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BLM cared nothing for black lives

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posted on Oct, 11 2022 @ 11:35 AM

originally posted by: Lysergic
That's cute Kenny can't ever formulate an actual response it's usually reeeee racists. When asked about guns he had to run away.

Bodi still upset over abortion.

Now you found each other how ironic.

A sister of the kkk was the one behind planned parenthood and it was to make sure blacks had less children.

Thanks for the lulz.

I answered his general question about guns to the best of my ability. He kept pressing about things I haven’t researched or thought about so I didn’t want to say anything I had no knowledge of. I don’t just say the first thing that comes to my mind when speaking to someone.

posted on Oct, 11 2022 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: Kenny2xx

I haven’t researched or thought about

and I wonder just how long that list really is ? Things you've never considered. ?

I myself was a Barack Obama voting Democrat until I opened my eyes and started doing research on the true History of Liberal ideals.

Once that sense of independent Logic takes hold there is no shaking it mate.

posted on Oct, 11 2022 @ 12:05 PM
The reason for my OP is, it ticks me off that all of these institutions are supposed to help people, but only end up helping that 1%. It ticks me off to drive thru a rich white neighborhood and see how well maintained the roads are, and then drive thru a black community and see how the roads look like they haven't been touched since they were first laid down. Zero maintenance on those roads. It ticks me off to see how anyone is treated better than another, especially when it's because of skin color. My OP was never intended to shame anyone or strike up some racist hate mongering. I have love in my heart for ALL people. And it is wrong to push people to the side while helping others. No one is better than the other. And to think one person is better then another person strictly bc of the color of their skin is....... disgusting and retched, immortal and unethical. I posted what I did so that this crap isn't swept under the rug like everything else. We need to keep these stories circulating, so they stay with us, and to try and figure out how to steer clear of all their bs, lies and scams.
I would have loved to see BLM actually do something useful for the community it was supposed to be in support of. And it ticked me off to see this woman living it up while others suffer.

And yes I'm white and I'm a man. But I'm also poor. And I'll let ya in on a fact. A poor white man has zero "white privilege." They don't care about me anymore than anyone else who isn't lining their pockets. This is the truth that we need to understand. They've turned all of us against one another. And in actuality
we are all in the same boat. We're all getting screwed! If we can put this race bullcra* behind us, and collaborate together we will see that together we are powerful and a powerful voice that wouldn't be ignored. We're so busy blaming the wrong people. And that's exactly what they want.
So stop falling into their rhetoric. Think for yourselves. None of us are smarter than all of us, and we are all of equal value. Every Soul Matters!

So no, I'm not a racist and it does bother me when people spew that word. I don't hate anyone. What I hate is all it's forms.
We are one.
One Love

edit on 11-10-2022 by AOx6179 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2022 @ 12:36 PM

originally posted by: AOx6179
The reason for my OP is, it ticks me off that all of these institutions are supposed to help people, but only end up helping that 1%. It ticks me off to drive thru a rich white neighborhood and see how well maintained the roads are, and then drive thru a black community and see how the roads look like they haven't been touched since they were first laid down. Zero maintenance on those roads. It ticks me off to see how anyone is treated better than another, especially when it's because of skin color. My OP was never intended to shame anyone or strike up some racist hate mongering. I have love in my heart for ALL people. And it is wrong to push people to the side while helping others. No one is better than the other. And to think one person is better then another person strictly bc of the color of their skin is....... disgusting and retched, immortal and unethical. I posted what I did so that this crap isn't swept under the rug like everything else. We need to keep these stories circulating, so they stay with us, and to try and figure out how to steer clear of all their bs, lies and scams.
I would have loved to see BLM actually do something useful for the community it was supposed to be in support of. And it ticked me off to see this woman living it up while others suffer.

And yes I'm white and I'm a man. But I'm also poor. And I'll let ya in on a fact. A poor white man has zero "white privilege." They don't care about me anymore than anyone else who isn't lining their pockets. This is the truth that we need to understand. They've turned all of us against one another. And in actually we are all in the same boat. We're all getting screwed! If we can put this race bullcra* behind us, and collaborate together we will see that together we are powerful and a powerful voice that wouldn't be ignored. We're so busy blaming the wrong people. And that's exactly what they want.
So stop falling into their rhetoric. Think for yourselves. None of us are smarter than all of us, and we are all of equal value. Every Soul Matters!

So no, I'm not a racist and it does bother me when people spew that word. I don't hate anyone. What I hate is all it's forms.
We are one.
One Love

Bacon’s rebellion in 1676 is when TPTB broke up the relationship between poor whites and poor blacks. The elites used color to separate the people so they wouldn’t be able to come together and overthrow them anymore.

posted on Oct, 11 2022 @ 01:08 PM
Then let's use that knowledge you just dropped and stop hating each other. United we stand......devided we fall.
Cheers, brother Kenny2xx a reply to: Kenny2xx

posted on Oct, 11 2022 @ 01:20 PM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
a reply to: Boadicea

I'm a woman and I think the complains agasint "modern women" are valid.

To me, a "modern" woman is one who is alive today, so I have no idea what you mean by "modern women." I can't even substitute "Feminist" for "modern" because there are so many different types of Feminists -- from Rad Fems to Trad Fems. It's a term that let's people define it however they want, so it's a term that has no meaning. Except that it very easily allows ALL women to be targeted without distinction.

I've been a tomboy my whole life...

As have I, and it means nothing in the big picture.

...and this is just the way guys talk.

No, this is just how some guys talk, and it's just as unfair to target ALL men with that broad brush as it is to tar ALL women with a broad brush. It's also despicable that so many are happy to drag good men down to their level just to excuse their own bad behavior. I've known and loved and been loved by good men all my life, and I have seen them stand up for women in various situations with honor and integrity and just plain old humanity.

"We don't disrespect women here. If that's a problem for you, there's the door."

"(This woman) is a guest in my home and will not be treated so rudely."

"If you want to pick a fight, you're going to have to pick it with me."

These are the men I know and love.

And I can guarandamntee you that most husbands would open a can of whoopass on anyone who spoke to their wives the way that some posters speak to the female posters, and about women in general. But just so damn easy and fun fun fun to do on an anonymous internet forum. I do appreciate those men that speak well of their wives and the women they know and love, but it doesn't erase everyone else.

It's not misogyny if they're pointing our valid poor behavior on the part of women any more than when women point out bad behavior on the part of men.

"Our"? As I already indicated, yes, discussing specific bad behavior on behalf of specific women is not misogyny. Discussing all women of any bad behavior is misogyny.

Personally I believe the War of the Sexes to be infantile.

We're different, and difference is good, it creates balance.

Yes, we're all different. Not just men and women. Men are all different. Women are all different. We are all individuals.

And I agree with your point that ATS used to be a lot more "alternative" back in the day but it does more good to make posts about topics you're interested in than just complaining about the current dynamic.

I am making posts about a topic I'm interested in. I'm just not on the same bandwagon.

posted on Oct, 11 2022 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Rock and roll.

posted on Oct, 12 2022 @ 01:36 AM
That’s how these things work. It was likely originally some kind of organic movement that could have had real purpose, and the second it gained any type of traction it was infiltrated and manipulated.

Why assassinate MLK when you can infiltrate his group, push power to some corrupt POS, use them all for votes, and bring it all crashing down so everyone involved never buys into another movement? They’ve learned.

BLM did it’s job during the election and obviously it couldn’t stick around when the left swept pres/house/senate. When the next election came around they would have lots of questions to answer about why BLM issues weren’t fixed. Insert the corrupt time bomb leaders for the exit strategy.

I do have hope that BLM has had a lasting effect on the peoples trust in law enforcement. With the insane stories we do see/hear about, we can only imagine the number of people who have actually been affected by corrupt law enforcement. We should hold them to higher standards and they should be held accountable when appropriate - I think we have “quietly” been way off on both of those for a long time (especially in low-income communities) and BLM did a good job of slapping all of us in the face with that again.

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