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Missile accident in South Korea

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posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 08:02 PM
South Korean officials are reporting that a Hyunmoo-2 ballistic missile malfunctioned and exploded on Gangneung Air Base today during a live fire exercise. They're trying to determine what caused the malfunction, but it created panic in the area that it was a North Korean missile. The Hyunmoo missile has been in operation since the 1980s, with the Hyunmoo-2 family increasing range and accuracy, with the -2C being unveiled in 2017. Last year they tested a Hyunmoo 4-4, which was launched from a KSS-III submarine.

A South Korean ballistic missile malfunctioned and crashed into the ground early Wednesday during a live-fire drill with the United States, panicking confused residents of a coastal city already uneasy over increasingly provocative weapons tests by rival North Korea.

The sound of the blast and subsequent fire led many in Gangneung to believe it could be a North Korean attack, concern that only grew as the military and government officials provided no explanation about the explosion for hours.

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 08:22 PM
a reply to: Zaphod58

Thanks for the update, Zaph! It seems that the whole World in on edge right now.

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 08:25 PM
Too many things bad are happening too fast around the world these days. Even the weather is angry.

posted on Oct, 5 2022 @ 02:12 AM
It was an attempt at a night launch of a Hyunmoo-2C ballistic missile. The -2C has a range of 800 km (500 miles), with a warhead half the weight of the previous missiles. It also has a larger TEL. The warhead section has maneuvering fins, similar to the Pershing II, which would suggest a maneuvering reentry vehicle. The CEP is reported at 1-5 meters.

posted on Oct, 5 2022 @ 06:05 AM
a reply to: Zaphod58

I hope they can figure it out. They don't need to be considered easy pickings at this point or the whole region will tumble into absolute chaos when the SHTF. We know the Japanese can flat out do well in the ocean setting. Being a series of islands makes them vulnerable if they don't have a great defense system. The centuries old man verse man in that area is going to raise it's ugly head again no matter if they are ready or not.

The last generation of Americans still has a burning sensation in their guts from Pearl Harbor and the Nippon Imperialistic Dynasty spreading out and pillaging the world around them like Genghis Khan. That bunch is dead and buried for the most part. They would not be happy that we sided with Japan about anything unless they understood how Japan is standing against that New World Order Daddy Bush promised. NWO that promises the destruction of society to build their own empire.

edit on 5-10-2022 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2022 @ 08:51 AM
OOOooo, it malfunctioned??? Think on this one. What if it malfunctioned and landed near Pyongyang. "Oh it was only a malfunction" you'd try and say as you were picking your teeth and gums out of the tarmac that you'd just melted into. Little boys playing with big toys.

posted on Oct, 5 2022 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: crayzeed

Despite all the deliberate acts of violence being perpetrated around the globe, it will be a complete accident that becomes the trigger for our destruction. That is how insane this universe is. Why can't these children put away their dangerous toys and play nicely?

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