posted on Oct, 6 2022 @ 07:49 AM
quick bit of info just to offset the absolute shrikes in this thread screaming blue murder while showing their total ignorance;
- blockers are NOT surgery, NO ONE is doing surgery on a child
- blockers are just a course of pills, often prescribed [YES TO CHILDREN] for things like overactive thyroids
- this is NOT human experimentation or wildly unknown business, we know exactly what's going on here and a professional endocrinologist [someone who
actually knows what they're talking about sorry armchair warriors] will be working with and monitoring the child constantly. EVEN AS AN ADULT there
are frequent checkups and blood tests, and while everyone has a different comfortable level of all the different hormones, it's relatively easy to
keep tabs on these and tweak what's working and what's not
- blockers are NOT permanent and will NOT cause lasting damage. if, at an absolute worst case, the child takes the blockers for years before deciding
they don't want to transition, even then "late bloomers" are not an unknown or unhealthy phenomenon. What is far, far, FAR more likely however, is
that they will have made up their mind long before that and either gone off the blockers of their own volition - it's just pills! you can just stop
taking them! - or decided to go through with transition and will be UNBELIEVABLY better off for not having developed secondary characteristics of
their natal sex. And let me just remind you that when i say "better off" what i mean is ghouls like you lot will treat them better for it
- blockers are not carcinogenic man what the hell
- they don't give kids ANY hormones, let alone the treatment they give to sex offenders come on are we trying to be as lurid and cartoonish as we
actually you know what i'm out