a reply to:
Ok so, dont take it as truth, that's just my humble opinion -->
Most are the voice of the gov. There is few media calling themselves "whistleblowers" that actually leak some stuff BUT refuse to speak about certain
stuff and when you follow the money you always end up seeing some funders/associates being super close with the gov itself so...
And then, there is others a tiny bit less corrupted. The problem with these "almost" independent media in France is there aren't really doing fully
their jobs. Some reasons :
- infiltrated by "agents" if I may call it like that and so mix some truth with some lies
- prosecuted when they bring some real topic so they stop and just align with the others
The real media left are pretty much normal people building their own website but they aren't great at it and often mix false stuff (by mistake?) with
real ones.
For the elite school, you got it perfectly right!
For Macron being elected its very hard to say. Behind him you will find his mentor "Jacques attali" which is basically an elite guy deciding the fate
of France behind closed doors. And of course, the Rotschild, the former Macron's employers. He was elected the first time with 66,06% of votes. I am
not religious at all but France's Elite is known to love these kind of symbolism and I find extremely weird to end up with that number. He did came
from nowhere and except if people are super stupid and did vote for him because (and I quote a lot of people we have seen on TV) "he is young and
handsome" then there is 2 possible explanations
- election fraud
- A LOT of french doesnt vote anymore (I dont) because everyone is convinced its choosing between a rat or a cockroach
About other political factions from what I know they are all there to play a role, an act.
- FN (far right) arent there to be elected but to fake opposition. I realize that the day Marine Le Pen was facing Macron the first time. She had
strong materials she could have used against him and was ending up responding in a very pathetic manner, laughing and loosing her words which she
never does ever. It was clearly on purpose. Only difference with the others party are discreet people backing them.
- All in the middle are backed by the same people as Macron so its just another name with so called divergence on political matters but they all dine
together at night at the Fouquet's restaurant (literally... you can spot them often ...)
- On the left side its exactly the same.
How it is easy to understand they are all working hand in hand even tho they fight in public is belonging to pretty much the same lodges (freemasons).
Protecting the same things, voting the same on important matters in the assemblee (when they actually go vote... most dont even bother to go vote and
let the macronist vote alone)
I thought for a while there was the Philippot dude because he was vocal against vaccines, against covid passports etc.. but he is another fake
They all work together, dine together and fight publicly to make people believe someone is there to be an opposition. In france, if you are an
opposition, a true threat against the establishement, they kill you. Like they did to Colluche, like they did to Balavoine and probably a lot more
than we ever heard of...
Cheers too