a reply to:
That's one thing I still wrestle with myself.
I've had dealings with the tricksters, the spolied technological elite messing with and harassing "lower life forms" and the "common plebian" because
they think it's funny or have nothing better to do. Brats. I hate 'em and cuss 'em out if they show up around me with that nonsense.
There are others that are a lot more subtle and dangerous. The scientific ones who do randomized "tests" on certain subjects for whatever reasons
they have. Some of them don't make any rational or logical sense. They're like sociopaths who pull the wings off flies just to watch them suffer and
flail about or like the kids who would collect two species of ants in different coke bottles and pour them into an aquarium just to watch them fight.
For funsies.
The alien or subterranian equivilent of the Gladiator Battles, Bread and Circuses but with the general public.
If they have a valid reason for these experiments outside of their own sick curiousity I'd love to hear from them about their methodologies and
reasons for such types of experiments and what they hope to glean from them.
I've been up for 48 hours straight with little reprise and I'm a little touchy right now, and venting some personal grievences so please forgive
Back on topic.
The majority of recently sighted craft by the military are suspected drones with unknown propulsion and are matters of curiousity and not so much a
National Security Issue at this point, or else mysterious lights in the sky that mimic constellations and then behave oddly. They have never engaged
in hostile behavior or combat, and don't seem interested in interacting with us directly or else we are still trying to understand their
communications. They're going about their business and not bothering anyone. No threat IMHO.
Now in the instance of UFO phenomena such as orbs or craft disrupting operations of important facilities or installations related to National Defense
I can see why the Senator was curious if the new department had any insight into that type of report and phenomena. Unfortunatley the new department
isn't on that "team" and wouldn't have any insight into such older accounts.
What from I understand about the Foo in WW2, reports vary. Some pilots reported their equipment malfunctioning upon contact with the orb phenomenon,
which quickly righted itself when the orbs went away. Others report they would fly benignly next to their planes like escorts and where no threat
whatsoever and no strange equipment phenomena, others describe them being very aggressive and distracting to the pilots, which made concentration
difficult. Most of my reports on the Foo Phenomenon are from USAF pilots, so I have no knowledge of whether or not the other players in WW2 dealt
with this phenomenon or how their interactions (if there were any to begin with) played out on the larger stage.
As for the craft interfering with nuclear facilities and the nature therein I know little to nothing about those reports as I haven't seen them nor
heard of their visual appearance from eyewitnesses so I cannot comment on who or what might have been going on. Some people think they are preventing
anything from "going wrong" and preventing nuclear accidents or full on nuclear war, while others view it as a threat because normal operations have
been interrupted without explaination or explanation. Some are optimistic, some are pessimistic, but we have to consider the general welfare of not
only the American People, but the Global implications as well. It's very complicated and there are no easy answers.
I've heard rumors of agencies such as MAJESTIC 12 which has been "officially" discredited as a fiction, but rumors persist. I have heard stories of
the Men In Black, but accounts vary and differ in description and modem operendi of these mysterious agents. We may never know the full truth about
them but if they do exist, I really hope it's more in line with the humorous film adaptation released in the 90's because even though I take this
subject very seriously, I'm still a big kid at heart and want to believe the best in our Government. Go ahead and call me idealistic and naive if you
must, but that's just my soft heart speaking.
The mature side of me knows that subjects like this are not always sunshine and rainbows and the Hollywood Fantasy, heavens know we have more than our
fair share of films dealing with various hostile alien threats and the challenges to overcome malevolent invaders and I think that's important to keep
in mind because it never hurts to be prepared.
Better a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war as they say.
Like I said with my own brand of experiences not everyone out there in nice and have our best interests at heart, and I'm not looking to place blame
or point fingers at any race or group of beings out there with such influence, I just wish to have an honest and open dialogue with others to compare
experiences to get a better understanding of what's going on to add to my information database.
I know there are those that will continue to downplay and validity of such things being real due to lack of "tangible hardline evidence" but that's
just the way the cookie crumbles. They want us to be preoccupied with more tangible and immediate things like "Political Scandals and Intrigue" and
Consumer Consumption and Sexual Escapades because it suits their own motinations, heirachies and personal agendas, but that's a different subject for
a different thread at a different time, and even though they can be Overbearing and Draconian at times, they do have some finer qualities I'd like to
comment on on their behalf because I'm tired of fear based propaganda about them too.
I ask that we not dismiss anecdotal evidence and personal accounts, because humanity have been telling stories since the dawn of time, and stories are
an important part of healthy social functioning and communion, and the very lifeblood of any intelligent and worthwhile cultural tradition regardless
of planet of origin or ancestral background.
The area in which I currently reside has visitors from all over and locals just trying to go about their day to day. It's a delicate balance trying
to explain certain phenomenon when you only have limited insight, but the majority of craft sightings are benign or else part of our military
operations and nothing to worry about.
Nothing to see here folks, everything is under control, please enjoy the local sights and shops! Have a relaxing nature hike, learn local history or
just enjoy the fine food offerings from the variety of your favorite National Chains or feel free to sample some of the traditional local fare.
Please be polite and respectful of others and have a nice experience.
It's a living and the pay ain't much but I do what I can for the greater good.
And KKLOCO the following is not for you but for anyone else who is casually reading this thread and thinking about trying to give it a quick off topic
dismissal and get me buried once again for political power points. by all means, share your insights and opinions on this subject with something more
than a cheap one liner insult and casual dismissal.
You have Freedom of Speech, Use It Don't Abuse it!
edit on 9/20/22 by GENERAL EYES because: proofreading after posting, minor errors and spelling amended for clarity and standards