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Here Is What Is Happening

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posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 12:36 PM
There'll be no more renewable ressources. Now basically. Your Reserves are all you have.
As adaption means to get creative. This is a call to arms to all tinkerers. Something you buy once and it's your energy kit for life. Like a solar panel with crazy efficiency and you got a little small suitcase sized battery to use your appliances.
Get the # inspired all you crafts folks, and inventors. If you find sthg that works leave the maths to the egg heads.

Why is the West superior? Not perfect obviously, but always coming out on top? Because we make the most out of every situation. A little reality check and we're coming out on top.
Not our monarchs or celebrities, we the #ing people of the free World. Because we're awesome, we're funny, we're smart, we are charming.
Not everybody, but for most they're just trying to be happy.
So a little challenge might be actually a good thing.

And there is the uncomfortable question of 'the hidden hand' or pupeteers, who is really calling the shots around here? Because if you come up with a few politicians trying to answer that, you're thinking too small.
Because power means the things you say are just happening. It has nothing to do with money, prestige, servs, or whathaveyou.
Don't get rid of your toys, unless they're at a point where they're collecting them for ressources.
Obviously the world will go dark and the data Kraken! will be put out of comission.

By whom? To answer that question, everybody I ever came in touch with however distantly, will get a great show for free on top.
You've been cursed basically, but don't be too alarmed, once we've figured It all out, looking back, it will turn out to be amazing.
I promise.

In summary, the lights will go out for a few days at first, we have to show how smart we are. Depending on your talents you are required to Safeguard and/or keep your community afloat. On the bright side, 'Contact Within' is about to be brought to you in your most intimate private place, your mind.
On the bright side you have been chosen for a frontrow seat to the Greatest Show of the Universe!
Also a blessing trust me for us it's going to be fun. It's both a blessing & a curse.
But before it can happen all further military action must be prevented.
Mommy is going take your toys away because disagreeable men are doing stupid things.
Athena chooses the West.
Ishtar chose the West a long time ago. 'Let my people dance!' she said.

And I call them tiny g gods, I don't think it's required we put them same level as the big G-guy. We can differentiate, right? Most of us. And you won't find much religion in what you are about to enjoy.
Let's call it Contact for now and keep it at that until it's established.
Then we can argue about God, tiny-g-gods, archetypes, and memes and what not.
Though I've already enjoyed that with a lot of you. But Boy we are going to have a lot to talk about soon.
Always report back when you notice sthg, not this thread, but ATS, she is a little like Queen Victoria, this 'mind-space' isn't she? But we are her children, we are family, there'll always be someone who'll read what you have to say.
Our interpretation drifts apart far and wide, but that doesn't mean both of us couldn't figure it out eventually.
Front Line Footfolk! March to the workbenches!

Don't get mad at me I'm just the oracle.
Enjoy The Show

You can thank me later.

edit on 30-8-2022 by Peeple because: Oopsy

edit on 30-8-2022 by Peeple because: arrrgh auto

edit on 30-8-2022 by Peeple because: I'm not stupid. my auto correct is.

posted on Sep, 1 2022 @ 07:54 PM
a reply to: Peeple

Would you put me out of my misery if we both agreed that it's gone too far? I'm glad that some places are coming to terms with that question.

How sacred is life? How sacred is suffering?
Do you have a pair of scales I think we can get rich... I kid lol.

I love reading between the lines because the answers are always different but the people? Always the same. Just put them in complete darkness for 5 minutes and they go to the same places... The same things define them.

They do keep calling us weak don't they? But doesn't the song go "when the going gets tough"? Oh fault us on aspiring a bit of harmony.

A call to civility? We don't assign righteousness very well hence my opening paragraph. I have hope for us tackling these questions especially in the darkness but if you say there's a steam rollin train about to run through town then colour me intrigued. Heck, I may even hop aboard! Ha!

I'm just thinking oh Frigg... Won't many of us be:

Hmm. Good thread, I wish I had more to say, I hope more contribute. It doesn't say much whilst saying plenty. Perfect for the forum really isn't it?

posted on Sep, 1 2022 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: Peeple

Freedom is required to have free thought and creativity. Any country with rulers that suppress it is heading to banana land. We probably do have to change, but without freedom of expression, we will not make it. We only need the environment to create one Einstien. Then it's done.
Remember to have spare diodes for solar panels, they will burn out before the solar panel will. Small motorbikes will run on alcohol, and if you leave old oil long enough all the crap goes to the bottom to be used again. You can do a hundred miles a day on a pushbike. Keep it simple. A small wood lathe can make any useful item and there is wood for everything. It feels like it won't be long now.

posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 01:03 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


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