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Video Compilation: SADS Skyrockets Around The World

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posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 04:19 AM

originally posted by: JinMI
An open question.

When they kill off all the good germans, whats to be done with the pissed and crazy remaining purebloods?

I don´t think it`s about killing but it´s all about conditioning the masses, it´s about re-educating people, to make them docile and obedient, to make the masses do what TPTB want. Started with wearing masks, locking us down, forcing jabs into the peoples veins etc. And the masses have tacitly accepted it, even if their own shop, business went down the drain because of the "corona"-measures. Even knowing that the masses were and are used as guinea pigs for big pharma while big pharma makes big money because we pay them, with our tax money. For the "opportunity" to be guinea pigs for them. In the gaming industry this behavior would be called early access...

And the jabs maybe were on one side a test of how good their re-education(if you do this then you are allowed again to do that etc) works. And on the other side just a simple tool for the stinky rich trans-humanists to push their agenda and even make a lot, really a lot of money in no time with that.

They can do what people like Mengele dreamed of, completely legal now as it seems, using millions if not even billions of humans as guinea pigs for the development of whatever these witch master brew together there. And for whatever real reason.

Why i don´t think it´s about killing the masses, especially not much too fast so that even a blind one sees whats going on? Because and tbh, i know exactly as much people who died from covid as i know people who died from the jabs yet, exactly zero. I also never got told by somebody that he knows somebody who died from covid or the jabs.

All that really happens in masses is that we can all can see that the jabs don´t work as promised and the people who got them are even more often ill now than the purebloods. The purebloods complain everywhere that they have to do more work because "Jabber the Hut" is now ill again after two weeks of working, after being ill for four weeks before the two weeks of working and such stories.

If it really is about killing masses of humans then this will happen over the years or even decades, they will use the long-term effects of whatever these witch master brewed together there. So it´s not that obvious and the masses stay obedient and submissive and love their saviors for their good deeds.

edit on 7 9 2022 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 08:51 AM

originally posted by: DoomsdayDude

You should all really take this guy's advice seriously! They finally got me and I am slowly dieing from their twisted poison! I will get back at them with their doom when I finally die which could be anytime now due to SADS! I can feel it coming soon....😵😇

Sincerely, The Lamb of God

"No weapon used will prevail against you" Isaiah 54:17

Dying is not the biggest problem as long as you are right by God, the main problem is the impending global control system that will be totally antithetical to the truth. Even so much as abolishing it. What we have observed the past two years is only the tip of the iceberg. There is no need to fear as long as we humbly pursue the truth.

Also, you will likely be fine, these sudden death occurrences are still relatively rare
edit on 7-9-2022 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 10:23 AM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
I saw one of the most devastating videos I've ever seen a few days ago. I've been watching this guys channel for about a year now, he does "stealth camping" videos which I find very relaxing. He always spoke about his wife and you could tell she meant the entire world to him. She recently died in her sleep, and while Steve didn't provide any specific details, I strongly suspect it was some sort of heart failure since that's the most common cause of death during sleep. She was also most likely vaccinated since they live in Canada, and I don't believe she had any serious health conditions.

My assumptions may be wrong, but I find this so tragic, we need to be asking very serious questions, I've watched YouTube for over a decade and I've never seen anything like this. What are the chances it would happen right now of all times, why are so many people dropping dead of heart issues and clotting all over the place? Unfortunately, the political propaganda is so strong that most people will ignore the obvious truth even when it takes their loved ones away from them. The time for subservience is over, it's time to get really pissed and demand they END THIS MEDICAL TYRANNY NOW!

I saw this. Very sad. No one even questions how a young healthy woman just dies on her sleep.

Normally people who develop a severe health issue have warning signs, they don't just all die in their sleep at 30 years old or collapse dead at the restaurant table. That's being normalized now though. Prior to 2020 that would be unheard of.

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Exactly, there are usually signs leading up to death, especially for young healthy people. Yet we have people dropping dead without any prior warning all over the place. I've seen so many cases just in the last year, literally dozens of athletes suddenly dying, I've even seen several news reporters and politicians drop dead. And somehow they are able to convince everyone it's perfectly normal, there's nothing that annoys me more than the clowns who say crap like "so heart attacks and blood clots didn't exist before 2020?"

I'll concede one point, which is we often see things we want to see even if they aren't there. There is a chance we're seeing so many reports of sudden deaths, simply because more people are focusing on those types of events. But I have no desire to see my vaccinated friends and family members die, it's the last thing I would ever want. There is obviously increased numbers of people suddenly dying, no matter how we look at it, even the excess death numbers show something is happening.

Just over a year ago I would laugh at most of the vaccine conspiracy theories, I felt there was just no way doctors all over the world could collude to carry out such an evil plan, and why would they want to kill the most subservient people anyway? That would leave a lot of very angry and stubborn people, and they wouldn't allow the people behind it to escape justice. It just didn't make sense on any level for them to carry out such an illogical plan, and I still don't think it makes much sense.

Then I had to call an ambulance for my father after he was vaccinated and my opinion dramatically shifted. I started looking into the research much more deeply and it became very apparent to me how much they rushed the research and how limited the original trial studies were, and the political shenanigans they used to get authorization for the vaccines despite fully knowing there was a massive lack of safety data, especially on things like how it effects reproduction and pregnancies.

In my opinion, this entire tragedy is caused by negligence, combined with a stubbornness fueled by political dogma. The left will never acknowledge they might have been too hasty with their "science", they wanted Biden to swoop in and save the day with his magical vaccine. And it failed spectacularly, it has mostly likely done more harm than good, but they will never accept such a truth. How many famous people and rich people need to die before they actually do something to stop it?
edit on 7/9/2022 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 11:32 AM
"Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome is when someone dies suddenly and unexpectedly from a cardiac arrest, but the cause of the cardiac arrest can't be found."

This is very troubling, if SADS suddenly spiked way up after billions took the vaccine what is the logical conclusion of the Hypothesis ?

Was there something in the Vaccine that knocks out the basic electrical charge to the heart, we know the heart can be restarted with an electrical charge, but it can it also be stopped with it organically failing with the sudden subtraction of the electrical charge.
This is how somebody with a very healthy heart dies from cardiac arrest, the deletion of the electrical charge which was actually a super rare occurrence, but did happen in the past.
edit on 7-9-2022 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 11:35 AM

originally posted by: Blue_Jay33
"Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome is when someone dies suddenly and unexpectedly from a cardiac arrest, but the cause of the cardiac arrest can't be found."

This is very troubling, if SADS suddenly spiked way up after billions took the vaccine what is the logical conclusion of the Hypothesis ?

Climate change.

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 11:39 AM
Btw I think Trump is also partially to blame for the rushed rollout of the vaccines, and even to this day it's something he takes pride in, even knowing the majority of his supporter base doesn't like it. But at least Trump would have given everyone a choice instead of enforcing vaccine mandates, and that's a very crucial point, because most nations follow the lead of the USA, which made it much easier for them to enforce the mandates on a global scale. If Trump didn't go along with that plan, and it didn't cause a massive health disaster, or even worse, if the US had a lower infection rate than other first world nations that did enforce the vaccine, it wouldn't be a very good look for the "health experts".

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 11:50 AM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
Btw I think Trump is also partially to blame for the rushed rollout of the vaccines, and even to this day it's something he takes pride in, even knowing the majority of his supporter base doesn't like it. But at least Trump would have given everyone a choice instead of enforcing vaccine mandates, and that's a very crucial point, because most nations follow the lead of the USA, which made it much easier for them to enforce the mandates on a global scale. If Trump didn't go along with that plan, and it didn't cause a massive health disaster, or even worse, if the US had a lower infection rate than other first world nations that did enforce the vaccine, it wouldn't be a very good look for the "health experts".

Its hard for me to believe any of this is an accident. Virology 101: you don't vaccinate during a pandemic. That's one of the most fundamental rules of virology. Period. It allows for selection of viral mutants which leads to ADE and VAIDs.

The fact they knowingly went against this while preventing early treatments using oral drugs like ivermectin which fauci himself said were a cure for sars1.

Don't forget the darpa whistle blower who released the documents that showed that darpa knew ivermctin was "curative" of Sars cov2 in April 2020.

They just knew the cure, prevented it, then forced a experimental vaccines, which you're not even supposed to do in the middle of a pandemic.

How is that an accident?
edit on 7-9-2022 by v1rtu0s0 because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-9-2022 by v1rtu0s0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 11:59 AM

originally posted by: Blue_Jay33

Was there something in the Vaccine that knocks out the basic electrical charge to the heart, we know the heart can be restarted with an electrical charge, but it can it also be stopped with it organically failing with the sudden subtraction of the electrical charge.

The most common heart issues seem to be myocarditis and heart attacks, both of which have a similar cause. Myocarditis is caused by inflammation of the heart, usually due to an infection, which can constrict blood vessels and limit blood flow in the heart. Heart attacks are usually caused by a build-up of plaque in the heart's blood vessels, which can restrict blood flow through the heart.

In the case of heart attacks, I doubt young athletes have large amounts of plaque built up in their heart. So it would seem likely that the spike protein causes some sort of clotting or micro-clotting, I've heard several doctors suggest that could be the cause because the spike protein gets stuck to the sides of our blood vessels, then they get attacked by our immune system, damaging the inner walls of our blood vessels and causing clotting.

A similar sort of thing may be happening with a lot of these brain clots we are hearing about because I've seen research claiming the spike protein can pass through the brain blood barrier. In the case of myocarditis, I haven't looked very deeply into how a vaccine could cause it, but it's usually caused by an immune response to an infection, which would suggest some people have a fairly severe immune response to the spike protein in the vaccine.

That seems to be what happened with my dad, he had some sort of extreme immune response to the vaccine, but the paramedics didn't find any evidence of an infection. They said it may be an internal infection and suggested he stay in hospital for a night, but he didn't want to do that, and he obviously didn't have an infection because he was better the next day.

Also, I don't know if they did this in the US because I'm located in Australia, but they gave my dad an information sheet when he went for his last shot, and the only warning it had on the information sheet was about myocarditis. From what I recall it said in some very rare circumstances some people may develop myocarditis as a side-effect of the vaccine, and it gave a list of symptoms to look out for.
edit on 7/9/2022 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I felt there was just no way doctors all over the world could collude to carry out such an evil plan

Doctors are busy people without a lot of free time to do much of anything but try to catch up on sleep or get some quality family time in.

The entire medical industry has become so fragmented over the years there's no longer a one doctor does it all; they rely on scientists and peer reviewed articles to keep them up to date on the latest research. Scientists have been feeding them bogus information and altered data figures the entire time, painting any negative info as CT rumors.

Even skeptical doctors have to keep it to themselves if they want to keep working.

I don't think doctors are guilty of anything more than towing the line in order to keep working and survive, just like everybody else. They have the same info the rest of us have, and nobody forced anyone to get the jab. It was coerced, and a lot of people didn't need to be; they believed in 'the science' and unicorn poop our governments spewed...a few still do.

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Its hard for me to believe any of this is an accident. Virology 101: you don't vaccinate during a pandemic. That's one of the most fundamental rules of virology. Period. It allows for selection of viral mutants which leads to ADE and VAIDs.

I'm not sure I actually agree with this logic, if we have a safe and effective vaccine then it's probably best to use it before the virus naturally dies down, because there's little need for a vaccine at that point. I do think implementing vaccines in a rushed way can cause problems, and could allow the virus to adapt more easily to the vaccine, especially if we make it mandatory, but I also understand why they would want to roll it out quickly rather than waiting multiple years.

So I don't really think there's a sinister motive here, it's more of a blind faith in science, and a fear-driven desire to end the pandemic as soon as possible, with a very relaxed attitude towards obtaining the proper safety data, because the severity of the pandemic was deemed more dangerous than a rushed vaccine. Or at least that's the way the media portrayed it to us, probably to make Trump look bad by destroying his booming economy, and give governments authoritarian powers.

The fact they knowingly went against this while preventing early treatments using oral drugs like ivermectin which fauci himself said were a cure for sars1.

I think this can also be mostly explained from a political perspective. In my experience, political beliefs are one the most powerful forces in the world, and can explain most things. Trump and other right wing personalities endorsed drugs such as Ivermectin and HQC, therefore the leftist establishment instinctively opposed the use of those drugs regardless of what the science actually said, or the massive success of doctors using those drugs.

A lot of what has happened over the last 2 years does feel highly orchestrated, and I'm sure much of it is, but I don't think the reasons involve some global genocidal conspiracy. But I will admit, if the elite did want to slowly kill off people to reduce overpopulation, this would be a pretty good way of doing it, especially if the vaccine causes fertility issues or other reproductive problems later down the line, I guess we'll know the truth eventually.
edit on 7/9/2022 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 12:28 PM
Interesting study here, from 2007.

Warning, may contain science:

To describe the characteristics of sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS) and compare its incidence with official national mortality statistics for unascertained deaths."
edit on 7-9-2022 by Oldcarpy2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: cooperton

Maybe the plan is that once they've eliminate the mindless sheep, the resistance will be easier to deal with.

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: incoserv

So, mindless sheep wouldn't be easier to deal with?

Some mistake, surely?

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 12:47 PM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Its hard for me to believe any of this is an accident. Virology 101: you don't vaccinate during a pandemic. That's one of the most fundamental rules of virology. Period. It allows for selection of viral mutants which leads to ADE and VAIDs.

I'm not sure I actually agree with this logic, if we have a safe and effective vaccine then it's probably best to use it before the virus naturally dies down, because there's little need for a vaccine at that point. I do think implementing vaccines in a rushed way can cause problems, and could allow the virus to adapt more easily to the vaccine, especially if we make it mandatory, but I also understand why they would want to roll it out quickly rather than waiting multiple years.

So I don't really think there's a sinister motive here, it's more of a blind faith in science, and a fear-driven desire to end the pandemic as soon as possible, with a very relaxed attitude towards obtaining the proper safety data, because the severity of the pandemic was deemed more dangerous than a rushed vaccine. Or at least that's the way the media portrayed it to us, probably to make Trump look bad by destroying his booming economy, and give governments authoritarian powers.

The fact they knowingly went against this while preventing early treatments using oral drugs like ivermectin which fauci himself said were a cure for sars1.

I think this can also be mostly explained from a political perspective. In my experience, political beliefs are one the most powerful forces in the world, and can explain most things. Trump and other right wing personalities endorsed drugs such as Ivermectin and HQC, therefore the leftist establishment instinctively opposed the use of those drugs regardless of what the science actually said, or the massive success of doctors using those drugs.

A lot of what has happened over the last 2 years does feel highly orchestrated, and I'm sure much of it is, but I don't think the reasons involve some global genocidal conspiracy. But I will admit, if the elite did want to slowly kill off people to reduce overpopulation, this would be a pretty good way of doing it, especially if the vaccine causes fertility issues or other reproductive problems later down the line, I guess we'll know the truth eventually.

It's not a debate to say you don't vaccinate during a pandemic. That's literally a basic rule of virology.

It's kind of like saying you don't mix ammonia and bleach together when cleaning. No one debates that you don't do that.

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 12:54 PM
A highly edited video with lots of people fainting. Designed for the gullible, I am afraid. Designed for people who want to believe some orchestrated act is going on, but cannot find the evidence.

On the side, there is a condition called "sudden death syndrome", which is well documented and described.
edit on 7/9/2022 by paraphi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 03:48 PM

originally posted by: incoserv
a reply to: cooperton

Maybe the plan is that once they've eliminate the mindless sheep, the resistance will be easier to deal with.

Probably, as there won't be many to deal with

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Well we'll have the usual "Oh people have been dropping like flies for years." Of course there will be a certain amount of truth to that. To be fair: are those of us likely to think it's mainly from the vaccine biased at all? I'd say it's fair to say we are. In that case, it's always worth double checking everything up against the usual rates of anomalies we see each year to check if there really ARE more. But "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome" is absolutely the dumbest "diagnosis" I've ever heard in my life.

So when mainstream media and "science" starts suggesting that heat, watching TV and staying up late can cause heart attacks, it's time to see the RIDICULOUSNESS of those pronouncements. Mainstream media HAS talked about vaccine/myocarditis, and that's okay for them I guess - until it HAPPENS and then they fall all over themselves with reasons for heart attacks and drop-deads that belong in a the comedic hall of fame.

I do as the OP says: simple deduction. Firstly, "studies" and "science" are so politically and financially driven and controlled, I simply don't trust them. Secondly, I CAN check the amount of athletes that died in one year in 2015, or 2012 and compare them to the GLARING number of them that have dropped in the past 1.5 years. The significance is obvious. Sure, they can come up with a "safe and effective" vaccine in less than a year, when it's classically taken between 5 and 15 years to develop every vaccine, but they can't come up with a reason people are dying of heart attacks with a vaccine KNOWN to cause heart issues. Not even a suggestion. Just total reasons of ridiculousness, and then "baffled".

My 30 year old niece got vaxxed and now has shingles all over her body. Even mainstream has covered the covid vaccine and the propensity for shingles or Herpes Zoster outbreaks. But my niece and her mother are both, "Gee! I wonder why this would happen?"

Give. Me. A. Break.

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 04:06 PM

originally posted by: Spacespider
Random footage of people fainting mixed with out of context clips of Bill Gates - Overlay that with some mock up news guy that speak in a serious manner. Done.

Great, you've just also described the media's narrative for most things covid, as well as the science from the CDC/FDA and pharma.

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 04:08 PM
a reply to: GlobalGold

I think you missed my point?

Mindless sheep, ffs, might be easier to deal with?


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