This is a breaking news story so not a lot of details other than the headlines, but will post more as it appears.
Twitter and Elon were heading to trial to force him to purchase company on original deal terms.
Now Twitter is opposed to dropping the trial scheduled for later this month.
Why would they do that?
To keep Musk from having control over Twitter ahead of the midterm elections.
They got everything they wanted, there's no other reason.
edit on Thu Oct 6 2022 by DontTreadOnMe because:
Source needed ASAP
I've posted 4 links to support this news story in this thread if you aren't satisfied maybe be more specific what you are looking for. or just delete
the post I don't care.
edit on 6-10-2022 by juulzverne because: (no reason given)
It's likely the "them" group pulling these strings. They can't loose a major propaganda outlet, and likely never thought Musk would follow through on
this. They are a bit scared. What if some altruistic billionaire decided to buy face#? The "they" group would only have the MSM, and China's Tick
Hopefully Musk is a truly honest guy. It will be fun to see what a sham social media really is. And it is. So much of it is fake that Satan himself
would be proud and at the same time ashamed that he didn't think of creating social media himself.
TDB aligning with the political left on their spin of this event. And no, the article doesn't expound on what this "sneaky play" would be. But he's
oh so sneaky that Elon guy. Not Twitter, they're not sneaky at all.
Probably best article I found discussing this topic. Sounds like Twitter brought up concerns of debt financing and don't want the trial dropped
before the deal is closed. Honestly doesn't make sense. Twitter shouldn't need to worry about the way that Elon gets the money if everything clears
with officials with oversight of these transactions. Sounds like finding any way to cause a delay.
I would think that if your offer was accepted by the seller and you both agreed to the sale price and then afterwards the seller started throwing up
new roadblocks--- that would be grounds for not moving forward with the sale at all.
as best as I can gather the Twitter argument here is that if they drop the trial then Musk will renege on his agreement to buy Twitter. So they want
to force the courts to waste time and resources on a trial to determine if Musk should be forced to buy TWitter at his original accepted offer which
is what he's already doing.
the logic doesn't make sense on its face. they're obviously filing on the assumption that Musk is playing 4D chess.
Interesting to go back to this article from August when Musk asked for trial to be delayed until after election but Twitter and the court rejected