posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 09:42 PM
I like the one...and God will punish the world and he will use russia as his hammer, i like the word play and from an old nun lol, anyway you did not
correct the errors instead you let them spread, the west pressured the church on the consecration of Russia and argued and won instead to modernize
the church under what became known as Vatican 2 in the early 60s, now by the west i mean the USA and more than likely the Uk would be lurking around
in the shadows and by modernize i mean they wanted the inclusion of women and to tolerate gays, well everyone knows the rest, create the problem offer
the solution and in the late 80s the pedophile priest thing started with aplome being slowly uncovered by the U.S. media and the solution offered
well thats atheism, bill maher god love him is trying to rebrand himself as light right but he made a career out of sit on my lap jokes about priests,
putin himself warned the west was spreading the errors of russia in 2009 in a speech, what finished putin in the eyes of the west was his ban on gay
propaganda, the sochi winter olympics followed that by about a year later, it was well before Ukraine or the western backed kiev demo.....but
remember back when the entire western media turned against him, said gays would be attacked by police, talked about toothpaste bombs on planes and
finally literally went to the brand new hotels and facilities built and filmed themselves trying to pull door nobs off doors and overflowing toilets,
the pettiness was off the scale, but its important because it denied the US the ability to do what they did in every other western country and thats
dominate the media with their agendas and target the housewives to manufacture consent on a whole range of social ills and the usual middle class
types with their media degrees in these countries think its just fine and dandy because they have jobs and zero talent.....unless you count endless
cookery shows as entertainment.