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A Theory of Who we are, How we got here and some staggering implications for Christianity

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posted on Sep, 16 2022 @ 01:13 AM
Ezekiel 33:6
But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

It's Sept. 15, 2022 and I have been seeking the truth for the last 23 years and see an absolute catastrophe rapidly approaching not only for Christians but for the whole world. And rather than keeping it to myself any longer I am going to blow the trumpet to warn you of what's ahead.

The truth of the Bible and what it is trying to communicate to us is exactly the opposite of what the Christian church is teaching worldwide and the implications are staggering for all of us. Why? Because it means that "The Lie" spoken of in 2 Thessalonians 2:11 is Christianity, the Antichrist are Christians, the mark of the beast is accepting a "holy ghost" into your heart from none other than "the prince of the power of the air" outside of you or said differently "the god of this world aka Satan" and Jesus Christ is what Paul referred to as "An idol made to look like mortal man". That said I have a lot to explain to you so let's get started.

Ironically to explain what in the world is going on, how we got here and where we are going I have to use some of the Bible's storyline to help understand it. So let's start with this. The Bible tells us that "God knew us before we were born". If that's true than you and I and all the rest of humanity must have existed prior to being "Knitted together" in "The body of death" as Paul calls it and you having any beginning or being a mortal is a lie. That said the Bible also tells us God is in heaven or paradise. From this we could conclude that we all were with god in paradise before we were born. Do you follow me? okay then hold that thought.

The Bible also tells us in Luke 17:21 that "The kingdom of heaven is within you". This as well as science should tell you that heaven is not somewhere in outer space but instead it is right there within everyone of us from our beginning in the flesh. And just as the one true god said "He would never leave or forsake us." When we fell from paradise he went with us. And the clues needed to come to that conclusion are hidden in Genesis if your not reading the text carefully. First we start out in Genesis 5:2 which clearly states that Adam was both male and female (which fully explains all the gender stuff going around the globe right now) and was "Made from the dust of the Earth". So male and female were made from dust of the earth inhabited one body and were called Adam. If that is the case then what we should be asking ourselves is who or what is EVE if not male or female? The Bible tells us that EVE was not a female but a WOMAN in that she was taken out of US or Adam. So ask yourself this. How was ever created? From the dust of the Earth like we were? Nope. She was taken out of us or said differently cloned from us. Why? Because Satan or the Serpent is the master counterfeiter right. Notice carefully who Satan approaches first Adam or Eve. He conspires with Eve first, get's her to cooperate ad down we go. And then he says to EVE "The man has become like one of us knowing both good and evil, he mustn't be allowed to reach out and eat also from the tree of life and live forever." Why? Because then we would overcome our death sentence and the serpent and EVE would rule over nothing. Notice now that the serpent does destroy the tree of life? Why not? Clearly because he can't. So the god of this world and his partner in crime EVE place a flaming sword spinning every which way to guard the way to the tree of life and mighty Cherubim as well. Notice the Bible says that "He cast the man out" What man is that? Adam right? Us. What about Eve? She never left or went with us. And you might say then why do we have both male and female sexes. Genesis 5:2 should help you understand inside every male is a female and inside every female is a male. We are all both sexes in one.

From here the god of this world tells us to go and multiply? Why? Divide and conquer. The more divided we are the more confusion abounds. And then we we are started figuring this out the god of this world and eve once again enter the picture "Let us (Eve and Satan) go down and confuse their language so they will not understand one another" (at the tower of Babel). Do you see what is going on now? The one true god collectively is US. And every so called god outside of you is false and our enemy including and especially Jesus Christ (The abomination that causes desolation).

"Of every tree in the garden you may eat freely but of the tree of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat. For in THE DAY you eat of it you will surely die." If we are all born in the world in a body of death, with complete forgetfulness of who we really are and were prior to this insane thing we call life could we not conclude that what we call life is the experience of death and that death is experienced through consciousness and consciousness is a trap no one has ever escape from because we think we are alive in this world when in fact we are all really dead. And if the Bible has any truth to it we don't even have free will in this life be are all predestined to die. Psalm 139:16 says this, "All the days ordained for me were written in your book before any of them came to be." And John 1 follows that train of thought when it says, "In the beginning was the WORD" What this should tell you is that the story of your life was written in the past and all we are doing all through our lives is observing predestination waiting for the inevitable end of our story.

That said if we collective are God and we are all the temple of the living god and his spirit has dwelled in us from birth into the body what is this holy ghost we are all to accept into that temple and replace our God given spirit with? According to Christian teaching we are born into sin and separated from God and need to accept a ghost into our hearts from outside our bodies to be saved from eternal fire. So if god would never leave or forsakes us how does that Christian narrative resolve itself? So God knew us before we were born, knit us together in a body of death broke his promise and lied by forsaking us and then we are suppose to magically find him again. The Bible clearly state "It is impossible for God to lie" So if he would never leave or forsake us then he's been with us all along. And the Christian theology that is being taught and accepted the world over is false.

I know there's a lot to unpack here but I will leave it at that. Lots more to share if anyone is interested. If not I understand as many have a real distaste for the Bible. So what is the warning? Look around this lonely planet of our and consider we are completely and infinitely surrounded by death and the unknown on all sides in a lifeless universe. No one Savior in the sky is coming back for us. And the sooner we all recognize that, reclaim our lost identity, take back our power and fight back the better. I would say Earth is our last stand. We just need to get past the lie to reach the truth.

posted on Sep, 16 2022 @ 01:33 AM
This is your interpretation of the Bible. I see things in the world playing out exactly as described in the Book Of Revelation.

posted on Sep, 16 2022 @ 02:50 AM
a reply to: TheOneInsideTheZero

The whole give me your soul and you'll be saved, is fishy as F***...

posted on Sep, 16 2022 @ 02:57 AM
a reply to: TheOneInsideTheZero

If you've been seeking the truth for 22 years I'm surprised you are still trying to interpret an ancient religious text written by goatherders 2 thousand years ago...

They knew considerably less about how the world works than we do now... And that text reflects that...

The truth you are seeking does not reside in biblical texts, it resides in the hearts and minds of people, in the extraordinary beauty of the universe and the world we live in...

I implore you to look elsewhere...

ALl the Bible contains is riddles and peoms that can be loosly interpreted to mean anything... Not to mention, many, many contradictions...

It's a nice collection of tales that do teach us many things..

But as far as understanding the Universe... not so much..

Good luck in your quest...

May you find the truth you seek..


posted on Sep, 16 2022 @ 02:59 AM
a reply to: Terpene

Along with the whole "you are not worthy enough to question anything" nonsense...


posted on Sep, 16 2022 @ 03:48 AM

originally posted by: PerfectAnomoly
a reply to: Terpene

Along with the whole "you are not worthy enough to question anything" nonsense...


That's really unfair and your words are intelluctually ignorant.

There are some seriously gifted people in our world who know Christ. They are modern and intellectually sharp. Would you call all these people ignorant goat herder religion worshippers?

Do you want an example of how faith can reward with staggering real time innovation: Rupert Neve is a fascinating and obvious example. Check his life out here:

The best universities in the world still are of Christian origin, Oxford and Cambridge being two prime examples. Britain has just reasserted itself as a Christian Kingdom with its new King. I am a scientific Christian. I am able to demonstrate evolution being described in all the Words from the Almighty's prophets. You do not see it because you do not seek it.

To the OP:

I feel pretty much as you do. Your observations as an experienced Christian are balanced. Your concerns are justified. It is already a bumpy ride for anyone who is really trying to follow Christ and always has been. My life has been, is totally oppressed and I am denied much access to opportunities. All through my life I have been bullied and still am every day. That has made it even impossible for me to work normally as colleagues and management both bullied me for being myself. I can't change who and what I am nor do I want to. So it's not too hard to imagine how easily that could cross over to being denied access to buying and selling too in the near future, just for being myself and this is has happened in the Western state of the UK.

It is like they have made me invisible. My own family were so horrible to me I had to let go of all of them. Remember Jesus saying we should put Him even before family? I did and I do. Even among the Christian Churches now many of those who attend services are none questioning and have been turned into a lot of politically correct and spiritually impotent "wokies". Some of the most ignorant and none Christian people can be found in Churches. It was like that with the Hebrews too. The prophets called people out for their hypocrisy and pretences, as did Christ.

I try to follow the Almighty, not man made institutions. I found my faith in music, just as Neve did. I see the Almighty in the ocean as I go kayaking. Alone in the ocean is where you get closest to the Almighty, or in any kind of wilderness, but upon the water it seems to manifest so strong with me.

In Revelation it says we must withstand what we are put in the path of. Some get hung on crosses and beheaded. Some are just cast out as outsiders and called ignorant without having offended anyone. The OP just tried to communicate to other Christians their experience and was immediately pounced upon here and treated rather ignorantly and wickedly. That happens to me every day. It is like there is a bad spirit in most people that plays out whenever they perceive a soul that is open to the Almighty.

People should be concerned about what they host in their heads. The truth is that you have to host something, or be empty. It's a real situation and there is no escaping it. Bob Dylan summed it up well in his song "Gotta Serve Somebody". I am very careful what I allow into my mind, even so, sometimes still not careful enough. All we can do as sinners is to keep on trying and not beat ourselves up too much that we still have monkey brains and commit some really silly self defeating and sabotaging behaviour that bites us back as karmic reverb with a a bit of delay on it, all through a Neve preamp (cool metaphor, eh!).

edit on 16-9-2022 by Tarantula777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2022 @ 06:25 AM
a reply to: Tarantula777

You know you speak alot of truth about how life treats us free spirits because that is what we are, free to choose and we chose JC despite the others every efforts to warp our sense of selection.

But -

How you can defend the OP's right to sprook garbage like " every God outside you is false including and especially Jesus Christ " is uncomprehendable.

I applaud the OP, your, my or anyone else's right to search but when JC is labelled false or even satanic although i certainly don't know how both could be possible by the OP then most likely the OP is suffering certain instabilities that shall remain nameless by me, hence to the OP personally-

Glad you chose to hear the call, even proud of you for answering it but " many are called few are chosen " and in this case we'll have to let you know your application has been refused.

posted on Sep, 16 2022 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: CthruU

How you can defend the OP's right to sprook garbage like " every God outside you is false including and especially Jesus Christ " is uncomprehendable.

I actually find it sadly funny....people with trust and believe anything. But when you bring up The Lord, you are shut down as foolish. People will believe in anything but Christ.

Kinda says it all to me. In truth, it is how I know Christ is real. My accepting him helps me be a better person in the world.

Well, to each their own.

And if you want proof God exists, I haven't had a drop of alcohol in 18 months. That is nothing short of a miracle.

posted on Sep, 16 2022 @ 07:12 AM
a reply to: TheOneInsideTheZero

I know there's a lot to unpack here but I will leave it at that. Lots more to share if anyone is interested. If not I understand as many have a real distaste for the Bible. So what is the warning? Look around this lonely planet of our and consider we are completely and infinitely surrounded by death and the unknown on all sides in a lifeless universe. No one Savior in the sky is coming back for us. And the sooner we all recognize that, reclaim our lost identity, take back our power and fight back the better. I would say Earth is our last stand. We just need to get past the lie to reach the truth.

I'll start with a simple question. Do you find written tradition superior to oral tradition?

Being a follower or even a leader is natural but I suspect our groups aren't. I have plenty of theories on that. 100's possibly 1000's of other cultures had theories on that to. I think that's why they gifted individualism to things within their own minds... The ones that don't practice monotheism.

Maybe they were nuts, they were generally well rooted and capable nutters though.

posted on Sep, 16 2022 @ 09:04 AM
There are two types of watchmen.
That of Satan and That of God.
Both appointed by their respective leader.
A watchman
1 Will call out a warning
or 2, will fail to call out a warning.
I have read your premise. Did God appoint you to your spiritual position?
If not, then who?
God cannot be divided against himself, and neither can Satan.

It appears you have pulled scripture out of context. Have you studied the prophets and early church fathers such as Josephus? If so I would wonder how you could come to such conclusions. So let me point out here what a true watchman says.
Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is attributing the works of the Spirit ...and God to be the works of Satan. [It is considered to be the unforgivable sin]

Consider what you are really saying.
The context of scripture is just as important as any single scripture.

I see here by reading between the lines, you are not saying things, you really mean to say
DAndrew DavidsHope
edit on 16-9-2022 by DavidsHope because: letter correction

posted on Sep, 16 2022 @ 11:10 AM
The truth is hidden in you and also why there are unknowns and its meaning.

edit: I guess lol.
edit on 16-9-2022 by belkide because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2022 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: TheOneInsideTheZero
Absolute BULL, the anti Christ was not Christianity or the Christians but the anti Christian spirit AND the coming kingdom of the beast.

The number of the beast is undoubtedly ISLAM.
The Prophet of the Beast is undoubtedly therefore Muhammad.

But the Anti Christ is not confined only to the Religion sown by the devil for his own plan's but is also found even among Christians and among those that persecute them.

Among the Christians it can be seen as those that abuse the faith to gain power for themselves, false preachers that fly private planes and live in grand mansions, false preachers that abuse the church to control there citizens in ways that are not in line with the words spoken by Christ or TO HIS APOSLE Simeon Peter, Simeon son of John do you love me FEED MY LAMBS that is feed the children (The Anti Christ likes children to go hungry, hunger feeds the anti Christ spirit as poverty and hunger drive crime and sin and destroy the innocence of children), Simeon son of John TAKE CARE OF MY SHEEP, that is govern my people so those telling the Christians to stay our of politics are definitely Anti Christian, Simeon Son of John FEED MY SHEEP, no one is to go hungry within the kingdom of Christ or be burdened in poverty by want of life's necessity's but the Anti Christ once again uses Capitalism as an excuse to challenge any state that try's to do what Christ told them to do.

And then there are the anti Christs that attack Christians and Christianity itself.

And Terpene, whose religion are YOU Quoting that is Satanism, Christ gave you your FREEDOM he NEVER TOOK YOUR SOUL in fact he DIED to save you, to give you your freedom.

You show an ignorance of Christs own words in that.

There are however the Gatherers, Servants of God whom will gather YOUR Soul whether you like it or not, there are only two storehouses at that time for souls, one is heaven the other the bad place though there are some that will be left to rot in the outer darkness (that is will be deprived of God's light either because they reject it or because they are simply evil but have not been deemed bad enough to go into the eternal damnation.

You see some like to blame God, to deny Christ but in fact he has done everything he can even Given his own life for you, the only thing he asks is that you Love God that is not the love like emotional but the real love of obeying his laws as best you can and that you love (Respect with empathy and put yourself into his shoes - rich or poor) your neighbour as yourself and don't do anything unto others you would not have done unto yourself (And respect there values in that respect).

You know the first Church's were like Kibbutz of Communes, they ate together, shared what they had with one another, worked for there common good and did good works in Christs name, this is something that Rich FALSE Pastors and Priests want to forget as it does not suit them to give up there millionaire lifestyles to care for the poor - especially the poorest of there own flock and to live as poorly as there congregation do.

NONE OF US ARE PERFECT, Christ is the one that MAKES US PERFECT and only through him, not denying him, not worshipping some prat that tried to claim he was God and got his arse kicked out by Angels shouting the war cry "WHOM IS LIKE UNTO GOD", not money or as the bible calls modern and ancient economics MAMMON (Though the high temples of mammon and the pagan priests of mammon are all around us aren't they), Christ kicked the money changers out of the Temple.

posted on Sep, 16 2022 @ 04:19 PM
From the very first word of the old testament (torah) in the ancient language gives us the prophecy God sends his son whom will save on the cross, this can be translated punch of different ways though but the inner meaning is clear and becomes clearer by every letter and word forming from beginning to very ending.

From different languages their names also confuses ppl, from biblical language YHVH is translated God saves and YHVSAY is translated God saves from tooth for tooth and eye of eye law.

First word of torah (old testament) Beresyt letters are Bet Resh Alef Shin Yud Tav basically in english House Face God Destruction Hand Cross one of the translation goes as Son of God saves on the cross (very ending declared from beginning also)

Second word in english is Created but in biblical lang its Bara and letters are same as the first word first 3 letters Bet Resh Aleph meaning Son of God

Even the third word of torah ELOHIM can be translated to give more deeper understanding: Behold Strong Shepherd Controls the Waters

World was created by him, the word of God: John 1 great example what happen here

Im no fluent speaker just at beginning my slow research into all these mysteries, thought to share this perspective with ya

edit on 16-9-2022 by romilo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2022 @ 05:35 PM
If Satan was divided, how would his/their kingdom stand, and be worthy.

So there Roman Catholics, the Protestants, Christian Christians, Anglican’s, Sixth day, seventh day, Anglican, Mormons, Jehovahs Witness, Christian Jews, Jewish Christians, Gnostics and probably more.

Why do the righteous suffer, ends up being asked.

edit on 16-9-2022 by Proto88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-9-2022 by Proto88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2022 @ 07:00 PM

edit on 16-9-2022 by glend because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2022 @ 04:41 AM
a reply to: TheOneInsideTheZero

Serpent =forbidden fruit=nightsoil

Spinning swords etc = backdoor=sun doth not shine

posted on Sep, 17 2022 @ 12:14 PM
Nvm. Question answered.
edit on 9/17/2022 by VierEyes because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2022 @ 10:40 AM
a reply to: CthruU

Well when you (the op) quote people (Luke), who obviously believed in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour to prove your point that He WASN'T, you know you're full of #e...


edit on 19-9-2022 by Masterjaden because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2022 @ 06:06 PM
a reply to: romilo

The word "Torah" refers to the Geometric "Torus"

"El'ohim" literally means "Equilibrium"

You need to go much deeper than the corrupted Hebrew translations, because they are only "partially correct" key translations

The Old Testament is all about sacred geometry and how it is applied into relative systems

It is horribly mistranslated, because none who translated it understood the principles they were translating

Imagine translating ancient texts you have taken from older cultures about physics and how the world works, to disguise them as your own, when you have no idea what a torus even is and you think the world is flat ...

That is what the Bible is

They translated it relative to how their minds think, subjective of higher powers and things they don't understand


posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 08:49 PM
a reply to: Compendium

Torah for Torus and Elohim for Equilibrium and how did you come up with that tho? I have to ask do you know better way to translate it then and have you done much of it yet, say from the famous first seven words of torah, how would you translated it

From biblical language based Torah is the Law, that is called now as old testament and have five books which also have more depthful meanings in biblical language for example.

All the names from God to Adam and after have the story living and giving
There you can see it basically, its the same story never changing until time is done.

About sacred geometry the little i know, in my opinion its crearly part of the multidimensional language that spoke the words and it was so (Creator).

thanks for sharing though, its all interesting and mysterious to me and i hope my views are not taken as debate etc, im just sharing too

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