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ER doctor accuses Dr. Moore bowing to political pressure to Remove C19 isolation

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posted on Sep, 4 2022 @ 03:09 AM
This is comical.
An Canadian supposedly ER doctor in Ontario is accusing Dr. Moore bowing to political pressure to Remove five day C19 isolation.
While saying we are going to be entering into the 8th wave with a straight face.

This ER doctor with a straight face claims that this result in more illness in workplaces, schools and hospitals? over something like omicron? which an South African doctor had stated that its not as a serious.

Yet in Canada doctors like these are trying heavily to prolong the nonsense even as far justifying the mandates, restrictions.

Between 72 and 83 countries had decided to move on, only Canada for almost nearly three years no major C19 restrictions had being removed.

ER doctor accuses Dr. Moore bowing to political pressure to Remove C19 isolation

posted on Sep, 4 2022 @ 03:10 AM
As someone on the YT vid mentioned.

Children had being harmed by mask wearing causing issues like reading impediment. Yet these such doctors keep pushing people to wear masks.

posted on Sep, 4 2022 @ 05:28 AM
a reply to: vNex92

Isolation practices are normal procedure for highly contagious respiratory diseases and infections while the patient is admitted onto a floor or unit. Not sure why you're so upset about it. Covid is still a real thing; the efficacy of masks and social distancing etc is to be debated for sure, but covid is a real illness, its very contagious, and it is a respiratory illness. Ergo, isolation while admitted. Jails do the same thing.

Also, "An" goes before words beginning with a vowel, and sometimes "H"'s when they make vowel sounds. Like "An Honorary sh*post"

posted on Sep, 4 2022 @ 06:09 AM

originally posted by: vNex92
As someone on the YT vid mentioned.

Children had being harmed by mask wearing causing issues like reading impediment. Yet these such doctors keep pushing people to wear masks.

Yup, reading lips helps kids learn to pronounce their words properly.

Canada has State doctors. They say whatever Health Canada tells them to, or they lose their career's.

Remember: Omicron = Moronic

edit on 9/4/2022 by MykeNukem because: 💉💉🐔🤡💉💉

posted on Sep, 4 2022 @ 06:12 AM
a reply to: Iconic

Yea, it's a cold.

Also, they are now recommending we NOT isolate if we are positive but don't have symptoms.

They've completely flip-flopped, which doesn't happen when you know your head from a hole in your ass (government).

edit on 9/4/2022 by MykeNukem because: eh?

posted on Sep, 4 2022 @ 11:01 AM
It's crazy that there are still vestiges of the extreme reaction going on in the states.

I have a coworker who recently took her family through their third bout, and she's about hysterical over it even though it sounds like a stock cold is basically what they all had. Not fun, but no one suffered unduly either. Now she's terrified of getting it again, so much so that she's paranoid over people at her gym having it and friends getting it again. She's all like, "Crap! Everyone's getting the 'VID again! It's everywhere ... I don't want it again."

Meanwhile, I've been living life. No one I know has gotten it. Kid has been at school for two weeks. There are no notices. I think it's just assumed that if you're sick, you stay home. If it's an important thing, you notify those who need to know.

posted on Sep, 4 2022 @ 11:30 AM
Every time I start reading a thread that pertains to covid, I always have to go back up to the top and check the date. Here we are in the second half of 22 and these authoritarians STILL want to use covid as an excuse for more control. Meanwhile most normal people were done with this by the time 2021 rolled around. When they gonna let it go?

posted on Sep, 4 2022 @ 11:34 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
It's crazy that there are still vestiges of the extreme reaction going on in the states.

I have a coworker who recently took her family through their third bout, and she's about hysterical over it even though it sounds like a stock cold is basically what they all had. Not fun, but no one suffered unduly either. Now she's terrified of getting it again, so much so that she's paranoid over people at her gym having it and friends getting it again. She's all like, "Crap! Everyone's getting the 'VID again! It's everywhere ... I don't want it again."

Meanwhile, I've been living life. No one I know has gotten it. Kid has been at school for two weeks. There are no notices. I think it's just assumed that if you're sick, you stay home. If it's an important thing, you notify those who need to know.

I had it once, and besides the occasional conversation with a coworker or something, I don't even think about it. I was recently sick, just felt like a basic cold, I still went to work, I didn't go to the doctor, I never tested at home. I basically live like I did before covid was in main stream vernacular.


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