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Insomnia remedies what works for you

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posted on Sep, 1 2022 @ 05:11 PM
a reply to: putnam6

I forgot to ask. Do you use a CPAP machine for your sleep apnea? My husband has sleep apnea, and says he sleeps really well now that he's using a CPAP. If you already are using a CPAP, maybe talk to your sleep specialist about what's going on. They may be able to help you or adjust your machine.

posted on Sep, 1 2022 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: RAY1990

I didn't find your post to be dismissive or anything. I apologize if anything that I wrote made me seem offended or aggressive in any way. I only intended to state that mirtazapine is in a different class than other antidepressants and then decided to talk a little about my diet since you had mentioned diet. I wouldn't be taking mirtazapine if something else worked. I'll probably try marijuana when I retire, but my employers frown on employees using it. The mirtazapine only gives me about 7 hours of sleep, but I'm just fine with that. It would probably knock the OP out for 10 hours since he's already sleeping 5-7. 

posted on Sep, 1 2022 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: putnam6

Before I get off of here for the next several hours, I thought that I should say something that I will likely forget about later.

Research any herbal supplements that you do decide to take. They can often interact with any other medications or even other herbal supplements you are taking, and they could also be contraindicated for any other health conditions that you may have. The best bet is to find a doctor who specializes in herbal or traditional medicine and let them advise you on what the best herbal supplements are for someone with your health conditions or other medications you are taking.

posted on Sep, 1 2022 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: tamusan

You reminded me it isn't of that class and I totally forgot tbh! So I'm grateful for that lol. The OP might struggle to get hold of mirtazapine unless he presented himself with psychological issues like anxiety or depression... Both can easily be linked with insomnia and mirtazapine would be a good choice in that scenario.

Because thinking about it TDD definitely has a strong point, the only reason mirtazapine was suggested as an aid to insomnia for me is due to the fact I had other symptoms the medication covered. In the UK they'd never prescribe it just for insomnia.

If you read between the lines I said you could lie to your doctor basically... They'll probably oblige with drugs like these too. I feel like my opinion is clear enough on taking drugs in general and sourcing them but it's always going to be each to their own anyways isn't it? Anyways I'm drifting into musings.
edit on 1-9-2022 by RAY1990 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2022 @ 05:54 PM
a reply to: tamusan

Could be, I just saw someone advertising that as a good insomnia help and was reminded how bad it was for me. No bad feelings. Glad I got off after two weeks but from there I know it's not just making one sleep, it changes chemistry. Did not like it. doctors agreed it's not what I need too.

But for something constructive, what helps me is laying my hands on my chest while on my back and just calming my breath. Concentrating on that helps. Or imagine something you know well in great detail and then zoom out the mental picture. As the brain needs to add more details, I phase out then. It's a know technique, don't know the name though.

posted on Sep, 1 2022 @ 06:25 PM

originally posted by: ChiefD
a reply to: putnam6

I forgot to ask. Do you use a CPAP machine for your sleep apnea? My husband has sleep apnea, and says he sleeps really well now that he's using a CPAP. If you already are using a CPAP, maybe talk to your sleep specialist about what's going on. They may be able to help you or adjust your machine.

I had a CPAP a while back it helped no doubt, I had both a full face mask and just the nose thingy, but at that time I was really bad about taking it off unknowingly. But when I left it on it did work well, for the apnea that is.

posted on Sep, 1 2022 @ 07:25 PM
If you want to go all natural, I'd look into Sceletium tortuosum.

I'd advise doing research and consulting herbalists though, because there are different products and doses, between treating depression and insomnia, for example.
edit on 1-9-2022 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 12:11 AM

originally posted by: TDDAgain
a reply to: tamusan

Could be, I just saw someone advertising that as a good insomnia help and was reminded how bad it was for me. No bad feelings. Glad I got off after two weeks but from there I know it's not just making one sleep, it changes chemistry. Did not like it. doctors agreed it's not what I need too.

But for something constructive, what helps me is laying my hands on my chest while on my back and just calming my breath. Concentrating on that helps. Or imagine something you know well in great detail and then zoom out the mental picture. As the brain needs to add more details, I phase out then. It's a know technique, don't know the name though.

You aren't wrong about the breathing exercises, I used them to lower my BP all the time. As well as pressure points acupressure.

posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 12:21 AM
Limit screen time.

Don't browse any device around an hour before bed.

There are studies showing the light from devices can affect the body's natural circadian rhythms.

posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 08:44 AM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
Limit screen time.

Don't browse any device around an hour before bed.

There are studies showing the light from devices can affect the body's natural circadian rhythms.

I agree with this too, Ive gotten much better about shutting everything off, or having a timer that shuts things off after an hour

FWIW I've got an app on my computer called Flux and it slowly removes the blue light spectrum as the night goes on too it starts at sunset, and everything shuts off completely after an hour if I don't touch it. Last night after I was done watching TV I listened to the tinnitus-masking sounds of an old standby and it was finally cool enough overnight that I could open the window and get some fresh air in. Fell asleep a little later than I wanted to around 2 but thankfully slept through till almost 7.

First time in over a week I didn't wake up around 3-4 and struggled to get back to sleep before dawn...

edit on 2-9-2022 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2022 @ 09:35 AM
Read the Bible, oh say Deuteronomy or numbers. You'll be fighting sleep in no time.

I say this in all seriousness. I love Leviticus, but most people find the Bible a snoozer.

posted on Sep, 3 2022 @ 08:15 PM
a reply to: putnam6

I had insomnia my whole life until I discovered a specific strain of Kratom. Red Bali. I take about 12 before bed and sleep great. I wake up at 5:30ish before my alarm clock every morning now. Start off low amounts if you try it and increase. Kratom is normally used for pain but that is a different strain.
I swear by this but I don't know if it will work for you. People have insomnia for different reasons. Some because of their mind. Some because of stress. It worked perfect for me. I am up and ready to go in the am. NEVER was like that before. Changed my life

posted on Sep, 3 2022 @ 09:34 PM

originally posted by: UnifiedSerenity
Read the Bible, oh say Deuteronomy or numbers. You'll be fighting sleep in no time.

I say this in all seriousness. I love Leviticus, but most people find the Bible a snoozer.

I used to travel for work all the time WBW, and many times I'd get to a hotel in some little podunk town, and the bible was all I had to read. I can have that effect sometimes

posted on Sep, 3 2022 @ 09:35 PM

originally posted by: traderjoe99
a reply to: putnam6

I had insomnia my whole life until I discovered a specific strain of Kratom. Red Bali. I take about 12 before bed and sleep great. I wake up at 5:30ish before my alarm clock every morning now. Start off low amounts if you try it and increase. Kratom is normally used for pain but that is a different strain.
I swear by this but I don't know if it will work for you. People have insomnia for different reasons. Some because of their mind. Some because of stress. It worked perfect for me. I am up and ready to go in the am. NEVER was like that before. Changed my life

Ive had somebody else mention that to me, I'll have to do some research and check with my doctor but it sounds promising

posted on Sep, 4 2022 @ 02:23 PM
Do more psychical labor

posted on Sep, 4 2022 @ 06:48 PM
a reply to: putnam6

I dont know if you have tried any of these, but there are scores of them on youtube. Try putting this on with little CBD oil under the tongue.

edit on 4-9-2022 by openminded2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2022 @ 02:21 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


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