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8 sigma event rise in cancer

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+1 more 
posted on Sep, 21 2022 @ 01:33 AM
This isnt very good news on the rise of deaths involved in Cancer renal failure male and female genitalia and lymphatic cancers.Plus a few more, including respiratory. these deaths are over and above the average death rates. Mortality deviation from trend is now seen to be real and quite staggering. All from Week 14 of twenty-twenty-one. A 16 sigma run for neoplasm, is defined as new and abnormal growth of What's concerning is these charts is still going up. It seems oncologists' warning that they were seeing a manyfold rise in cancers, may be true this put some numbers to the claims. These are mortality figures, the disability figures might be the reason for the spike in disability.

+3 more 
posted on Sep, 21 2022 @ 01:54 AM
a reply to: anonentity

Unfortunately it is a consequence of a campaign to coerce, brainwash, or extort people into taking an experimental, previously FDA rejected "vaccine"
If you can call it that.
There was a concerted effort by the elite/nwo/rich people/wef/whatever you wanna call them to make people think that they should be guinea pigs for an experimental treatment for a virus with a 99.5% survival rate.
It would be comical if I hadn't watched my friends and family go along with it.

+6 more 
posted on Sep, 21 2022 @ 04:01 AM
a reply to: anonentity

I happen to be familiar with the data source they're using at the start and presumably throughout the video.

It would be comical to get our resident science experts to even explain how he gets this data and a comedy of epic proportions for them to offer a cogent debunking. They can't even explain their way around the logic of not giving kids harmful therapeutics when they're at no risk of harm from COVID.

They've been trying to discredit this work. If this work isn't valid then I have some really bad news for fans of the climate crisis models. They're a lot more complicated and use far more assumptions in the absence of evidence than Ethical Skeptic does.

We have sworn testimony that COVID was funded by Fauci, we have public statements from multiple officials they lied about vaccines, the CDC admits to failing to track sentinel data as they claimed, we have government colluding with tech to censor protected speech as disinformation while they knew it was true. Fauci excluded the former director of the CDC because he disagreed with them, they rejected data on early treatment to further push an untested vaccine through emergency use free of any liability, and they tried to force everybody to take a potentially dangerous experimental drug to retain their basic human rights.

This is a crime against humanity. Now somebody will come in, ignore two years of fraud, lies, illegality, human rights violations, dead kids, and say "Bitchute Putin shill"!

The absolute state of "The Science" and it's acolytes.

posted on Sep, 21 2022 @ 05:31 AM
Are there ever any autopsies done?
Are they done by non brainwashed people?
Nobody is allowed to do an in depth inquiry with the jabs in mind. And if one of them would, they'd be cancelled and shot down as bitchute nutters instantly.

If there wasn't an agenda it would be a worldwide priority to establish if this jab in particular is at fault.

posted on Sep, 21 2022 @ 05:45 AM

I just read an article a couple days ago that many drugs are in short supply nationwide, over 200 different ones. Several types of chemo cancer drugs and their dilutants top the list.

posted on Sep, 21 2022 @ 08:46 AM
I have started to lose count now as to how many people I personally know that have told me of friends of theirs who had been 5 years clear of cancer or maybe less and suddenly it has come back aggressively and treatment is not going well or they have died. One such case was just yesterday told to me by one of my clients.
We are only just starting.......

posted on Sep, 21 2022 @ 09:14 AM

originally posted by: Hecate666
Are there ever any autopsies done?
Are they done by non brainwashed people?
Nobody is allowed to do an in depth inquiry with the jabs in mind. And if one of them would, they'd be cancelled and shot down as bitchute nutters instantly.

If there wasn't an agenda it would be a worldwide priority to establish if this jab in particular is at fault.

They're fully aware that a possible effect is a change in how the immune system suppresses cancer, but the whole MO is to pretend the old lies about the vaccine never leaving the site and not being persistent are true. Essentially they played Russian roulette with a bunch of things that could have serious consequences if they didn't behave as intended and they just decided that hopium about it not doing any of those things was a good substitute for authentic robust studies. Of course we know they did it in spite of the evidence and not because of any evidence, but we're a long way from anybody being held accountable.

Cancers aren't a monolithic group either, so the organ specific targeting that was extant in prior biolipid applications may be a determining factor in which cancers are most impacted. Autopsies will probably be avoided to avoid discovering any kind of correlating data like fibrous clots or other cellular irregularities already widely reported to be possible based on real scientists that aren't beholden to pharma money. My understanding is the prior biolipid encapsulation use was in controlling animal reproduction and it had delayed efficacy. Targeting seems consistent in the COVID vaccines, based on the adverse events of note, with organs targeted in that other application.

They sold this is a super targeted technological breakthrough and it turns out it's a half-baked hodgepodge of mostly repurposed junk and hastily produced COVID constituents with no regard for what should have been large red flags. All based on hopium that everything would go according to an impossible zero-fault deployment.

We're many years from knowing how bad it is between all the acute adverse effects and they yet unknown chronic disease implications, but it's already bad enough that we know virtually everybody outside the highest risk demographics has a higher risk from repeated vaccination than from COVID. It may very well be that when all is said and done virtually no demographic gets a long term benefit, but statistically it's almost certain already for a large chunk of the population.

The unipolar "vax good" clowns will say stupid things about not everybody is dead and they're still fine, but when you're dealing with a disease with a .5% mortality and clear demographic risk variance it requires more than a black and white analysis. Try explaining that to hardcore adherents of "The Science", explain how healthy young people have and will continue to die, and they just default back to "vax good" with utterly no comprehension of the bigger picture.
edit on 9/21/22 by Ksihkehe because: Typo

posted on Sep, 21 2022 @ 09:58 AM
Joseph Mengele performed horrendous medical experiments on prisoners without any ethical oversight, rapidly advancing science by many decades. Researchers have been trying to develop mRNA technology since the early 1960's without success.
I imagine it is their hope that the C19 EUA data will get them past the roadblock that has been hampering its development.

Many, many researchers have experimented on prisoners and mental health patients for decades. There are many examples of humans being unknown guinea pigs throughout the decades, such as Jonas Salk injecting insane- asylum patients with an experimental flu vaccine in 1942.

The one constant in all of these medical experiments is none of the perpetrators are ever held accountable.

posted on Sep, 21 2022 @ 12:44 PM
Interesting video, thank you

I lost my last remaining Grandparent back in February, she'd been in hospital for her asthma (a fairly regular occurrence) and was on the cusp of being discharged when she took a sudden turn, sudden complete renal failure

Any prizes for guessing what had recently been administered to her? It was number 3, if that helps narrow it down

My mother and her siblings just seem to have ignored that fact, although I'm starting to think my mother is now suspicious as to the timing

It's not the first vaxx-injury in the extended family, either

The authorities seem to have done fairly well so far with their official 'safe and effective' narrative, but so many people are coming forward now I believe it's only a matter of time before they will be playing 'plug the holes in the sieve with just fingers'

a reply to: anonentity

edit on 21922 by WraithOfEva777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2022 @ 01:53 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
I have started to lose count now as to how many people I personally know that have told me of friends of theirs who had been 5 years clear of cancer or maybe less and suddenly it has come back aggressively and treatment is not going well or they have died. One such case was just yesterday told to me by one of my clients.
We are only just starting.......

Same here Jane. Cancer in the clear five years suddenly rebound/death in our community. Two distant cousins of mine died suddenly, one of a gut cancer that was diagnosed the month before he died. The other of uni prof in scotland so very likely vaccinated. These all in their mid 50's so not much use statistically but seems odd to me.

Even stranger is a family I know where two teen daughters are suffering. The oldest has cancer and the younger has full body tremors, including eyes from the video I saw. Her doctors have all said it's psychological as her older sister is dying so won't do proper testing for neurological issues. She did have a seizure as a child, prior to vaccines, but this is full time now and her sister is no longer responding to cancer treatment. Being in the medical system, these kids would have been forced into the vaccines and I don't think it's helped one bit. The poor mom.

posted on Sep, 21 2022 @ 02:03 PM

originally posted by: Ksihkehe

originally posted by: Hecate666
Are there ever any autopsies done?
Are they done by non brainwashed people?
Nobody is allowed to do an in depth inquiry with the jabs in mind. And if one of them would, they'd be cancelled and shot down as bitchute nutters instantly.

If there wasn't an agenda it would be a worldwide priority to establish if this jab in particular is at fault.

Try explaining that to hardcore adherents of "The Science", explain how healthy young people have and will continue to die, and they just default back to "vax good" with utterly no comprehension of the bigger picture.

They default to the 1 in 5000 stat for myocarditis in young men with no concern for the fact that the one young man in 5000, hit with myocarditis, had virtually zero risk of covid beyond a snotty nose and sore muscles. They brush this myocarditis off as mild and curable but there are cases where it becomes chronic and leads to other more serious issues. The young person gets a good few months of medications and possibly surgery, maybe huge bills for this. Does he lose a job over it? Or an opportunity? A sports career? Who knows but this is not the normal disruption to a young man's life and all because he "might" get covid.

posted on Sep, 21 2022 @ 02:11 PM
If I was a "depopulation architect", I would want to inject people with a vaccine that slowly caused one of the most common causes of death so that it blends in with the "normal" pattern. So now we have heart disease and cancer exploding.

So, it must be poverty causing it. Or climate change.
edit on 21-9-2022 by v1rtu0s0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2022 @ 03:14 PM

originally posted by: Ksihkehe
a reply to: anonentity

I happen to be familiar with the data source they're using at the start and presumably throughout the video.

It would be comical to get our resident science experts to even explain how he gets this data and a comedy of epic proportions for them to offer a cogent debunking. They can't even explain their way around the logic of not giving kids harmful therapeutics when they're at no risk of harm from COVID.

They've been trying to discredit this work. If this work isn't valid then I have some really bad news for fans of the climate crisis models. They're a lot more complicated and use far more assumptions in the absence of evidence than Ethical Skeptic does.

We have sworn testimony that COVID was funded by Fauci, we have public statements from multiple officials they lied about vaccines, the CDC admits to failing to track sentinel data as they claimed, we have government colluding with tech to censor protected speech as disinformation while they knew it was true. Fauci excluded the former director of the CDC because he disagreed with them, they rejected data on early treatment to further push an untested vaccine through emergency use free of any liability, and they tried to force everybody to take a potentially dangerous experimental drug to retain their basic human rights.

This is a crime against humanity. Now somebody will come in, ignore two years of fraud, lies, illegality, human rights violations, dead kids, and say "Bitchute Putin shill"!

The absolute state of "The Science" and it's acolytes.

the coolest thing about all of this, is if the MSM doesn't talk about it, it ....never....happened.

Nice avitar BTW, wana get high?

posted on Sep, 21 2022 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

The sad thing is that the average "Joe" thats pushing this hasnt a clue whats really going on.It must just be top management handing out the orders. I would like to know who has been exempted from the Jab, and who hasn't but gets the saline shot. Their would have to be record code on the batch numbers.At some stage the legals of this is going to get hot.If they dont people will just take the law into their own hands.

posted on Sep, 21 2022 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: anonentity

My brother is proud to be fully vaccinated and boosted. Two weeks ago his food stopped passing through his body. No bowl movements. It turns out that cancerous growths had formed and grown to the point of choking off his intestines. He's wasting away and can only take in liquids. Very sad.

posted on Sep, 21 2022 @ 04:47 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: anonentity

My brother is proud to be fully vaccinated and boosted. Two weeks ago his food stopped passing through his body. No bowl movements. It turns out that cancerous growths had formed and grown to the point of choking off his intestines. He's wasting away and can only take in liquids. Very sad.

Sorry to hear about this. It would be interesting to plot on a map where these hot batches were given. Then you could trace them back.

posted on Sep, 21 2022 @ 04:47 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

The sad thing is that the average "Joe" thats pushing this hasnt a clue whats really going on.It must just be top management handing out the orders. I would like to know who has been exempted from the Jab, and who hasn't but gets the saline shot. Their would have to be record code on the batch numbers.At some stage the legals of this is going to get hot.If they dont people will just take the law into their own hands.

The major clue is that no elites or politicians will ever get SADS.

posted on Sep, 21 2022 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Man that's brutal...

are they treating him? Or is it beyond the point where they can?

posted on Sep, 21 2022 @ 07:39 PM

originally posted by: MaxxAction
a reply to: carewemust

Man that's brutal...

are they treating him? Or is it beyond the point where they can?

The crazy things about these turbo cancers is they come out of nowhere and kill ultra fast, like within weeks.

posted on Sep, 21 2022 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0


I am just sitting here contemplating what is over the horizon for much of humanity.

It's incomprehensible.

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