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New Normal: Kids Myocarditis Awareness Commercial Running in New York State

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posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 03:54 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

I'm English. I can only speak about the UK

It's literally all you do.
Even the new guy beat you up.

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 04:00 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
"That is why the covid jab propaganda because almost obsessive.a reply to: marg6043"

I don't see thread after thread of pro COVID shots propaganda posted.

It's the anti jab folk who are obsessively spamming us.


Spamming you? Really?

If you were creating pro jab posts and people were spamming then I could see your complaint, but this isn't your thread or obviously your concern, yet here you are. Irony?

Every single anti jab thread is posted by people who care about this issue yet always a bunch of you relentlessly jumping in to derail the conversation over minutiae. At this point it can only be intentional not that any of you are really interested.

We know you disagree but this situation keeps evolving so it's natural to keep talking about it and bringing up new info.

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: Mandroid7

Do I have to apologise for only speaking about the UK?

Stroll on.


posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: igloo

I see.

No one is allowed to post critical comments in other posters threads?

In case you haven't been paying attention, my concern is to Deny Ignorance.

It's generally encouraged on here.

Critical thinking is encouraged on here, much as you apparently want to shout down any other views.

How many threads have been posted by you folk?

I've lost count.

It's relentless.

The other poster was banging on about being obsessive.

That's true irony.

edit on 15-9-2022 by Oldcarpy2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 04:18 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: igloo

I see.

No one is allowed to post critical comments in other posters threads?

Critical thinking is encouraged on here, much as you apparently want to shout down any other views.

How many threads have been posted by you folk?

I've lost count.

It's relentless.

The other poster was banging on about being obsessive.

There's a difference between critical thinking and critical attacking. This feels more like attacks on the op and other's who are trying to keep us updated on the vaccine situation, some of it simply observations and intuitions due to the massive amount of censorship.

Thing is, a lot of us are very interested in this but what you call critical thinking is more than dropping your opinion/insight and leaving it at that. It's become disruptive to the point of preventing discussion.

If it turns out the vaccines do prove to be dangerous then all this was well worth pursuing. If not, then you will have wasted your time just the same alongside us. Your choice but you're the one complaining about the number of threads on this subject that you feel you must monitor for some reason.

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 04:32 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
"That is why the covid jab propaganda because almost obsessive.a reply to: marg6043"

I don't see thread after thread of pro COVID shots propaganda posted.

It's the anti jab folk who are obsessively spamming us.


Lmao, this is ATS bro, go to any other website on the internet if you want pro-vaccine propaganda shoved down your throat.

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 04:42 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Why would I want such a thing?

Do try reading and comprehending my actual posts before you laugh your bottom off.

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 04:45 PM
a reply to: igloo

Who is preventing discussion?

That would be you.

It's like anyone who has the temerity to question your quasi religious fervour gets howled down.

Howl away.

Sad times for ATS.
edit on 15-9-2022 by Oldcarpy2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 04:51 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: igloo

Who is preventing discussion?

That would be you.

It's like anyone who has the temerity to question your quasi religious fervour gets howled down.

Howl away.

Sad times for ATS.

You don't understand I guess. Doesn't matter.

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 04:52 PM
a reply to: Mandroid7

Beat me up?

Is that what passes for polite debate in your head, Mr Robot?

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: igloo

Neither do you.

Carry on with your dogpiling of different opinions.

Frankly, I'm past caring.

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: igloo

My personal motto?

Nil desperandum carburundum illegitami

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 09:11 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: igloo

Neither do you.

Carry on with your dogpiling of different opinions.

Frankly, I'm past caring.
Here I thought you only gonna comment on “the UK” in this thread.


posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 09:13 PM
So she goes from tummy ache to swollen heart. And through meds and computers run by thee same doctors that jabbed her, they just sidestep the medical mystery and “why” of it all.

Ok. Got it.

posted on Sep, 16 2022 @ 05:07 AM
The "data" posted by V1rtu0s0 isn't just about Myocarditious, it also includes data for Pericarditis, and there's no distinction between the two with Pericarditis not usually being serious.
Anyone can report an adverse event to VAERS.


Pericarditis causes chest pain and a high temperature. It's not usually serious, but it can cause serious health problems. Get medical advice if you have chest pain.

Logically website.

Anyone can report an adverse event to VAERS. Healthcare professionals must report certain adverse events, and vaccine manufacturers must report all adverse events that come to their attention. However, it is essential to remember that “VAERS is not designed to determine if a vaccine caused a health problem.” It is simply a self-reporting tool, which helps the CDC and the FDA detect “unusual or unexpected patterns of adverse event reporting that might indicate a possible safety problem with a vaccine.” The website encourages people to report any adverse event after administering a vaccine licensed in the U.S., whether it is or is not clear that a vaccine caused the adverse event. Investigations are only conducted on reports related to what the CDC considers a safety signal, i.e., “unusual or unexpected patterns of adverse events,” but updated or corrected data is not available to the public.

Its funny to see the usual American anti-vaxers screaming on here like Karens with the "won't somebody please think of the children" threads trying to claim the jab is killing children, I wonder if the same posters feel the same when someone shoots up a school? The biggest killer of children in America now is the firearm!
Do you protest as much when children are shot? Are you posting on here daily about making changes to your gun ownership laws or mental health checks? Or are you the same people screaming about your 2nd amemedment rights when some metions even a slight change????

The Telegraph


List of mass shootings 2022

posted on Sep, 16 2022 @ 05:30 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Its not the vax, because most of them haven't had it.

What has changed is more awareness of what already exists.

Happen in Europe pre pandemic due to a pro soccer player having a heart attack on live TV.

According to the Israeli study in my signature only 1 in 50,000 suffer more than mild palpitations, similar to anxiety. Around 1 in 500,000 suffers seriously.

In NYC the main cause is likely to be pollution.

posted on Sep, 16 2022 @ 05:39 AM
a reply to: Kurokage

, I wonder if the same posters feel the same when someone shoots up a school? The biggest killer of children in America now is the firearm!

I'm a big 2A supporter, but even I find this ironic.

The OP is going full Karen over them apparently normalising this, yet their ilk has effectively normalised active shooter drills in schools, and metal detector in the gates, and cops in schools. And they want to normalise teachers with guns in school, and kids with ballistic plates in their backpacks.

Equally Ironically, more kids died in school shootings in the US in 2022 than were killed by the vax in the entire world in 2020, 2021 and 2022 combined.

Based on current child vax death rates even if every child in the world were double boosted more children would still die in us school shootings in any given year.

And yes, the gun grabbers can pry my AR out of my... Oh you know the rest.

And I've got a big Confederate flag for the rest of them.

posted on Sep, 16 2022 @ 07:29 AM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Mandroid7

Do I have to apologise for only speaking about the UK?

Stroll on.


It's ironic that most of the anti vaxxers only talk about the US, but think that the rest of the world is the same.

I tried explaining to them how the main group pushing for vax and lockdown in the UK was the Labour opposition party, and that Boris Johnson wanted to build Herd immunity the old fashioned way, and they got stuck in this depopulation narrative and refused to believe that the government was forced into it through public pressure.

posted on Sep, 19 2022 @ 08:16 AM
Because before the vaccines, when people were getting Covid, there wasn't a connection with heart problems, it was respiratory based. Since the vaccines there's been a push to say its due to Covid
a reply to: midicon

posted on Sep, 19 2022 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: doorsofperception01

The fluid thats created in the chest cavity can put a lot of pressure on the heart, the same can happen with pneumonia.

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