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Cohesive summary of the New World Order Theory

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posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 10:16 AM
Hi ATS'ers,
I don't know if there have been any good forum posts discussing the broader picture of the new world order theory but I found this video the other day and watched all three parts.
It was a pretty interesting watch.
Something I've noticed for a while since I've started thinking more deeply about the state of our sociecty, politics, and the utter lunacy that seems to be eminating from the radical left is the links between the sheer division of every aspect of society and communism. The lunacy that we see in relation to such ideas as tyranical patriarchy and the gender "debate" / critical(+race) theory seem to me to be part of an attack on objective truth rooted in marxist doctrine.

However I'd been hearing little tidbits and hints about satanism being involved somewhere in the mix and could never put my finger on the link.
I watched those 3 videos and it really summed it all up and tied it together into a cohesive model for me. I am still quite historically naive pre ww2, being relatively young etc.
It's really infuriating for someone who is on the moderate / center left to not have any sensible figures who are willing to denounce the lunacy of the radical left and seek common ground with the center right.

It's interesting to think of predictive programming in the context of intent as the videos cover.
Im fairly convinced that there is a decent chance it is real and occuring right now. Although I would love to be proven wrong.

More broadly I'm just wondering if anyone has any thoughts on the New World Order theory?
Anyone able to sum up the model / theory in a different way etc?

posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 10:27 AM
Seems that Putin is the new Hitler.

posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 10:34 AM
Welcome to forums.
I've been actively studying these subjects since the early 90's and have come to the conclusion that the energy behind the nwo is satanic or anti-God / anti-life in nature.

When you look at what it attempts to weaken or attack; family, God, identify, love, etc, you understand its motivations. Communism, marxism, socialism etc are just tools designed to weaken their opponents. They just want a pool of equally irrelevant beings to feed upon as those beings behind these dark forces are parasitic in nature. Their Co-Creative abilities have been destroyed and they can no longer create, leaving them to twist, corrupt or decay reality.
Another reason why the left can't meme but that's just thrown in for some humor.

This really is a battle between God and evil. Religion has its place but much of that real history had been altered and diluted as well. Stay close to nature and in the Light and get to know who you really are.

posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: RonnieJersey

That is indeed what they are trying to make us believe ... and by 'they', I mean at a minimum the 6 gigantic corporations that control virtually all of the mainstream media, IMHO

They are doing everything in their power to portray Mr. Putin as the 'new Hitler'. It is working to some degree, too.

posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 10:58 AM
Those truly running the show do everything in their power to stay out of the limelight, and the media is complicit.

You never see the world's richest person(s) named in Forbes; the Rothchild's.

Drawing religion like a gun is just shifting blame to avoid personal responsibility, IMO. Every one of us has a bit of 'satan' in us, and it's what you nurture that counts and makes you a productive human being or a drain on society that fuels the current world state.







posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: starshift
Yeah after watching that video I mentioned in the original post, I've started to gain atleast a cursory understanding of the religious elements at play here. It is all quite new to me and I do feel like there is just a sheer unimaginable quantity of information ahead of me to learn and process and tie together into this working model.

Interestingly I've started exploring the idea of religion and God and reaching out a tentative hand so to speak, which is quite odd for me. I'm quite scientifically minded etc. But after some time on ATS and stumbling into various new areas such as spirituality and third eye type things Im atleast willing to accept there may be something to it.

I find the that the concept of an interconnected universe is actually scientifically compatible in the sense of a yet undiscovered field that may surround us and also fill the vaccuum (which would be the field that radio waves propogate through).

Now from my extremely limited knowledge from the maybe 20 minutes I heard isn't Lucifers desire to create new Worlds, but he can't as only God can? Hence he tries to destroy instead.

Also I wonder if that ties into biblical mentions of a new type of life potentially being linked to AI / Transhumanism

And a new world being created eg. The metaverse.

Forgive my naivety in the topic of religion it's very very new to me.
Im also not really sure if any particular religion is a good idea, I tend to think of it like this.

I could err on the side of caution and just have faith in God and do what I think to be right, rather than try to decide which religion to go for as I believe most of them have been corrupted / perverted at least in some sense, (historically for control purposes etc, think of how many wars have been fought over religion)

Sorry for my scatterbrained thoughts.
Just hard to tie all my ideas and thoughts into a neat, flowing, manner.

posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: Brigadier

since I've started thinking more deeply about the state of our society, politics, and the utter lunacy that seems to be eminating from the radical left

So you've been thinking more deeply... I see. Try to think more objectively and you will also find the far right lunacy. Otherwise your NWO summary will end up being incomplete, and biased.

posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: nugget1
That's also a really good point and I've thought about that a bit too, I sometimes wonder if certain ""characters" (not saying it's a story or not one way or the other) in the bible, such as the devil, are actually anthropomorphosed projections of concepts such as the evil within us all. Like what we hear about in the worst people of nazi Germany who were just regular middle class Germans before the war.

posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: RonnieJersey

There is no NWO guys, false alarm šŸšØ
I am the new Hither.

posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: Brigadier

I can't watch the videos right now as I'm in a place where bandwidth is very restricted, but I'll bookmark as you've piqued my interest.

As to your question:

More broadly I'm just wondering if anyone has any thoughts on the New World Order theory?
Anyone able to sum up the model / theory in a different way etc?

I believe that the Bible provides the answer to that question and that it's rooted in mankind's alliance with the satanic spirit of antichrist, a desire to dethrone the Creator God, usurp His place as sovereign over all creation and to be our own gods, our own sovereign, and command our own destiny. Listen to Yuval Noah Harris's claptrap to get a good idea of what I'm talking about. Nothing he says is original with him; it's all ancient demonically inspired lies.

Have you ever read the account of the Tower of Babel in the book of Genesis? (See Genesis 10 and 11.)

From the moment that the nakhash (generally translated as "serpent" in Genesis 3) said, "You will be like gods," that impossible, evil drive has captivated the mind of much of humanity. Therein lies our fall.

The events at the tower of Babel marked humanity's first united attempt to override the sovereignty of God and usurp His throne, but it wasn't the last. I believe that what we're seeing now is another attempt at this same age-old trope. Technology always plays a part in mankind's attempts to make this happen. At Babel, construction technology was specifically mentioned but I'd bet there were other technologies at play as well.

Harari says that we will be gods. Harari is a damned fool. Again, there is nothing original about the man and his lies; he's just another demonically driven puppet in a long line of puppets and his judgment will be severe when his day comes

Ultimately, I believe that the Creator will let the game play out so that in the end evil will be completely exposed for the destructive, deadly cancer that it is. When that day comes, ultimate redemption will take place. As Paul wrote in Romans 8:

For I consider that our present sufferings cannot even be compared to the glory that will be revealed to us. For the creation eagerly waits for the revelation of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility - not willingly but because of God who subjected it - in hope that the creation itself will also be set free from the bondage of decay into the glorious freedom of GodŹ¼s children. For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers together until now. Not only this, but we ourselves also, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we eagerly await our adoption, the redemption of our bodies. For in hope we were saved.

This NWO garbage is just a vain attempt of a fallen race to usurp the place of our Creator God. Yeah, good luck to that, idiots.

posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: Brigadier


posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: starshift

Welcome to forums.
I've been actively studying these subjects since the early 90's and have come to the conclusion that the energy behind the nwo is satanic or anti-God / anti-life in nature.

I just want to expand on this, especiall the anti-life part.

All the following have been demonized and told to people it's not only bad, but unhealthy, bad for the environment, bad for you, your kids etc. LIES!!!


posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: Brigadier

I am still trying to figure this out myself. Funny thing, I sometimes wonder how many things are never posted online by our membership here for whatever valid reasons they might have. I think our combined knowledge could solve the puzzle.

Religion still has me baffled.

There are so many cons associated with it and yet clearly there's some good in it too.

At this point in time, the true nature of things are still an open discussion for me but here is where I stand at the moment:

The religious leaders are corrupt. They hoard wealth, defile innocents and not one religion practices love thy neighbor in a pure sense.

Harmony escapes them forever, even between denominations.

So if it's all smoke and mirrors why do the occult exist?

To be part of the elite is to manipulate the masses. We know that. Money, politics and religion are all constructs they use to enslave the majority of humans.

If people stopped believing and still retain decency and morals, the elite would be powerless. That's what makes it such a complete manipulation in my opinion. Believers cannot separate their morals from their beliefs in the supernatural.

Here's where it gets complicated.

Astrology and self-fulfilling religious prophecy are connected. But why? Is there a return date set for their return? And by them I mean a possible super advanced alien race that created us to work the mines etc in ancient times. Which means the warfare amongst different cultures when gods roamed the earth were purely for their amusement.

The elites write the prophecy and then conduct the affairs of humanity accordingly.

If you are let in on this secret, you need to be able to show your trustworthiness, but how?

Similar to what happened on Epstein Island. They need you to show your loyalty by doing horrible things normal society could never accept and would finish you if it ever saw the light of day.

So they record video of themselves doing terrible things in order to keep themselves in line.

These things are labeled Satanic, as it should be even if it's only symbolic.

Spill the beans and they will ruin you through scandal or worse, they kill you.

The upper echelons are the ones in charge of printing money, and they answer to no government on earth. The Rothschilds etc.

So is all this power is based upon make believe?

Therein lies the dilemma.

Perhaps religion is a type of cargo cult leftover. That is if you believe that we were created by a superior alien race, that used ceremony and advanced technology to create the impression of being gods in order to keep their creations in line.

Perhaps their return is connected to the prophecies.

As for a Supreme being with an inferior complex stating he is a jealous God? I simply cannot wrap my head around that, sorry.

There might be a Supreme Creator, but I don't think we've met before.

posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: 19Bones79

The answers to all your questions have been addressed in the scripture. You have to look in there though. If there is a word that concerns you, that doesn't seem logical, go back to the original word in the original language (Hebrew, Greek) and look up the definitions for that word. Use a tool like Strong's concordance to look up the words, and how they were used in other scripture. E-sword is the digital Strong's

Exo 34:14Ā  ForH3588 thou shalt worshipH7812 noH3808 otherH312 god:H410 forH3588 the LORD,H3068 whose nameH8034 is Jealous,H7067 is a jealousH7067 God:H410Ā 

From H7065; jealous: - jealous. Compare H7072.
Total KJV occurrences: 6

Then you look up the other two words that are related

Without scripture, you are like a ship on the sea on a cloudy night, with no GPS and no compass.

posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: 19Bones79

Good questions, and ones I've struggled with for many decades!

Christianity tells us if you add up all the generations from Adam and Eve the earth is about 6,000 years old. We all know that's wrong, and for anybody who has knoweldge of the Bible you can't deny how organized religion has become a corrupt control mechanism.

Every culture has their own history of our existance on earth and worsip some form of Supreme Being. B studying them I have found very distinct similarieties, with the Bible bieng the newest version of an age-old tale.

Chan Thomas' book The Adam and Eve Story (free PDF), along with books by Charles Hapgood really resonated with me.

I recently began exploring The Lost Continent of Mu series by James Churchward. At the time ( late1920's on) these works were poo-pooed and considered pseudo-science; they make a lot more sense today in light of the newest archelogical and scientific studies, especially painted depictions of mankind hunting dinosaurs.

My first 'unexplained' experience happened when I was four years old, and I've gone down ever avenue since looking for answers. The above mentioned litriture has put on a path that resonates far better than anything I've learned from main stream channels.

As long as the orthodox scientific community continues to deny the existance/relevance of the so-called 'paranormal' aspect of our nature, we're on our own solving the mystery. It also explains why mankind always seems hell-bent on destroying himself with power and greed. NWO 2030 may just be a rerun from the past.
edit on 600000033America/Chicago311 by nugget1 because: ETA

posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: visitedbythem

Thanks for the reply.

I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before here somewhere that my oldest brother has a double doctorate in theology. Able to read and write in ancient Aramaic and Greek if I remember correctly. One of the gentlest, purest souls you will ever meet. Was invited to do research at all the top institutions around the world.

Know what he did after he gained all that knowledge?

He became an atheist. A tortured soul who devoted his life to his beliefs.

My thoughts on religion are my own, I was a non-believer long before he gave it up. It's almost impossible to speak with someone like him on the subject. You feel like you are 5 years old. The place I reached on intuition he arrived at by studying documents you and 99% of people have never even heard of, with all due respect.

ETA:sorry if I come across a bit harsh, that's not my intention here.
edit on 1-10-2022 by 19Bones79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 04:38 PM
a reply to: nugget1

Thanks Nugget1.

You and me have a lot in common the more I get to know you from your writings on these forums.

I was worried that I didn't articulate my thoughts well enough. To be fair I still think so but I'm happy to see at least someone understands what I'm poorly trying to convey.

posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: nugget1

I've read Chan Thomas before I think I still have the pdf on my phone somewhere. Honestly I'll have to revisit it but what I can remember was the quickening inside me I felt when I read it.

I'm definitely going to look up James Church ward.

posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: 19Bones79

I'm definitely going to look up James Church ward.

I started reading The Lost Continent of Mu, but switched to The Children of Mu when it arrived a few days later. I think the first book will resonate better after I've finised the Children of Mu. I'm getting that 'quickening inside me' feeling.

I get a lot of my books from Thrift Books; I think I'll need another lifetime to read them all. Goodwill books is another source to help keep me out of the poor house.

You and me have a lot in common the more I get to know you from your writings on these forums.

I like to believe that's true with everybody here, but some are more of a challenge than others.....

posted on Oct, 2 2022 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: Brigadier

I just finished Part 1, and halfway through Part 3 (but couldn't find Part 2 anywhere). Good analysis and content from what I've gone through though

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