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Notion of GOP impeaching Joe Biden if they take House of Representatives

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posted on Sep, 24 2023 @ 11:04 PM

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: Potlatch

Corruption, pedophilia, Obstruction of justice, incompetence are all legitimate grounds for impeachment as opposed to the imaginary reasons used against President Trump.

The problem is in that it would be a no win situation. Because then Harris would be at the reigns. Which would possibly be even worse.

I'm not sure if both can be impeached at the same time.

Kinzinger is a globalist buffoon for sale to the highest bidder and anything out of his mouth is completel BS.

We need a no confidence referendum to dissolve the entire government and have a complete reset.


Joe Biden's impeachment inquiry will branch off to wherever the facts lead. His 45 years of alleged corruption touched a lot of people, unfortunately.

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