a reply to:
You’re probably right! I wasn’t saying Kubrick definitely faked it, or moreover that the landing was fake; although, despite the errors in 2001
it’s still possible that the landing was produced with even more attention to detail than that movie. And at that time, or any time who else was
more capable than Kubrick? But indeed ‘possible’ and ‘probable’ are different things and I’m only suggesting the former.
Btw, despite the landing being presented ‘live’ that doesn’t preclude the possibility that what was broadcast was prerecorded. It’s a trick
pulled on the telly all the time with broadcasts that are categorised ‘
As Live’. These are in fact recorded - usually the day before, but
not exclusively. However, this isn’t advertised and the casual viewer will often assume that what they’re watching is live - happening right now.
It’s a slight of hand - an omission, rather than a lie and these days presenters in chat shows sometimes allude to it to milk a laugh from the
The point in my original post that I’d give more credence to is that if I were in charge at that time, locked in a PR race to the moon with the
Russians - the president having committed the public’s faith to winning that race, therefore re-election dependant upon it, I’d feel an awful
weight on my shoulders…
Whether sanctioned by the White House, or off the books, I’d look for a plan B in case we suffered a delay that put the Ruskies ahead. To my mind
that’s either sabotaging the Russian effort, which would be incredibly complex and fraught with the danger of igniting a war, or the comparatively
straight forward, less risky option of getting in a top filmmaker to fake it. As I said, at that time who was more qualified than Kubrick?
With that footage in the can as insurance NASA may well have not even needed it, making it to the lunar surface as planned. But those top brass
probably slept better knowing they had that as back up just in case.
Even if the footage wasn’t used, if knowledge of that shoot via credible testimony were to escape into the public domain, it may undermine all that
was gained. It would cause the public to question whether what they saw was real. Indeed it would cause the public to question if anything tptb
presented was real; for example if the public learned fake moon footage was shot, might those believing 9/11 was fake be a whole lot more than just a
fringe? Imo I t’d be of great concern to the brass that credible knowledge this moon shoot never leaked - no loose ends.
(A friendly reminder here that I’m speaking hypothetically 😉)
I’m not saying that what the world saw was definitely Kubrick’s work - that’s up for debate, and you’ve made your opinion clear, which is a
very sound one; if Kubrick shot a version it may have indeed had gaffs that might’ve given it away if used (or perhaps not). My point is that I find
it plausible that he was tasked with shooting a back up version and having done that, even if it wasn’t broadcast, forever after feared being
eliminated as a loose end. It would neatly explain his shift into paranoid behaviour - behaviour that was a little inexplicable for such a pragmatic,
grounded intellect (that’s very much how he comes across in his interviews).
I think in this hypothetical scenario adding the wrinkle of the higher ups liking some of Kubrick’s moon shoot so much that they couldn’t resist
inserting a few choice moments into an ‘as live’ broadcast to sex it up a little is not that outrageous a proposition. But it’s just a thought,
not a statement.
edit on 17-9-2022 by McGinty because: (no reason given)