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Playing the elite's little game

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posted on Sep, 17 2022 @ 04:14 AM
Hello, I am n0 0ne and I come with a message that will probably end as useful as peeing in a violin like we say in France but I will try anyway...

We pretty much all know how #ed up everything is now. How bad things are, how worst its going to be and I guess others like me just feel powerless.
Many wants to fight the elite but we miss the "how" I believe. Many raise awareness and yes that is still useful but at the end of the day will it lead to a massive and worldwide movement against them? And there is a big issue standing in the middle of actually changing things. Something huge that so many that are aware of what is happening are also making it worst.

Playing the elite's little game

And I, even knowing this, will plead guilty. The most efficient tool they are using against us is division. While we are at fighting each other for our convictions and beliefs, we don't focus on them. We fight what are on our sides and forget to look up. If there is one thing I am extremely convinced of, its that. They are looking at us laughing. Maybe I will be wrong saying that but as evil as we consider the dude on this our that side (politically, religiously etc...) the biggest threat is the big guys forcing clashes among us. Imagine for a moment if everyone would just stop for a moment to fight each other and realize that common cause that should reunite us all, Im convinced we would start to be a threat and might - maybe - find a solution to actually put them all down. I don't have the solutions, I dont have the answers but I know for a fact that fighting each other is exactly what they expect and what they need. The thing you hate in the streets are the symptoms of an illness, not the illness itself. The political party you see as a threat, is the hand, not the head.

Civil wars are exactly where we are heading to and that is precisely what they expect from us. This is precisely what they did in the past. French revolution, does it ring a bell ? For most foreigners it has been taught as a "people's revolution against the monarchy". It was not.
Are we gonna let their wishes become reality or are we gonna start to be smarter and maybe try to do the exact opposite ? If there is a war needed, it shouldnt be among people but the people reunited against them. And as hard as it is to focus on this instead of that freak wearing gigantic boobs in front of our childrens to feed our legitimate hate, in my humble opinion, I truly think we should try to focus on them. Together.

Wishing the best for everyone even if these times are freaking dark...

posted on Sep, 17 2022 @ 04:19 AM
a reply to: n00ne

If there was ever to be a civil war again it would not be state against state, but neighbor against neighbor.

And that's not war but anarchy and slaughter on a scale of epic proportions.

posted on Sep, 17 2022 @ 04:21 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

indeed and thats precisely what they are expecting from us.

posted on Sep, 17 2022 @ 04:24 AM
a reply to: n00ne


I find modern France confusing. The politics with the EU ... have ultimately reduced France IMO. France was before a beacon, an invitation to "la bonne vie" ... now France looks like a second fiddle to Germany's EU control games.

I don't understand the rage of the political class about Brexit. It is as if they are playing the vicious role because the optics would be really bad were Germany to do so directly. Are the British really such a threat to France? Somehow, I don't think so.

You mention, "we don't know how". Again, confusion for me. France -- a land famed for its resistance to occupation in the world war. Where are the Maquis today?

I've enjoyed visiting France many times. But under Macron, France looks like it has lost its way.


posted on Sep, 17 2022 @ 04:29 AM
a reply to: n00ne

Then the answer would simply be to keep the head and not slaughter anybody for simply having a difference of opinion or following another political ideology you do not share.

Because once you start down that road there goes your great experiment where democracy is concerned, right down the drain that is.

posted on Sep, 17 2022 @ 04:34 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

I was speaking more like globally not especially regarding to France as internal conflicts among people are different from a country to another. The "maquis" do not exist anymore or are no where to be seen.. Right now in France people are fighting pretty much like they do in the US : political views, religious views etc.... and care a lot more about fighting each others than that less-than-a-cockroach president. All of this fueled by political party.

posted on Sep, 17 2022 @ 04:39 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Maybe my english got broken there : )
When I said the "head" / the "hand"
I was making the metaphoric comparison as the people in place of power fueling division among people being the hands of the elite
and the elite being the "head". And yes if we dont want the world they are forcing on us, its the head that needs to be taken care of imo. (but again, if one believe they are destroying our lives and should be taken care of)

posted on Sep, 17 2022 @ 04:50 AM
a reply to: n00ne

Problem being n00ne we cannot just tare it all down and begin anew.

As billions of people would die in the process.

Cut off one head and two more will take its place.

And that's the real crux of the problem.

posted on Sep, 17 2022 @ 04:55 AM
a reply to: n00ne

The elite like stability, because it's more profitable for them.

posted on Sep, 17 2022 @ 04:58 AM
Im sorry but I think that unless people actually get off their arses and actually do something about it, then it’s all just talk and nothing will change.

I mean we absolutely know that the media are culpable and just push the narrative, loud speaker for the government and big businesses, not holding them to account or being the spotlight. But still we the people allow the news corporations and free to air stations to broadcast. Noone is tearing down their propaganda network to stop the spread of the lies and the bullsnip propaganda that’s fed to us daily. I don’t see anyone marching down on the politicians and literally grabbing them and arresting them, or charging them and not allowing them in office. Citizens arresting them. Nothing.

Until people get off their arses and actually do it, it’s all talk.

And lets be serious about it. If you tried and you were unarmed, they would get the police to arrest you and security to bar your way.

posted on Sep, 17 2022 @ 05:01 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: n00ne

The elite like stability, because it's more profitable for them.

That must be why they've started so many wars over the last century.

posted on Sep, 17 2022 @ 05:03 AM
a reply to: DaRAGE

Well if we take away all the news corporations and mass media who is going to report on what they get up to?

Do that and the only narrative that remains would belong to the people in power far as i can establish.

Talk about out of the frying pan into the fire.

Free speech goes out the window.

Most lightly along with people's human rights and god only knows what else.
edit on 17-9-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2022 @ 05:31 AM
a reply to: DaRAGE

I agree so much with what you say... but I think we truly need forces to join a movement made of people. Army, police etc. I dont even understand why it isnt the case already. When I hear news from the US saying that the pentagon tells the army to go grab some food stamps I wonder what the soldiers are thinking. And in France its exactly the same. Many troops are deployed for years now in African countries with the sole purpose of serving the elite keeping their ground over there. While back home, their wives and kids doesnt receive the paycheck in due time, while themselves are left with shoes that melt because of the warmth in Africa and stuff like this. And thats probably true (I suppose) for many other countries. Maybe im delusional or just completely wrong as I dont believe I have the solution for any of this but I think a good amount of soldiers starting to join forces with the people might be the start. One can dream...

edit on 17-9-2022 by n00ne because: spelling

posted on Sep, 17 2022 @ 05:38 AM
a reply to: n00ne

Merci for the reply.

How do you see the media in France? Are there still independent outlets, or is it mostly the voice of the government?

Yeah, the French establishment. Something about France are those elite schools that do nothing but turn out government officials (or so it appears to those looking from outside of France). Those people are France's deep state, or, today, perhaps the globalist cadre running France.

Political question. I know France has a long history and has had various forms of government over the ages. But one thing is for sure, France is a "mature" country with such a history. The question is, how was a guy like Macron able to form his own political party and come practically out of nowhere, and win the presidential election? It sounds like a bad fairy tale. Do other political factions in France wonder about this guy and who is backing him? Again, for someone on the outside, it is a bit confusing.

Well, if nothing else, enjoy some fresh baguette, Port Salut cheese, and some excellent dry red wine nOOne.

edit on 17-9-2022 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-9-2022 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2022 @ 05:41 AM
a reply to: n00ne
You speak the truth but you forgot the elephant in the room.
The majority of dumb people and Nature.
A mistake jesus also made.
Of course we should all get along and not fight each other.
But when the NPCs come along and tell you that the death jab is a good thing or trannies tweking in front of kids is beautiful and when the dumb masses all start wearing masks and believe that the world is coming to an end from cLimAtE ChaNgE 🥴 those in the know are quite tied up re options.

We know the problem you described, what we need is real solutions, not John Lennon's "Imagine all the people..."

posted on Sep, 17 2022 @ 06:02 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Ok so, dont take it as truth, that's just my humble opinion -->

Most are the voice of the gov. There is few media calling themselves "whistleblowers" that actually leak some stuff BUT refuse to speak about certain stuff and when you follow the money you always end up seeing some funders/associates being super close with the gov itself so...
And then, there is others a tiny bit less corrupted. The problem with these "almost" independent media in France is there aren't really doing fully their jobs. Some reasons :
- infiltrated by "agents" if I may call it like that and so mix some truth with some lies
- prosecuted when they bring some real topic so they stop and just align with the others
The real media left are pretty much normal people building their own website but they aren't great at it and often mix false stuff (by mistake?) with real ones.

For the elite school, you got it perfectly right!

For Macron being elected its very hard to say. Behind him you will find his mentor "Jacques attali" which is basically an elite guy deciding the fate of France behind closed doors. And of course, the Rotschild, the former Macron's employers. He was elected the first time with 66,06% of votes. I am not religious at all but France's Elite is known to love these kind of symbolism and I find extremely weird to end up with that number. He did came from nowhere and except if people are super stupid and did vote for him because (and I quote a lot of people we have seen on TV) "he is young and handsome" then there is 2 possible explanations
- election fraud
- A LOT of french doesnt vote anymore (I dont) because everyone is convinced its choosing between a rat or a cockroach

About other political factions from what I know they are all there to play a role, an act.
- FN (far right) arent there to be elected but to fake opposition. I realize that the day Marine Le Pen was facing Macron the first time. She had strong materials she could have used against him and was ending up responding in a very pathetic manner, laughing and loosing her words which she never does ever. It was clearly on purpose. Only difference with the others party are discreet people backing them.
- All in the middle are backed by the same people as Macron so its just another name with so called divergence on political matters but they all dine together at night at the Fouquet's restaurant (literally... you can spot them often ...)
- On the left side its exactly the same.

How it is easy to understand they are all working hand in hand even tho they fight in public is belonging to pretty much the same lodges (freemasons). Protecting the same things, voting the same on important matters in the assemblee (when they actually go vote... most dont even bother to go vote and let the macronist vote alone)

I thought for a while there was the Philippot dude because he was vocal against vaccines, against covid passports etc.. but he is another fake dissent.

They all work together, dine together and fight publicly to make people believe someone is there to be an opposition. In france, if you are an opposition, a true threat against the establishement, they kill you. Like they did to Colluche, like they did to Balavoine and probably a lot more than we ever heard of...

Cheers too

posted on Sep, 17 2022 @ 06:10 AM
a reply to: Hecate666

Oh well.. I really completely agree with you. Intellectual deficiency is a big part of the issue but we wont succeed at anything with these people. What I believe tho is to find a common ground with the "opposite side" that do have some brain cells. I know there is. I am not an utopist, and not a pacifist either. Just a girl in a random country watching sick to the stomach how well the elite's plan is going and the next step might be the civil war that we are ourselves feeding daily (me included, I do believe its hard to stop fightingh the f*tards you are mentioning) and again, like I said, I dont consider bringing a solution or an answer but more of a warning that we are indeed all playing their little games and that maybe, just maybe, we should start by refusing to play.

posted on Sep, 17 2022 @ 06:11 AM
It’s not about the fiat it’s about the steering wheel.

a reply to: AaarghZombies

posted on Sep, 17 2022 @ 06:11 AM
a reply to: n00ne

How about solutions, I prefer solutions

Here's one, where do the elites live? who are they? if the shiit hits the fan, make your hell their hell


posted on Sep, 17 2022 @ 06:15 AM
a reply to: GoldGoo9

reunite people, join forces, is a start I suppose

edit on 17-9-2022 by n00ne because: (no reason given)

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