a reply to:
Trump simply is playing, like Putin since a few months, the bad cop to divide the masses in that evil game of the stinky rich and wannabe-stinky rich.
Trump is knee-deep in the covid-vaccine BS, says he allegedly had the jabs, remember what he said about the vaccines:
'One of the greatest achievements of mankind'
Those rich and only because of that powerful are sitting in a huge cruise ship with all the amenities, planing their new moves and laughing about us
while they get richer and richer. While we, the average people, have to squeeze together in rescue boats those rich left for us. "Rescue" boats which
are leaky as hell because those rich made a lot of holes first into these boats before leaving them to us.
From a certain point of wealth you only will circulate in certain circles, those circles of the also rich. But not in circles where you could meet
average people and their problems anymore. So why should these stinky rich people in their circles give a rats a$$ about people outside of that
circle? Most of them are megalomaniac in addition to bored because of their wealth and nothing to do anymore. They have seen it all, they have done it
all and can do it whenever they want again.
So something different is needed, maybe trying to play global chess with the earth population, which are not member of that wealthy 1% and it´s
needed henchmen (politicians, presstitutes, "experts" and "fact" checkers etc). Maybe sitting together and thinking about controlling huge parts of
the world population, how that could work and how far they would come before the earth population fights back?
Why would anybody on earth believe that Trump (or whoever else in that gang of the stinky rich plus henchmen) would leave that cruise ship only to
squeeze together with the rabble in the "rescue" boats he knows that he and his rich gang drilled holes into, to make us drown so that their stinky
rich cruise ship party can go and on? They don´t need many of us anymore, Industry 4.0 and all that stuff, many of us are only superfluous eaters
for them.
There is only two sides left, them up there and us down here. The more people realize that there is no stinky rich (or one of their henchmen) savior
working for us, even if some of them try to act as if they would do, the sooner all that madness can start to ends.
But if huge parts of people still are willing to divide their own society because of following and supporting one or several of those stinky rich gang
members and their henchmen in hope they would care about them, idk, then it seems that all hope is lost. Whereby, hope is the thin rope on which fools
dance. You can hope forever that somebody puts the nail into the wall for you. Or you simply could take hammer and nail and drive that nail into the
wall by yourself, immediately.