posted on Sep, 17 2022 @ 07:14 PM
a reply to:
I did read my link... But there you go lying yet again and taking comments completely out of context like always. Plus you keep putting words in
people's mouths.
Admit it, you and other authoritarians like yourself LOVE this type of dictatorial system that labels YOUR political opponents as criminals meanwhile
your corrupt ahole democrat leaders keep releasing actual hardcore criminals and keep making crimes "legal," or keep reducing punishment against
actual criminals.
Thanks to people like you and your authoritarian democrat leaders now stealing up to $950 in democrat hell holes like California, is viewed a
misdemeanor, which has caused an spike in robberies in democrat hell holes throughout the U.S.
Spike In Shoplifting Blamed On California Prop 47's
Reduced Penalties
In New York now when a robber points his/her gun at a business owner or at a staff member and other criminal acts are now misdemeanors and even your
corrupt DEMOCRAT DA's such as the one in New York are telling police officers not to go after criminals.
Manhattan, New York
to Prosecute Armed Robbery as a Misdemeanor – Personal Defense World
Heck, does no one remember that young punk/thug who is a rapper and shot a police officer in New York and was released?...
NYC teen rapper charged with shooting NYPD cop
walking free on bond
This young punk/thug makes rap songs about shooting and killing police officers. But to DEMOCRATS, the left in general and even anti-Trump cultists
claim this is okay. But if an American DARES questions the 2020 election?... "He/she is an insurrectionist, a domestic terrorist, he must be denied
all his/her rights, blah blablah."
Heck, your corrupt SOROS' DAs and your corrupt democrat leaders are making the U.S. into another left-wing hell hole, and people like you keep
applauding these measures and instead you keep claiming "but Trump and his supporters must be criminals..."
Crime has increased dramatically because of YOUR corrupt democrat leaders to levels we haven't seen in a very long time if ever.
edit on 17-9-2022 by ElectricUniverse because: add comment and link