a reply to:
Your Avatar represents the second coming. Those are the Saints right behind him. They has been with him at the wedding feast for 7 years. The second
coming occurs at the end of the 7 year tribulation (Jacobs Trouble) period.
We have been watching the feast of Trumpets, and Rosh Hashana for the past few years. Another good date to watch is Pentecost.
There are two separate events described. One is second coming, and another is previous to that and known as Harpadzo. The Harpadzo is what people
have come to call the Rapture. That was a Latin Vulgate translation. Yeshua was very clear when his disciple's asked when these events would take
place. He told them that the timing was set by the Father, and only the Father knew, not even the Son of Man knew. More importantly, each time they
asked, he would redirect their attention to how they should be behaving and what they should be doing when this takes place. I think there was two
times they asked, and he responded the same way.
Has there been Harpadzo before? Absolutely! Enoch, and Elijah. If I remember correctly, the story of Philip baptizing the Eunuch, and that same word
is used. Philip was snatched away, but not off planet. He was taken to another area far away from where he had been.
Dad has been researching for years. He attended several colleges, has had many titles, including Director of Research for a Fortune 500 company. He
has counseled Pastors, and even taken their place over the years to deliver sermons. We have looked at pretrib, Pre-wrath, and post- trib. We finally
settled on pre-trib, probably a few years ago. He has been a Christian for about 85 years and will be 96 soon. He has been hoping to be here, still
alive to take part in the Harpadzo. Over the past several months he became a little disappointed when we discussed Apophis hitting Earth in 2029. He
does think it is going to hit. That raised a disappointment for him. If it is what is described in Revelation hitting Earth, that happens in the
second half of the 7 year Tribulation period. The first half is caused by Humankind, and the second half is where God steps in. Mankind will not make
Apophis hit.
So April 13th 2029, then count back 3.5 years, and that is the earliest that the Tribulation would begin, regardless how bad things get before then.
And if Yeshua didnt know the day or hour, neither does Satan or or any person on Earth know either. He made it clear that we are just supposed to
be ready, doing his will at all times. We are to keep oil in our lamps, and the wick trimmed, and dont be like the virgins that fell asleep. Be ready
for the groom to arrive.
edit on 5-9-2022 by visitedbythem because: (no reason given)