posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 12:44 PM
I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. Hopefully, some brilliant ATS minds have some good answers to this query.
A little background on me. I own a business that thrives off of a bustling economy - tourism. I’ve seen a substantial slowing of business going back
to the beginning of spring, which is technically our busy season. We typically slow down in the summer months, with the exception of 2020 and 2021,
due to my state reopening and so many neighboring states staying on lockdown for eons. Well, summer was slow again this year and the fall (busy
season) isn’t looking like it’s going to be any where as busy as years past.
When the lockdowns happened 2.5 years ago, I went into reverse income status. Having to refund deposits I had taken on tours. Needless to say, I
don’t ever want to deal with that ever again. Furthermore, the idea of having this business fade into the ethers without any return on all the hard
work I’ve put in to build this thing up. If the economy fully tanks before I can sell it as a whole, it would be an absolute tragedy. I’d be left
liquidating assets at a fraction of what their worth — who buys party buses when the economy sucks?!
So I’m left with the idea to sell off my business and re-invest that money in to a business that actually produces in bad times. I’ve been racking
my brain about this every day for the last 6 months or so. Unfortunately, I’m drawing blanks.
I’m thinking this thread could help other people and not just me, as we are a pretty diversified group regarding locations.
So what say you ATS? What would be a good company to start with the impending doom on the horizon? This could also be diversified in to where to
invest money with the economic downturn.
edit on 12-9-2022 by KKLOCO because: (no reason given)