posted on Oct, 12 2022 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to:
Yes, it's top notch and a lookout on the future for lower tier class cars, the tech will trickle down. It's been like this with every ICE innovation,
go figure. So now we compare water vehicles with road vehicles, is that the goal post you need moved to bring up an argument?
Drives awesome. Torque vectoring and the acceleration is just nuts. Very comfortable too. I drive it daily, it actually is very relaxing to drive
because it's so silent. Only the first month was difficult to handle and judge battery but I never got into trouble running out of charge. And I drive
it hard every day, the AC or stereo is peanuts compared to my driving style.
I give no mercy, just like I would in an ICE. Range is solid 420km with a 20min charge and some fun driving. Range obviously goes down drastically, I
would say 250-280km driving fast and accelerating a lot, with recuperation in mind instead of just slamming the brakes.
Yes, ICE beats the range currently, but that is not what this thread is about. It's about people that further the prejudices because they can't see
past their dish plate.
At days I complain internally about "loud wind noises" or that "the raindrops are loud today".
edit on 12.10.2022 by TDDAgain because: 20min, not 20%