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A Collective Dream for the Future

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posted on Sep, 4 2022 @ 07:06 PM
a reply to: zosimov

I dont have any dreams. I just try to survive.

posted on Sep, 4 2022 @ 08:03 PM
a reply to: TonyS

My dog dreams of food.

His whole schtick is built around food... I can't change that but I can give him moments on his side to space out and be full... Dream. He dreams of food.

You can dream too, in fact I'm sure you do given the chance. I know Zosimov is trying to share such things.

Know what else my dog does too? Listens! Appreciates, cuddles and licks. I do give food though. So there's that!

How could I/we assist in you having a dream?

posted on Sep, 4 2022 @ 09:19 PM
a reply to: zosimov

Yay, unachievable pipedreams!

What’s your dream for the future of mankind? What kind of world do you want to shape for the youth, what legacy leave behind?

Can I say, for people to stop trying to change the world to leave a better legacy for their children? For people to stop worrying what legacy the rest of the world leaves behind?

Children and their futures are used more than good luck charms by Asian women at a roulette table. And the world is far too self-adulating with their charity as it is.

Far too much, "I'm doing this for our future and our children's futures." That's the roadmap for the intention highway of hell.
edit on 4-9-2022 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2022 @ 10:33 PM
a reply to: Degradation33

(didn't make it past the first sarcastic quip)
Have a good one, though!!

posted on Sep, 5 2022 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: RAY1990

I don't have a dream because I can't see a path forward.

posted on Sep, 5 2022 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: TonyS

Well the blind lead the blind often enough, knowing a few blind people and I did notice you never needed eyes to go for a walk or to get things done.

It's all about getting some living done and realistically you don't need to do anything. Some might even argue people shouldn't be building paths. Make no mistakes though these 'paths' we're talking of are ancient bridleways and public pathways. We don't need to see them because we instinctually walk them every day.

I'm also poorly communicating that if you put one foot before the other the paths will be created, the dreams will happen when you rest. You'll often find like-minded travellers on the same paths too.

There's always a path if you're willing to walk.

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: zosimov
I like your new future world, reads redundant to what I think.

The solution I see to arrive there is, mostly, localism. We need a kind of reset but not like the WEF thinks, more of a globalism reset. So many professions died out or are dying out currently. You can't source things locally anymore, everything is dependent on transport like it never was before.

One example would be knifes. I collect knifes since childhood. Initially I started doing this out of practical reasons when I was young and out in nature with friends. Since then I learned to value a good knife (tool) and respect it's maker. It's not only a craft, it's a tradition long held and now dying out. So much knowledge is lost, that was handed down from generations to generations of knife makers. Everyone can learn theory but practical skills, not so much. Learning from the oldtimers is always more valuable because of all the lessons to inherit.

What worth is the huge factory when it's not running because it does not make enough money for the owner? The knowledge is in the machines and upper management. We came from being toolmakers to being the tools itself, tools of the elite. It was our own greed too that led us down to this. Instead of supporting the local mom & pop store, people prefer bulk buying in supermarkets.

This brings me back to buying and supporting the local community.

Too less people are willing to put effort into their day. Why do anything more or beyond what is the bare minimum? Not only job wise but also on a personal level. Many became parrots on social media instead of using their brain. Yes I am going there, look at the youth today. I recently read about the term "quiet quitting". It perfect describes what is wrong in our current society. People just quit on the community, instead they attach themselves to virtual communities or terms that unite them, but estranges themselves from the local community.

It's nice to meet likeminded people but it also blurs the vision for what is in front of our noses. What is going on directly in front of our eyes. The industrializing is not the big gift for humanity it looked like. It just enhanced our capability to # up things further and quicker for us and our surrounding. I am not talking about the climate in this case.

Personal greed is the main driving factor why such a world you described sadly will always stay a dream. There are always people that are lazy and or want to cheat the system. Reality also is, that nature is brutal and if we extinct ourselves, then the only beings missing us, is ourselves. We humans mostly have unlearned to live in and with nature, instead we obsess on being "human" an do our things, making tools until it is too much for the system to take and all collapses.

Of course in all this, I as well play a role and I do not want to exempt myself or come across preaching. It's just my observation of things.

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 11:12 PM
a reply to: TDDAgain

So much good stuff in here. You made an excellent first point about the loss of trades/professions and thus our dependency on transport and someone underpaid somewhere far away putting it together.
I love your point that the oldtimers and anyone who has long practiced a craft are the only way to learn certain things. How many arts stand to be lost due to our negligence? It only took a few generations to lose a lot of crucial skills (as a whole--I know people still craft beautiful things--and you are right these are the ones to seek out when buying and to seek out for education).

Yes, we are really greedy and lazy and have allowed ourselves to be lead to a place where we're dependent and some even really love the dependence, love following orders. Great points there and I hate to admit it but I am also too lazy, greedy, and dependent. I'm right there with my fellows, just not in step with the following orders part

This is such an insightful comment:

The industrializing is not the big gift for humanity it looked like. It just enhanced our capability to # up things further and quicker for us and our surrounding. I am not talking about the climate in this case.

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: zosimov

Well, for one I know it can be freeing to give up control and responsibilities. It totally is, in small doses and for a short time. Mentally freeing. It is only possible with trust and I think that's where many lend too much trust towards society and especially the people that make up the government. I am not going to judge (not saying you did or do) anyone who resolves in it. Although it's not how I was brought up and I believe in personal responsibility. That everyone is master of their own luck and rather than blaming someone else denying that, I look how I can achieve it by myself.

I reflected a lot about how I am so upset about the car that got impounded. It's cleared road legal by now, for anyone else curious about it. Is it the unjust that was done? Is it the expectation to be able to have it but can not? Do I feel entitled to own and move it or is it just a piece of metal that brings fun? Is that fun more worth than like, let's say, playing with my daughter? The answer is: No, none of it. It's because something I was used to having in my life, a privilege none the less, was taken from me for no good reasons. I could pick it up now but I do not because I set priorities on my health instead of going there on my gums. Would I like to feel the acceleration? Absolutely. Now someone reading this might think "If I had that car, I would pick it up instantly and it's ungrateful to not do it". I had that thought too but in the end it comes down to what we have and are used to, and what we do not have but want. And what we are willing to sacrifice of reaching these goals. For me it was a lot of time, risk, sweat and literally blood what led to being able to own this car.

I once was used to diving garbage behind supermarkets and praying on leftover food. I didn't forget that. And what I want to get at, is priorities and the look on life. Money and things, even respect from society because we adhere to the Zeitgeist-modus-operandi, can only provide so much personal luck. Being healthy, having a warm, more important a dry bed to sleep, being surrounded by loving ones is more valuable than anything else.

It's also okay to be lazy sometimes. We don't really live in hard times but stressful times for certain. There's a lot of pressure on many of us, as the world is ticking faster everyday. We can learn a lot from less developed countries when it's about that mindset. And need to prepare for loss of life standard. But with that, also some freedom and ease to the mind comes with it.

I know I sound like WEF a bit currently, for certain it's what they advocate. Life is always a question of how far we are willing to take things and how we internally handle the circumstances that come with it.

I am always reminded of this when I am out shopping or in town casual style. I mean, I do have some minimum standards, like I won't go shopping with jogging clothes. Or stuff I see at "people of walmart". But I really don't care coming sock and braless inside Birkenstock (kind of sandals) to get some groceries. I also never do makeup except a bit eyeliner sometimes. My curly hair is awful to manage in the morning

But then, I often see people dressed and tackled up like going to watch an opera doing chores or daily stuff. Hygiene is a non arguable thing though. But when it's about clothing, there's a place and time to dress up like that IMHO. I don't judge these people or try to interpret into the "why", but it makes me reflect. When I do dress up really nice it's for special occasions and then it feels good.

What I want to express with this is the amount of stress we often give ourselves about trivial things in life. Such as, not doing enough. It's also a cultural thing. For example we Germans, we expect timeliness. To the minute. Not too late and not too early, on the point. It can be stressful if the day isn't organized to that degree. But it's a cultural thing. I had to learn this too, that what we see as disrespectful showing up late (= wasting some one's time waiting), can be seen as unnecessary in a culture that takes things a bit more easier and it's not understood as being disrespectful but more like, not being uptight. I learned this while being in Egypt. Where the clocks tick different. 1 German minute = 5 Egyptian minutes.

And it's okay like that also, because everyone ticks like that there, so it is freeing. Loop back to cultural and societal expectations to keep the overal status quo. A look on different cultures can help when one is frustrated or stressed. I don't think it's some one's weakness to burn out, it's rather a result of the perfectionism we often burden ourselves with and partly expected from society, in this lifelong rat race.

Feels like being all over the place though and like I produced a word salad. But honestly, that's how I felt when I composed the above post too.

& hugs

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 07:32 AM
You can't always get what you want...

Sincerity is achievable and we needn't be too trusting I'd like to think. I know it when I'm reading it and it's absolutely fine calling it out for others right?

It probably all starts around little sacrifices like that, giving a little trust and personal truth. We must learn from another, live with each other. Because let's face it, the alternatives are rather ridiculous and foreign to us.

I think most of us are trying to be normal in an abnormal world. Changing things won't be hard if we sincerely insist.

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 09:23 AM
i have already posted my answer to your request for my view of a worthwhile Future

Now.... i wish to Critique your analysis of anyone who tries to predict 'futures'

SEE OP snip:

Humanity is poised on the edge of the unknown. Though there are some who believe they know what lies in store (indeed, some who believe they can direct the course), no man can foresee the future.

I do not see/predict/envision our collective future or timeline...'i go into brain wave states/ meditations to reveal bit-&-pieces of potential events which may happen & thereby 'steer' the day-to-day progression of things to come

examples: over a span of twenty years I sought Americas' future, to prepare myself & family... even before the WTC 2 towers were completed radical/zealot Arabs were on course to use commercial passenger jets as missiles...theMiddle american City (?Kansas City) was picked as a target by Terrorism... the King of Terror was an Arab residing in Pakistan ( this sprang from Nostradamus) also the 'King of Terror' had a name like LANDIS...(not to far removed from LADEN or bin LADEN huh)
in 1990 i channeled that 4 targets were ordained to be hit by commandeered commercial Jets, WTC WTC PENTAGON WH-MONUMENT...That 9 am on a Tuesday would be the operation start & that one week later the NJ postal box would be laced with dozens of envelopes containing Anthrax would be launched on a dazed-&-Confused public //Anthrax from Fort Deitrich the chem-bio weapons creation lab 'claimed' to be mothballed

additionally, i sent Art Bell a manilla Envelope with the above info and the alert that 1/4 of catholic clergy were sex drive toward young persons .... the OK city bombing & 9-11 were all in Americas future in events 5-10 years future

these 2nd sight or epiphanies were/are given to scattered groups of individuals to warn the community before event yall take heed of the end-timer out there proclaiming distresses-to-come

i neither created these inspired things or events or fleshed them out...i crossed into the collective noosphere/remote-viewed all thos bits-&-pieces of a story-board over 20 years in the revealing stage --- a Vision-Quest some would say

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 11:09 AM
a reply to: St Udio

Interesting point well taken. What is your take on destiny? That it's a set or changeable thing?

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