Angry White Male, haha i guess that describes me, at least in part. Yes i am born ‘privelidged’ it seems nowadays, in a white skin. Well sorry for
THAT, i didn’t ask for a skin of any colour, much less being born at all. I was not asked at the time.
Male? Well yes i do appear to be a heterosexual male, although i have, as a teenager, ‘dabbled’ with other boys and i found it not to my liking, i
preferred girls.
Angry? mmmm, only if i get started on politics. Mostly i am good natured and i will gladly and happily derise such modern wokenes with well deserved
witty sarcasm.
Today i saw something, and it frightened me. I saw something ‘not of this world’ or maybe more correctly, something not of this dimension. I know
what constitutes ‘real’ from ‘fantasy’ or ‘illusion’ probably way better than any one of you. For example, i took a huge dose of '___'
back in the late 80’s and slept with a shotgun and a knife in my bed, and then i went dancing half naked down the street singing Purple Haze when
the green men from the toilet failed to get me.
That turned me off hard drugs of any kind.But still, now & then things elude me, i am not omnipotent it seems.
15 years later, i had my first NDE. More accurately, a RDE, since i was, in any clinical sense, dead. Not a near death experience, but a Really Dead
Experience. Only my love for my wife brought me back from that, because i hated to leave her so soon.
12 years after that, my loving wife dies in my arms, from brain cancer. I already had the cure, but it was way too late for her.
We never had children.
Anyway, enough baloney, short of it is; i do not fear death, for i have laughed it in the face many times while drowning or falling from a crane,
electrocution, being shot at, various motorbike and car accidents, and no less than 2 attempts to stop my heart via some kind of MK ultra CIA
mindfkery…yet i am still here.
Still old, and still white, and yes angry.
But at least you now know why i am angry.
To suggest any sort of inherent racism in my drunken rant? Haha you never met my grandpa, he was openly racist, to him all ‘dark skinned people’
were ’not to be trusted’ and i disagreed with him on this point, and in later years, before he died, he was under the care of the same
‘darkies’ and he had no other choice than to let them into his life, his home, and yes he accepted them as people, he had no other choice. The
truth always reveals itself, eventually.
I have lived and worked with, just about every race and religion, even with fellow English (shudder) never again. I worked and lived with Russians,
Chinese, Germans, Scottish, Greek, Turks, Maroccans. Each with their own unique culture. I have learned some Farsi, about Mohammed and Harun El
I have A levels in physics and human biology, i am a certified mechatronics engineer, i have diplomas in obscure things like hydraulics, flanges,
PLC’s, welding. You name it, i have a diploma for it.
And the pile continues to grow because now i have to take courses in IT security, Ergonomics, optimal lighting for work areas, HACCP and Clean Room
tech…all of which i learned some 30 years ago.
I am not even an angry white male. I gave up anger long ago, it is one of the non-refillable bottles i used up long ago, i was angry at God for
killing my wife, instead of me.
He still has not replied to that message, so i guess i am on my own, as usual.
I can cope with that.I still miss Bill, late of this forum, i talked with him until he could no longer talk, i heard later when he died. But i built
his machines, and they saved other people. So i am grateful for that at least, even though i lost the prototype machine.
Replies, commentary, sarcasm and ridicule all you want.
Let me have it!