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A Strange Ghost Story

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posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 10:37 PM
If the reader has read more than a few of my posts here on ATS, they would know I write about some 'out there' things. Here is one of those on-going strange occurances that came to a conclusion today.

I just dropped a carload of ghosts off at the local Catholic Church.

Going back a few years, when I started my current day job, I was required to stay at country towns once a week. My weekly round involves driving some two thousand kilometers a week in country Western Australia.

The 'Old Convent' at Dalwalinu is one such accommodation I regularly stayed at each week.

I would get the same back room in a corner of the building. Being an old building with other guests I would do a quick clearing of any psychic resideues. Then settle in and "look" at various things in my own way. Usually subjects folks bring up here on ATS. My hobby one might say.

I didn't see any ghosts or psychic phenomenon untill one day when on my arrival I started to see the history of the place. A scenery of the past maybe a hundred years ago. The church must have built a mission on the indiginous folks campsite. The scene was of children playing and the women folk going about their business. I didn't see any men, so maybe a place of 'women's business' as they say.

I'm used to seeing these sceneries at various times, so didn't think much of it, and certainly didn't interfere.

If I recall correctly, that night or the next time, I was given a different room. A room on the second floor.

In that room I got a visit from a deceased young lady. A sister of the church. I understand the mission grew into a convent and then became disused. Then purchased as traveller's accommodation. I thought it strange the deceased sisters were still there. Perhaps the Catholic church doesn't spiritually decommission these places.

A very nice girl, perhaps in her late twenties when she died. A very soft and gentle nature. A far cry from the 'hard old ducks' the nuns often became in those days. The deceased old ducks were there watching like chaperones but left me alone, so I didn't care about them.

The sister and I got to become aquainted and I told her stories by remembering them. At one point I wondered why a nice girl like her would spend her afterlife at the old convent with a bunch of old crones.

Then I thought about taking her home. That is when the old ducks quickly took her away.

Then my accommodation at the old convent dried up, lots of bookings apprarently. Then my employer dropped my having to stay away.

Fast forward a few years to last week when I layed in bed falling asleep. I remembered my time with the cute sister again. Nostaligia and just a little regret of what might have been. Then I saw her face beside me again.

While looking towards me the sister said: "The wrath of God upon you!"

I thought; what an odd thing to say to me, was she talking to me or someone something else? No matter, I rolled over and fell asleep. Either way I have been feeling noticably better these last few days.

So I 'look' into the event the next day and apparently the sisters want out of the church and saw me as their only doorway to freedom according to the cute sister. So I agreed to help them as in my biased view escaping the Catholic church is, well, let's just say; why not.

The escape out of the church was not quite what I thought. Apparently in the past something happened at the convent. They got stuck in some temporal reality or whatever it was. People disappeared according to the sisters. My guess is it was them who disappeared.

So to get them out of that closed loop of reality they needed a door. One needs to think in terms of networking and pathways to understand here. So last night they moved from the old convent to my house and then this morning I drove them to the church.

I guess they did their homework and some plotting. Send in the cute sister this man would take a fancy too, and then bide their time.

I met the sister in charge too today, the old dead crone herself.

She looked at me and said: "we have been saved by the devil himself."

edit on 20-8-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: usual embarrassing typos

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 11:47 PM
The wrath of God be upon you! Not the nicest welcome. Guessing if one has not made heaven then the alternative be true. Perhaps they think only the devil could help them escape the realm of eternal suffering. Not smart in life, nor any smarter in death, it seems.

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 12:01 AM
a reply to: glend

The wrath of god part sorta surprised me : (

Yet I get followed home by all sorts of "folks" at times. Plus I felt noticably better and less depressed next day. So the young lady's magic works I spose.

And maybe the old duck was saying thankyou in her own way. Some folks use an insult rather than admit things. I do admit I don't care at all for the catholic faith and what they have done in the past.

If they did not use the girl, I would have left them there.

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 04:11 AM
a reply to: glend

I was thinking about what you said glend:

Guessing if one has not made heaven then the alternative be true. Perhaps they think only the devil could help them escape the realm of eternal suffering. Not smart in life, nor any smarter in death, it seems.

Yeah, some folks don't change much after dying. Still fighting the good fight and not noticing they have died. A lot of that out there, so sad in many ways.

Perhaps they think only the devil could help them escape the realm of eternal suffering

The logic of the afterlife? Now that's a thought. I just assumed the old duck was being cantankerous.

edit on 21-8-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: clarity

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 06:27 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

What you are saying doesn't make sense. If you had stopped visiting the Old Covenant and these spirits came and visited you at your home, they were never "trapped" inside a building or loophole. All you really did was allow them to attach themselves to you, which is why they considered themselves "saved" and will eventually lead you into the wrath of God. These aren't ghosts of dead people. They are deceiving spirits using you as a tool.

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 08:30 AM
a reply to: Deetermined

G'day Deetermined. All I'll say is it is an interesting case, if I may call it that. Often these things have their time, find a solution and then they are gone.

What you are saying doesn't make sense.

I'll say this is my first time creating a thread in this forum, so I just wrote down the course of events as they occured. Many of these things don't make a lot of sense to me. So different views and experiences are interesting to me.

I'll say straight out that "yes" I often get used to solve their problems. One gets a reputation.

If you had stopped visiting the Old Covenant and these spirits came and visited you at your home, they were never "trapped" inside a building or loophole.

Well, from the OP: I layed in bed falling asleep. I remembered my time with the cute sister again. Nostaligia and just a little regret of what might have been. Then I saw her face beside me again.

One might suggest it was I who visited them as I was falling asleep. We can account for the visit in that way.

All you really did was allow them to attach themselves to you,

In a way I would not disagree, it depends on how one thinks of 'attach'. To my way of thinking, in deciding to assist they had to get to here, and then to the catholic church. Where they got off.

So to get them out of that closed loop of reality they needed a door. One needs to think in terms of networking and pathways to understand here. So last night they moved from the old convent to my house and then this morning I drove them to the church.

The networking is important, one navigates a lot of the time along pathways. I knew a French seer who told me about her experience seeing 'spirits' riding on cars. Some nice animal forms and some were otherwise. Yet the common factor was they were going places and were hitching rides. I guess the astral pathways don't always match our physical ones, and all places are not neccessarily connected. I try to keep that in mind.

So maybe they were not trapped, I just took things at face value. However, perhaps they knew where they wanted to go. I did think that I would be driving past the convent on Tuesday and could take them to the Catholic church in their town. They did not want that and used the word diocese.

So maybe they wanted to find a bishop?

These aren't ghosts of dead people.

"ghosts" is a common word and I generally don't use it. Writting for ATS is why I used it, most people would understand the reference.

They are deceiving spirits using you as a tool.

After a few decades of this sort of experience, I'm kind of over being concerned about being deceived. Most living people are deceptive and use others as tools. I know my employer does that. Generally I go along for the ride with these experiences, I learn things about the other world that way, and I get to know them and they me.

For me the interesting point was when I thought of taking the cute sister home, it was then the others came and took her away from me. Shortly after the accommodation at the old convent stopped, and then I stopped staying away altogether.

Maybe a coincidence, or maybe the old ducks arranged it to keep the girl and I apart.

edit on 21-8-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: clarity and grammar in last few paragraphs

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

I notice that you conveniently left out any response regarding these spiritual entities warning you about facing the wrath of God and basically thanking you for helping them to continue to do Satan's work for him. You may not care that you're being deceived now, but you will when you find out what's REALLY waiting for you on the other side of this human life. While these entities spend most of their time lying and deceiving, there's always a little bit of truth that gets sprinkled in, so it would be in your best interest to dig what little you can out of them and make them explain themselves on these statements. There is no second chance or a rebirth into this human life. This world and Satan's little minions are bound for destruction because of their deceit. Don't let them trap you and sway you into the same ETERNAL destruction.

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: Deetermined

There is a documentary called The Oracle of the Buddhist. I think its in that documentary that the Dali Lama muttered many Christians are trapped between worlds. In Hinduism the souls trapped between reincarnation cycles are called preta. These souls only have 2 of the 5 great elements remaining in their bodies so cannot be seen by people without the gift of the eye to do so. They exist trapped between worlds until those desires burn off before they can reincarnate into their next life.

Desiring heaven for oneself is a selfish egotistical desire. Desiring heaven, only for the purpose of helping the less fortunate, is an altruistic desire. Our desires path our destiny. That is the meaning behind karma.

A mind full of expectations and desires might turn you into a preta. And if a kind soul like NobodySpecial268 gives you a helping hand, you are likely to warn him again, as you have done so here, with your brainwashed nonsense.

Expect and desire nothing of God. Put your faith in Gods will, come what may.

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 08:32 PM
a reply to: glend

It is God's will that all men choose Him over the false teachings of Satan's minions (like reincarnation). Desiring an eternity with God in heaven is not the problem. The problem are those who put their faith in the world over God. Worldly desires such as the OP who obviously chooses to place his fetish for young dead girls over his Creator. This is precisely why God told people not to dabble in these practices.

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: Deetermined

The lake of fire my friend is reincarnation. Fire and brimstone refining the soul to perfection. But belief in reincarnation or not, is immaterial. We should concentrate our energies in the now whilst we still have breath. When Jesus said "Do not judge, or you too will be judged" it was not a threat. But a statement warning us about our state of mind. Our egotistical mind is extremely good at pointing out the faults of others. Whereas our altruistic heart is only interested in sharing Gods love with all.

In writing as I have to you, I have already felt bad karma, on my part. Now I have to dissipate that karma (as if I didn't have enough already). I wish for you to exist in love Deetermined. Not anguish over other peoples God given choice to live, as they see fit.

Heaven is where the heart resides.
edit on 21-8-2022 by glend because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 03:45 AM
a reply to: Deetermined

Worldly desires such as the OP who obviously chooses to place his fetish for young dead girls over his Creator.

"Peace be with you." -- Sister Amelia.

posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 03:51 AM
a reply to: Deetermined

I notice that you conveniently left out any response regarding these spiritual entities warning you about facing the wrath of God

Actually I didn't think "the wrath of god" to be important. I get that now and again, usually from deceased churchmen.

As for god and satan, theose are not normally regarded as being paranormal and so just a tad off topic. I don't read scriptures nor have I met either of them so I can't say anything really.

posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 04:45 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Really? These entities you're dealing with mention both God and Satan to you and NOW you feel like it's off topic or not normally regarded as paranormal? If you haven't familiarized yourself with them, you should. They were mentioned to you as a wake-up call.

posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 05:02 AM
a reply to: Deetermined


posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 05:09 AM
a reply to: glend

Glend, for the upteenth time, your twisting of scripture to fit your Buddhist desires doesn't change the definition that God gave them.

Reincarnation, in its original definition, requires the soul to return to a human body on this earth, which isn't going to happen. We will be given new spiritual bodies after this life is over. If souls were currently being refined and sent back here over thousands of years to live as humans, why does the state of this world keep getting worse and more corrupted by the day? You need to wake up and use some common sense too.

posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 05:13 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Nobody, if you don't believe me, then demand TRUTHFUL answers from your little friends about what they already know and hide from you.

posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 05:30 AM

posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: Deetermined

Buddhism does not teach reincarnation.

The concept of reincarnation doesn't appeal to my mind at all. That's because the concept of reincarnation is not true for the mind. My mind will return to dust from which it was made. It will stay in the pit of fire for all eternity (law of conservation applies).

Instead, you want me to believe that our "god of love" literally sentences the delusional to a pit of fire for all eternity. Should we adopt that same perfection of love on earth. Instead of sending delusional minds to mental hospitals. Lets burn them all at the stake under a new enlightened moral code of your "common sense".

Your "common sense" is an insult to my God of love.

why does the state of this world keep getting worse

More enlightened souls go to higher realms. Reincarnated souls of lower life forms (animals) appear within our own. But I don't share you opinion that world keeps on getting worse. The dark ages were a pretty gloomy time.

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