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The dark spiritual truth to the woke Lgbtqp+++ movement.

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posted on Sep, 22 2022 @ 02:15 PM
Lgbtqp++- is an ancient pagan spiritual principality returning and gaining power because it is the satanic agenda of the elites who are in power to remove God wherever they can and allow these entities to flourish.

They have been programming us for years and years through subliminal messages in kids movies and predictive programming ect....

Now it's not so subtle and these evil spirits are boldly running rampant.

I am even more convinced we are the end time generation. The over sexualization of everything, Trans and Pedo bs is nothing new or progressive, it's spiritual wickedness allowed to flourish.

the same spirit is returning and this has all been prophesied and is without question evil.

This is the spiritual warfare the Bible tells us about and it is all around and ramping up big time.

Turn to Jesus and far away from progressive liberal mental spiritual sickness!

This video and the way the man breaks this down and speaks of the spirits involved Is core shaking information that has me shaking...just crazy.....I highly recommend checking it out...

the video is not very long and it gets to the point and interesting pretty quickly....please watch it and comment afterwards, I'm curious what people will say.

The scoffers may come and tear this apart as religious bigotry or whatever but the people who know, know this is the truth regardless of whether you are a Christian or not.

I personally don't consider myself a Christian....Just a believer with faith in Jesus and that works for me.

Thank you all for taking the time to watch and respond

edit on 22-9-2022 by GoShredAK because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2022 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: GoShredAK

The author seems to be speaking from a Jewish viewpoint, and (at least in part) to the debauchery of Rome and Roman emperors/officials in the first couple centuries AD, whom the earliest Christians did refer to as "Pagans". The men-turned-to-women that he refers to would be known as "Eunuchs," men who were castrated for a few reasons, and not always for sexual adventures... sometimes for exactly the opposite reason! Fathers and husbands considered it prudent to only hire these eunuchs as servants for their wives/daughters, knowing there could not be and would not be any hanky panky.

For those who would like a historical background as well, just reading about the debauchery and fall of Rome might be helpful, as well as the early history of Christianity/Christians in Rome.

posted on Sep, 22 2022 @ 04:10 PM
Every decade's worth of 50 somethings were and are convinced they represent the last generation of "true Scotsmen" who hold close to their hearts the dying virtues of a society on the brink of catastrophe, perhaps even the so called "end times" which makes zero sense if you understand anything about how time works. Our entire species has occupied . 01% of the entire history of this planet we pretend to own. The anxiety you behold in this topic is a product of enjoying a very temporary, narrow, ignorant window of a very robust and diverse history.

Gam ze ya’avor

posted on Sep, 22 2022 @ 04:50 PM
"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." Eph 6:12

what we see and hear is only a fraction of the spiritual battle about us.

if we could see--REALLY see--what was going on about us, our minds would blow up.
edit on 01032020 by ElGoobero because: add content.

posted on Sep, 22 2022 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: GoShredAK

Well , when they All Finally Pass On to the Afterlife , they are All Going to Have Some Explaining to do to the " Big Guy Upstairs " ....
edit on 22-9-2022 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2022 @ 05:33 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm
Every decade's worth of 50 somethings were and are convinced they represent the last generation of "true Scotsmen" who hold close to their hearts the dying virtues of a society on the brink of catastrophe, perhaps even the so called "end times" which makes zero sense if you understand anything about how time works. Our entire species has occupied . 01% of the entire history of this planet we pretend to own. The anxiety you behold in this topic is a product of enjoying a very temporary, narrow, ignorant window of a very robust and diverse history.

Gam ze ya’avor

The greatest magic the devil every accomplished was convincing the world he doesnt exist.

You can say what you want but there is NO DOUBT what is happening all around us, and its the SAME sort of thing that has brought down civilization after civilization back to the beginning

Denying that, and denying history clearly repeats itself is the hight of ignorance

But we know we know, youre always the smartest one in the room and youre absolutely always right, funny though when youre proven wrong you tend to abandon threads, why is that?

posted on Sep, 22 2022 @ 05:41 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: GoShredAK

Well , when they All Finally Pass On to the Afterlife , they are All Going to Have Some Explaining to do to the " Big Guy Upstairs " ....

"They" will not have a chance to explain , as there is no reason behind it except self-gratification .
Just like Sodom and Gomorrah .

posted on Sep, 22 2022 @ 06:43 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm
Every decade's worth of 50 somethings were and are convinced they represent the last generation of "true Scotsmen" who hold close to their hearts the dying virtues of a society on the brink of catastrophe, perhaps even the so called "end times" which makes zero sense if you understand anything about how time works. Our entire species has occupied . 01% of the entire history of this planet we pretend to own. The anxiety you behold in this topic is a product of enjoying a very temporary, narrow, ignorant window of a very robust and diverse history.

Gam ze ya’avor

Amazing isn't it? Humans have been here for hardly a blip, yet we are the most important species in the universe.

posted on Sep, 22 2022 @ 06:48 PM
At least nobody will be able to say the choice between supporting good and evil was unfair. It's been presented in extremes never dreamed of. The level of degeneracy is to the point of comically absurd (trans pedo library hour, etc.).

Somehow though, some people still stand there with a turd in one hand and sandwich in the other apparently feeling like it is a conundrum which to eat.

edit on 22-9-2022 by Halfswede because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2022 @ 08:05 PM
a reply to: Gothmog

Well then...........

posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 01:44 AM
a reply to: GoShredAK

I like to reminisce in the good old days where the only pedos known worked safely from Gods house, and gay was a thing of the monastery.
then again I'm really happy there are others too, for me to point my finger away from the oldest pedoharbouring institution i love so much...

posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: Terpene

What is weird to me, whether it is the early church or modern science (which in reality is the new, modern religion), those in power always tend to try to make their darkest desires normal.

Evil has no boundary. With no moral higher power, we do not hold each other accountable.

posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: GoShredAK

I agree that sexualising everything, especially children, is abhorrent. However I entirely reject your notion that being LGBTetc is unnatural or morally wrong. There are many very good, honest, caring people who live good lives, who do not corrupt or inflict their sexuality onto others. They just simply have a same sex, or other non-standard relationship. It is not unnatural, it is very human nature, as it is throughout the animal kingdom. We are, after all, mammals and only our ego makes us believe we are special. We are not.

This has happened forever, it's just how it is. It had to be done in secret in most places for a very long time, because of strict laws and doctrines forbidding it. Forcing people to live against their nature, forcing people to be in a miserable unhappy marriage they did not desire or ask for, on pain of imprisonment or death. How is this a good, fair way to treat people? Any society or religion that forces unhappiness on people in this manner is fundamentally rotten.

As for the sexualisation of children. Religions are notorious for grooming and abusing children, throughout every sect and denomination of every religion the planet. Corrupting and grooming children is not new to the woke. It has been around as long as society has.

What I wrote above equally applies to the woke left, and all they are doing too. I despise them more than I do the fundmental religious crowd. They are making life more difficult for those of us who just want to be left alone to live our lives in peace. Why can neither side live and let live?
edit on 23/9/2022 by MetalChickAmy because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 02:25 PM

originally posted by: MetalChickAmy
a reply to: GoShredAK

I agree that sexualising everything, especially children, is abhorrent. However I entirely reject your notion that being LGBTetc is unnatural or morally wrong. There are many very good, honest, caring people who live good lives, who do not corrupt or inflict their sexuality onto others. They just simply have a same sex, or other non-standard relationship. It is not unnatural, it is very human nature, as it is throughout the animal kingdom. We are, after all, mammals and only our ego makes us believe we are special. We are not.

This has happened forever, it's just how it is. It had to be done in secret in most places for a very long time, because of strict laws and doctrines forbidding it. Forcing people to live against their nature, forcing people to be in a miserable unhappy marriage they did not desire or ask for, on pain of imprisonment or death. How is this a good, fair way to treat people? Any society or religion that forces unhappiness on people in this manner is fundamentally rotten.

As for the sexualisation of children. Religions are notorious for grooming and abusing children, throughout every sect and denomination of every religion the planet. Corrupting and grooming children is not new to the woke. It has been around as long as society has.

What I wrote above equally applies to the woke left, and all they are doing too. I despise them more than I do the fundmental religious crowd. They are making life more difficult for those of us who just want to be left alone to live our lives in peace. Why can neither side live and let live?

I agree with you and I don't think it is right to judge individuals who were born attracted to the same sex. Or anybody for anything.

What I think is evil is the evil left and the way they are poisoning the world.

But it has to happen this way because it has been written.

So I find it fascinating to live in the end times.

posted on Sep, 24 2022 @ 11:58 AM
Yes, we are in the end times as far as I have been able to figure.

There's several prophesies in the bible that seem to put a timeline of 2000 years between the death of Jesus Christ and his first return of Matthew 24.

Per Matthew 25-14 he tell us this.
For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods.

but in John 2 he told us this.

19Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.
20Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days?
21But he spake of the temple of his body.


2nd Peter 3-8
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

3000 years but then Revelation 21 tell us this.

1And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
2And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
22And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.

Jesus Christ told us it would be 3000 years from his death to New Jerusalem. So take off a thousand years for the reign of the saints and that means the Apocalypse should be over with 2000 years after his death. Roughly April of 2033.

posted on Sep, 24 2022 @ 05:53 PM

originally posted by: ntech
Yes, we are in the end times as far as I have been able to figure.

There's several prophesies in the bible that seem to put a timeline of 2000 years between the death of Jesus Christ and his first return of Matthew 24.

Per Matthew 25-14 he tell us this.
For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods.

but in John 2 he told us this.

19Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.
20Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days?
21But he spake of the temple of his body.


2nd Peter 3-8
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

3000 years but then Revelation 21 tell us this.

1And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
2And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
22And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.

Jesus Christ told us it would be 3000 years from his death to New Jerusalem. So take off a thousand years for the reign of the saints and that means the Apocalypse should be over with 2000 years after his death. Roughly April of 2033.
beautiful post and thank you for taking the time

This is the thought provoking fun stuff I like to think about........cuz I'm a crazy person

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: GoShredAK

I bought and read Jonathan Cahn’s latest book “The return of the Gods”, and highly recommend it. If only 10 percent is true, we are in for a rough ride.

In a nutshell, it states that there were many gods before Christ. When Jesus came to us, he drove them into the shadows, and now that man is falling away from the true God, the old gods are returning with a vengeance.

He makes a good case for this in the book. A chilling read to say the least.

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 06:53 PM

originally posted by: optimisticcontrarian

originally posted by: TzarChasm
Every decade's worth of 50 somethings were and are convinced they represent the last generation of "true Scotsmen" who hold close to their hearts the dying virtues of a society on the brink of catastrophe, perhaps even the so called "end times" which makes zero sense if you understand anything about how time works. Our entire species has occupied . 01% of the entire history of this planet we pretend to own. The anxiety you behold in this topic is a product of enjoying a very temporary, narrow, ignorant window of a very robust and diverse history.

Gam ze ya’avor

The greatest magic the devil every accomplished was convincing the world he doesnt exist.

You can say what you want but there is NO DOUBT what is happening all around us, and its the SAME sort of thing that has brought down civilization after civilization back to the beginning

Denying that, and denying history clearly repeats itself is the hight of ignorance

But we know we know, youre always the smartest one in the room and youre absolutely always right, funny though when youre proven wrong you tend to abandon threads, why is that?

Because I have better # to do than regularly spend hours of my life arguing with internet strangers.

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 08:19 PM
Not like they are getting super powers, or suffering the original sin which damned humanity. Like Adam toiling away at the fields an Eve dealing with child birth, being with kids all day caused by a talking Snake.

If only those dirty apes ate the from the Tree of Immortality…we ether be Crab People, or just Adam an Steve until Judgement Day.

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 08:19 PM
edit on 28-9-2022 by Proto88 because: (no reason given)


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