posted on Sep, 16 2022 @ 11:41 AM
exercise alone won't outdo a crappy diet.
a lot of eating is habitual, or conditional, or an addiction to sugars.
when asked about losing weight I always advise people to look up Whole30, it is Keto/Paleo elimination for 30 days, and you realy do feel healthier.
it isn't a weight loss diet, but you will probably lose weight, and healthily, and you won't return to normal eating afterwards.
that's part of the problem - people go on 'diets' to lose weight, and then once they've lost it they return to their normal diet and put it all back
on again.
You need to eat less, and one way of doing that is to eat healthy fats and protein that fill you up and keep you full between meals. have three meals
a day, make sure they're big enough to keep you full between meals. a bit of meat, plenty of veg, and a portion of healthy fat at each meal. stick
to it, you'll feel fantastic.
better sleep, better mood, no mood swings that are bought about by having low blood sugar levels, and cravings for something sweet - that biscuit at
11am, the donut or cake at 3pm, they keep you going, but they're just extra calories you don't need. if you can cut those out, you'll start to get
you'll have way more energy, and you'll start to need to do exercise to use the energy all day.
seriously - Whole30.
you can thank me in a months time.