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8 sigma event rise in cancer

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posted on Sep, 21 2022 @ 08:14 PM
Are people expecting the same people that came up with all the things they were either TOTALLY wrong about or knew what they were doing to come up with the answers?????

I dont understand, if you went to a mechanic to have your car fixed and it came back completely smashed'd have them arreste..... ohhhhhhhhhhhh.... is it finally dawning on people that ...people just make things up however they want and if they have power...they use it....however they like.

You've either got to think the scientists have no idea really what they're doing OR they can't actually tell you why alot of these problems happen because .....well you know, billions of dollars....your life ending ...etc.

If you just imagine that some careless, talentless, slimeball who would rob their own mother and blame their father without a blink of an eye, someone who'd make money off some chemical that kills thousands, millions of people you think they give a # if they have to do more bad things to continue the ride????

You can try to make these claims like ohhh someone would tell and people would listen and outrage would occur...but julian assange literally showed the us army killing innocent people and laughing about it and ...HE WENT TO JAIL.....or snowden literally told everyone the us government is spying on ....EVERYONE ILLEGALLY and ....well nothing seemed to happen. Its like people never even heard it.

The message displayed in these examples is, do not try to undermine authority even if you're right even if you're following authorities supposed rules, they will do whatever they want just to show you how it works and look..... the rules are just a facade, they're only for you...not for them.

People have been lead down a path based on belief in their own integrity and just believed people in authority saying the right words actually are doing and enforcing what they say...when it reality they are doing absolutely nothing of the sort. Otherwise how is possible things could be this way???????????

The common man isnt writing trillion dollar checks his ass can't cash....but some other person is on your behalf and MAKING YOU PAY FOR IT.
edit on 21-9-2022 by thethinkingman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2022 @ 08:53 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: anonentity

My brother is proud to be fully vaccinated and boosted. Two weeks ago his food stopped passing through his body. No bowl movements. It turns out that cancerous growths had formed and grown to the point of choking off his intestines. He's wasting away and can only take in liquids. Very sad.

Sorry to hear about this. It would be interesting to plot on a map where these hot batches were given. Then you could trace them back.

I don't know if this website will be of use, but here's a link: How Bad is my Batch?

Anyone who got vaccinated should have a card which lists the Brand of vaccine and batch number of the dose (or doses/boosters) they received.

the website linked is fairly easy to use, just click appropriate sections (brand, time period, etc), until you get to where you can input the specific batch number you want to check -
- this will bring up info on the numbers of people who suffered the various different side-effects, and/or injuries...

The website seems to have grown in scope since I first found it months ago, if you explore there a bit, you may find just such a "map" of places where "hot batches" were more prevalent..

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 10:47 PM
a reply to: anonentity


President BARACK OBAMA began the "Cancer Cure Moonshot" program in 2016, and put VP Joe Biden in charge of curing cancer.

This year, PRESIDENT Joe Biden says the "Cancer Cure Moonshot" program is still active, and well on its way to curing cancer at some point in the future.


IMO, this initiative should be renamed the "Cancer Cure SnailsPace" program.

I bet there are a good number of programs, goals, causes, and nations, getting far more in federal funds, than the initiative to cure Cancer.

That's very sad, considering 2 out of every 5 Americans will have Cancer at some point in life.


posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 12:31 AM
a reply to: thethinkingman

If most of the population is on drugs then they are controllable, if they are sick with chronic conditions then the profits will be incalculable. If they are mandated to take drugs that make them sick it is even better . But at some stage the system will have to collapse, it's called broken window economics. The glazier is the one that profits.

posted on Nov, 3 2022 @ 03:30 AM
November 3, 2022

Because Joe Biden is a serial goofus, people don't take what he says seriously.

That can be a mistake...for several reasons.

For example, it appears Joe Biden may have been telling the truth, when he said he has cancer.

Look at the IV marks on his hand:

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