posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 02:17 AM
a reply to:
hehe it's the business board forum, there is no star feature down here
but yah, I'm still lmao at that comment. Maybe turn the house off and on again, rather than move it!
I also don't see images from my mobile devices 99% of the time, mobile or desktop mode. That's if I don't get the dreaded "The server did not respond"
error page, which never happens on my PC. firefox/chrome/samsung browser - and it all uses the same wifi from my router. every time I mention it, or
see someone else mention it, the same responses... clear your cache, restart your device, it's fine from my end.
meh, just something to deal with, I guess. the site was not built for mobile devices, and is b0rked in a few places. Like, why can't the U2U icon
light up any more? weirdness... (*shhh that's how I spell laziness*)