faults as have been pointed out showing why the many pictures are authentic, but by confining the field of view most could be obscured.
Just somethin to think about when looking at pictures that show clear anomalies.

Those who believe that the moon landing was faked, must think that NASA is run by idiots, along with the rest of the world.

There has not been a single so called "anomaly" that has not been thoroughly debunked.

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 09:50 AM
I notice the cross hairs are behind the lunar vehical, and Scott Hadley Delta again the cross hair is behind where it should be in front?

Comments ?


posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by Ark-Angel
I notice the cross hairs are behind the lunar vehical, and Scott Hadley Delta again the cross hair is behind where it should be in front?

Comments ?


They are not "behind" anything. They are washed out by the lighter surfaces.

This is an inherant limitiation of film exposure.

[edit on 13-4-2005 by HowardRoark]

posted on Apr, 15 2005 @ 09:12 PM
The "flag waving" problem seems to come up more than any other, which blows my mind b/c it is so easily debunked. The other day I had an idea, I looked at it from the other way around, like this:

If you think the landing is fake b/c the flag is 'waving,' then are you suggesting that a closed sound stage has a stiff breeze blowing through it???

posted on Apr, 15 2005 @ 09:23 PM
Nice pics, but some more would be nice!

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 11:24 PM
[edit on 17-4-2005 by Ken_Allen]

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