a reply to:
Absolute BULL, the anti Christ was not Christianity or the Christians but the anti Christian spirit AND the coming kingdom of the beast.
The number of the beast is undoubtedly ISLAM.
The Prophet of the Beast is undoubtedly therefore Muhammad.
But the Anti Christ is not confined only to the Religion sown by the devil for his own plan's but is also found even among Christians and among those
that persecute them.
Among the Christians it can be seen as those that abuse the faith to gain power for themselves, false preachers that fly private planes and live in
grand mansions, false preachers that abuse the church to control there citizens in ways that are not in line with the words spoken by Christ or TO HIS
APOSLE Simeon Peter, Simeon son of John do you love me FEED MY LAMBS that is feed the children (The Anti Christ likes children to go hungry, hunger
feeds the anti Christ spirit as poverty and hunger drive crime and sin and destroy the innocence of children), Simeon son of John TAKE CARE OF MY
SHEEP, that is govern my people so those telling the Christians to stay our of politics are definitely Anti Christian, Simeon Son of John FEED MY
SHEEP, no one is to go hungry within the kingdom of Christ or be burdened in poverty by want of life's necessity's but the Anti Christ once again uses
Capitalism as an excuse to challenge any state that try's to do what Christ told them to do.
And then there are the anti Christs that attack Christians and Christianity itself.
And Terpene, whose religion are YOU Quoting that is Satanism, Christ gave you your FREEDOM he NEVER TOOK YOUR SOUL in fact he DIED to save you, to
give you your freedom.
You show an ignorance of Christs own words in that.
There are however the Gatherers, Servants of God whom will gather YOUR Soul whether you like it or not, there are only two storehouses at that time
for souls, one is heaven the other the bad place though there are some that will be left to rot in the outer darkness (that is will be deprived of
God's light either because they reject it or because they are simply evil but have not been deemed bad enough to go into the eternal damnation.
You see some like to blame God, to deny Christ but in fact he has done everything he can even Given his own life for you, the only thing he asks is
that you Love God that is not the love like emotional but the real love of obeying his laws as best you can and that you love (Respect with empathy
and put yourself into his shoes - rich or poor) your neighbour as yourself and don't do anything unto others you would not have done unto yourself
(And respect there values in that respect).
You know the first Church's were like Kibbutz of Communes, they ate together, shared what they had with one another, worked for there common good and
did good works in Christs name, this is something that Rich FALSE Pastors and Priests want to forget as it does not suit them to give up there
millionaire lifestyles to care for the poor - especially the poorest of there own flock and to live as poorly as there congregation do.
NONE OF US ARE PERFECT, Christ is the one that MAKES US PERFECT and only through him, not denying him, not worshipping some prat that tried to claim
he was God and got his arse kicked out by Angels shouting the war cry "WHOM IS LIKE UNTO GOD", not money or as the bible calls modern and ancient
economics MAMMON (Though the high temples of mammon and the pagan priests of mammon are all around us aren't they), Christ kicked the money changers
out of the Temple.