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Passionate for Paradox?

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posted on Aug, 19 2022 @ 06:52 PM
Philosophical Paradeux

If someone has a passion for answering questions
and there are people that believe having passion leads to hell
then those people believing that will keep asking the person questions

the paradox would be to ask the person if passion leads to hell... however a second question would be required by the inexperienced; as asking continuous questions even if deemed a passion; while eating, sleeping, and defecating would surely in the fulfillment of that persons :passion" of asking questions surely would become the create of hell; without the question of hell existing or not.

The original question goes unanswered as if passion leads to hell.

The inexperienced initiate in not knowing or ignorance may be asked to ask the person as to whether hell exists or not; Yet be ignorant as to how the one's believe in passion leading to hell make hell for those that may have passion.

Wise to being used as a useful idiot then the initiate or inexperienced person should try to keep the answer if hell exists or not when questioned by those that try to make a passion into hell for others, knowing how to make a belief into reality by exploiting the reality of intolerance.

A wise person knowing such a thing exists would have conditions for questions being asked as well as secrecy of any answers provided if they want to keep their passion intact.

However it still did not create a hell it created adverse conditions built on the foundations of reality as to whether passion or even hell really exists as a consequence to it.

Although, it may not seem like much but the never ceasing questioning mind; As many people can attest is indeed a hell whether passion exists with it or not. Such a 'mind' whether it is one's own asking or not... Has long been known to Buddhist tradition as 'Samsara'. The concept of knowing just does or performs as there are no questions about it however the concept of mindfulness is being present in those moments of where no questions 'exist'.

Unfortunately; cognitive dissonance of many unreal situations of concept arise known collectively as delusions that ponder the infinite unknowable as if those concepts were reality or concrete instead of ignorance of not knowing the who, what, when, why and where... or mindlessness instead of mindfulness in those moments of reality where no questions need be asked... or what has been termed the subconscious or the re-defined borrowed term for the Ayala/storehouse consciousness that 'dreams while awake' even though the task that requires no questions apparently gets done... but the question would be: How so... When the person was asleep at the time they dreamt of doing whatever it was?

Ever notice in the act of holding the door open or doing dishes there are always more people wanting to walk through than previous intended person if one is mindful... or always another dish or glass to be washed?

It seems one could do the entire worlds dishes and door holding while asleep but while not even knowing it... in and of itself a paradox and hence the terminology of 'waking up'. Those moments of mindfulness of action while in the midst of doing preventing the sleeping are what could be said as enlightenment instead of inverted sleeping or dreaming one's way through life thinking they were 'awake' the whole time.

Such 'enlightenment' does not require religion and the strange thing is when such an enlightenment occurs? The expectation and sleep walkers will think you've become 'crazy' or insane instead of simply 'awake'.

Instead of trying to find an answer when one has a question? It is best to know right then and there a it arises without a shadow of a doubt that one has just encountered 'mind' hanging onto that 'not knowing' will result in freedom of the hankering mind otherwise known as the infinite seventh consciousness that binds one into the rebirth of not knowing as claiming that moment of not knowing as the fruit of the path equates to freedom.

Consider the quest for omnipotence and the belief in (god(s)) the same as the paradox about passion and hell... as there is a want and a desire for such a thing to be real and the preceding paragraph the 'cause' expecting life simply known as 'mind' to make sure such a concept as omnipotence or all-knowing and a property of (god(s)) instead of a programming of life to try to find an answer in any given situation no matter how impractical like a parlor trick... finding such pursuits to be a waste of time as to the moment where one has no questions; is of course yet the other path to freedom from such a problem of 'mind' albeit somewhat slower than the mindful driving the no questions needed activities where 'mind' runs around like a hive trying to find an answer to the infinite... which many have already equated to the concept of (god(s) since it is infinite in both knowing and not knowing at the same moment.

posted on Aug, 19 2022 @ 07:20 PM
Sounds like this post was written by a random word generator.

posted on Aug, 19 2022 @ 07:25 PM

originally posted by: schuyler
Sounds like this post was written by a random word generator.

Since that post has a random photoshopped dog in it? It wouldn't surprise me.

edit on 19-8-2022 by Crowfoot because: no running

posted on Aug, 19 2022 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: schuyler
Or maybe AI generated.
AI ,meaning Alchohol Intoxication.

posted on Aug, 19 2022 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: Crowfoot

Throughout the temples a legend quietly spreads,
a legend wispered in the dead of night.

Neophytes and adepts alike,
can hardly believe their ears . . .

Upon the mountaintop someone has found the secret,
has found enlightenment.

Scarcely able to breath in anticipation,
they quietly pack their bags.

As one mind, they bid their mundane lives goodbye,
and step into the street.

A long and arduous journey before them.

At the foot of the mountain they finally arrive.
The Sherpa guides sit around the fires quietly drinking fermented yak's milk.
A smile upon their lips, and a gleam within their eyes.

The seekers of the wisdom look upon the Sherpas in wonder.
"Surely these humble people have gone before us! They must know!"
"For is that not the gleam of wisdom in their eyes?"

Falling to their knees the seekers are humbled at the thought of the final journey.

At break of day, all are gathered, yet the Sherpa simply say:
"If it is enlightenment that thou seeketh, the final leg of the journey must be undertaken alone. So put aside all your worldly goods, you may leave them with us."

With the summit far above them the seekers set off in single file.

Like ants the line goes to the summit, like ants the line returns.
Many have died along the way, frozen corpses who's eyes speak of the final vision before the afterlife.

At the top of the mountain sits ol' Crowfoot, a smile upon his face.
Levitated off the ground, surounded by melted snow and flowers lifting their silent gaze towards him.

The seekers stand before the ol' Crowfoot.

Tis not the master that the seekers behold with glazed eyes and half frozen tears.

What their eyes behold is a simple sign, in sigils of holy wisdom.

Upon the sign it is written, the wisdom of the ages.

In two simple lines, it is written:

"No questions allowed!" and "Do not ask me why!"

edit on 19-8-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: punctuation

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 01:34 AM
Is it a paradox? Without segmentation, created by ego, we could never experience dualities. Without experiencing dualities we could never realize enlightenment. So when the time is right, like a caterpillar, we will all shed our old skin to be born again as a butterfly. Breath in the universe. When someone smiles at us, experience that joy with your heart. It is all good, even the bad.
edit on 20-8-2022 by glend because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 05:32 PM

originally posted by: NobodySpecial268
a reply to: Crowfoot

"No questions allowed!" and "Do not ask me why!"

How compassionate a guru you are to have made those!

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to: glend

All I comprehended in that was; One hand clapping and emptiness is form and form no other than emptiness.

The original post is about stripping away the delusion that occurs while being heedless in the act of knowing in tht moment of non-ignorance the space is filled with delusion instead... there are many that don't like to think/admit such mindlessness makes or creates kamma for oneself and others like the smell of manure in the wind... but it does. Hankering after fame and riches calling it 'creation, imagination' etc. is a sure sign such a thing will be continued made excuses for and named something else to 'hide' it(the fact that it will make others suffer at some point and whatever riches and fame gained wear out and have to endure the hell that they have created for others in their moments of mindlessness... the heedful or wise are not ignorant to such occuring and well enduring 'it' is also practice.

It's not so much to realize one is infinitely dead as it is the same as infinitely alive even when being eaten in such states one would call enlightened or 'free'... but to comprehend that? Is something the 'mind' consciousness doesn't want to allow 'seeing' 'consciousness' as if it is good enough or adept enough at hiding it... aka Maya... if it were only good enough with the 'not feeling' consciousness as it is with the not seeing 'consciousness :p Unfortunately 'craving' becomes excuse/cause for such a sloppy job on the feeling aspect of the transformation of the bound consciousness(es)... but of course; With practice? Being eaten by various animals and knowing it no matter the form? Tolerance grows.

Many try to run and jump skip and hop form so fast(transmigration) or simply do; The knowing or enlightenment is impossible to what one 'is' instead of saying no matter the form eating or being eaten? Such a thing; Cannot be escaped from microcosmic life to the macrocosmic.

Getting bit by an unseen 'dog', 'alligator', 'rat' etc. becomes moot as any sort of name goes for eating and being eaten... Why would everyone that has practiced the Zen /Chan "Mu" agree that Joshu's 'dog' says "Mu" instead of barking like any other normal dog would?

Joshu meaning: Novice or beginners mind straying from the path his guru said to practice.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: Crowfoot

The story wrote itself, that happens sometimes, (perhaps colaborative writting ; ) and arose from the opening lines. The idea of the passion of answering questions leads to hell, then the folks who ask the questions are sending someone to hell.

A thoughtful person would in such a case, forbid questions to save his students and himself from hell.

If someone has a passion for answering questions
and there are people that believe having passion leads to hell
then those people believing that will keep asking the person questions

the paradox would be to ask the person if passion leads to hell...

Buddism and the Hindu thought has quite a few paradoxes, or at least seeming so.

Ever notice in the act of holding the door open or doing dishes there are always more people wanting to walk through than previous intended person if one is mindful...

My wife would say that half asleep mundane tasks like washing the car are the time to pay attention to what comes to mind.

edit on 20-8-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 08:38 PM
a reply to: Crowfoot

Lets imagine that karma is our unfulfilled desires that causes us to be reborn to try fulfill those desires.

We both have desire's to own a yacht.

You sit in your world trying to rid your mind of that false maya. Whereas I buy a yacht that rids my mind of that desire. I finally realize too much hard work for the rewards.

Who is likely to be reborn with that karma, you or me?

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 11:10 AM

originally posted by: schuyler
Sounds like this post was written by a random word generator.

"I know words, I have the best words..."


posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 12:03 PM
The thread reminds me of KOTOR, with the jedi an sith ideas and philosophy of how to use the force. Duality, where such things can be the start of one's troubles. The jedi with their machine like virtue, an the sith being consumed by fleeting emotions, an impulses.

Hmm, some of the worst things happen cause of good intentions, while some of the best is usually accidental.

Irony, Karma, or Judgement are all the same too me. We are forever our at the mercy of being our own worst enemy. A wild fire will burn everything in path, while too rain can kill you.
edit on 21-8-2022 by Proto88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2022 @ 04:18 PM

originally posted by: NobodySpecial268
a reply to: Crowfoot

My wife would say that half asleep mundane tasks like washing the car are the time to pay attention to what comes to mind.

The 'not self'/Mara or demon' arising hoping one grasps it as a self... instead of impermanence trying to make a very real task become a thing of suffering instead of liberating.

The odd thing is how habitual it is for that arising to be taken or misten for a self; when it is temporal something impermanent, not self and grasping that as one of course leads to suffering and not freedom from it.

Mundane of course the things one knows and can perform without a thought... holding the space of 'no-thought' and performing the action(s) required is the land of no-kamma generation. Mindful of the no-thought process while doing anything generates a pure -land or space free from dualities of self-and other; action and result. If a flood of thought arises while doing those 'mundane' tasks it is the same thing as when Gautama announces 'house builder you are seen.' the identification with those 'thoughts' as a self or at least something to allow in as some idea may aise 'out of the blue' wisdom sees that as 'also a trap'.

The one thing to guard against is the 'language' attachment that an arise out of 'contact' with the mundane objects... the way to dispel it is; How many languages is the stupid hose, bucket, faucet, soap and sponge speaking? Why would such a thing appear in English or the person's mental tongue? Since the expertise of 'no-thought' such a thing still will try to find it's way in.

The first act is of course kicking the demon' out then realizing it never belong in there... after A lot practice; There's no way the 'demon' can get back in... so all it does then is build armies of those mistaking that nonsense for a self like 'one-self' once did. Realizing that those people are suffering as one once did then compassion will arise instead of 'it's that demon agan' dispels any paranoia or fear of any attacks it could ever make.

The strange thing is on realizing all of that some people have taken vows to keep reincarnating to try to liberate people from that 'demon' they have mistaken for a 'self'. It goes along the lines of 'Although sentient beings are innumerable; I vow to liberate them all.' Others realizing the same know that there is no way that they could ever liberate another even with a direct pointing... that the individual has to learn to liberate themself from that 'demon' with practice. there has been a debate about it between those two for several hundred years now.


posted on Aug, 24 2022 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: glend

Say that desire was to chop a tree down and we both chopped one down that kamma would be the same... however what occurs with your tree and mine after it is chopped down is innumerable in the paths that it could take. If one thinks of tree as 'yacht' it's not really any different.

The idea or concept of 'oneness' is one of the worst... as no two people have the same kamma unless they have liberated themself from the generation of it.

Intention is all kamma is... wanting a yacht is different than needing a yacht the wanting is seen as negative; the needing isn't yet the intentions between wanting and needing having and using keep on building or growing that tree of kamma while the wanting and needing are never seen as bad or good intention by the maker of the yacht it is seen as neutral intention or kamma as they are in the right-livelihood to sell them regardless of need, want or usage of it. Same as axe seller in regards to our 'trees'.

The issue of course is the damage or destruction to other life forms; Needing a yacht has more forgiveness as energy than that of wanting one. There are some that do not see any other life form equal in value as 'human' while that is unfortunate? It is a 'realty'. Equanimity is what some 'Buddhist' like to leave out in their argument of some life-forms are better than others when in the reality of equanimity? They don't know themselves any different of a life form than the one they are 'attached' to... meaning even 'hungry ghosts' or 'hell beings' attached to humans etc. will think themselves that. If they didn't? There would be no possibility or chance of transmigrating out of those realms of existence for those beings... of course when that being not knowing or ignorant that it wasn't human is born 'human' then it already has an idea of what it is like to be human.

The eightfold path of rightness and precepts just mean 'school' for all those sorts of attached beings ignorant and not knowing they aren't human. Being the first cause: 'not knowing/ignorance? Such a thing has no beginning and no end as to the transmigration, death and rebirth of beings other than of course nirvana and then parinirvana which even hungry ghosts and hell beings can accomplish instead of being so focused on 'human' if they just practice.

Buddhahood is just sort of an intermediate state between nirvana and parinirvana... if one notices when one says between life and death there is only life? Then they have forgotten the first three signs or causes that lead Gautama to try to find a way to put an end to all the constant rounds of birth and death and discovered the same path that many others had already tread.

There are some 'heavens' not concerned about the concept of merit and demerit they have more to do with ceasing to 'become' as an entrance bt such a thing requires fearlessness as the wheel is turned and other things not on that 'path' become. Some traditions call those appearances nimitta... but impermanent, not-self and suffering or the cause of it if one were to grasp instead of continue practicing... right mindfulness right meditation, right concentration is what allowed them to arise and right effort is remaining in right mindfulness and meditation so they can get or go to where they need to much quicker.

Worrying about the elements and the form that they are in is not really a concern for those truly liberated. There is a tradition deluded enough to think they can command those elements instead of practicing to adapt to them, but that's a mistake that path has to sort or the people on it will find it out the hard way; as it is or will be a wall they can't get through the same as those that focus too much on iddhi.

edit on 24-8-2022 by Crowfoot because: editing

posted on Aug, 24 2022 @ 05:07 PM
a reply to: Proto88

I personally like the Sith... people tend to forget the "light-siders' are the Rebels or the cause of fighting and so much destruction where the galactic empire has all these nice lovely plans for it. It's not like there isn't a galactic senate that represents those planets and lifeforms and what is good form them and not good for them in the structuring of the galaxy as all the life encountered expands and traverses it.

If a sith lord is sent to conquer a world until a moon base is built around it; rebels will have you believe it is a "death star" to remove and recolonize the life forms knowing it is in a bad part of space then blow it up for the mining and minerals? While all the mining and minerals go to build and fund those worlds? It seems the Rebels have it backwards having already benefited and even ruled planets themselves and now 'bored' want to go play super hero as if what the galactic empire had already done for them and their people was some sort of crime.

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 03:20 AM
a reply to: Crowfoot

originally posted by: NobodySpecial268
a reply to: Crowfoot

My wife would say that half asleep mundane tasks like washing the car are the time to pay attention to what comes to mind.

The 'not self'/Mara or demon' arising hoping one grasps it as a self... instead of impermanence trying to make a very real task become a thing of suffering instead of liberating.

"mara" is a buddhist term(?) - I looked it up and understood kinda what they meant. Though in practice, I wouldn't agree with the concept unless it is aimed for someone on the buddist path.

I just meant that the mundane task leaves room for perception, like talking to the newly deceased as they do their rounds as their memory returns.

I know next to nothing about how buddhists view the world, so much goes way over my head. On the other hand I can work in the practical, yet I guess not as a buddhist would, or probably approve of.

posted on Aug, 26 2022 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Perception is yours in that instance if it is perceiving someone in a non perceptive state or being; then 'talking' to them? Buddhist perspective would be the one doing the talking is 'mara or with compassion a fetter or child to be taught. Since perception is a 'skandha' to overcome for right meditation and liberation the same way the other four skandhas are

The attribution of a 'path' to an individual is a disease... do Christians etc not think that they continually sacrifice their 'lord' in favor of all the things that he said not to do already having failed the task of being god as seen in the first part of their testament? Falling to a lower incarnation and seeing the arising of beings that follow those commandments no matter what including him and his incarnations is actually treding that path. To keep using that being as an excuse or sacrifice saying all we do is his sin and we are automatically in heaven no matter the who what when why or where of the sin we do... Is of course the excuse.

So calling anything a singular path of one creates the same issues... as any person of 'fame' can attest to that the fame of that 'name' is a curse. The path of course, actor, singer, author etc. and they do not encompass the entire art like a 'god' the job itself does. Such as there are many people that follow the ten commandments as they are called but are not and have nothing to do with Christians as far as philosophy goes. The same can be said for other 'religions' and 'philosophies'. Some would say the 'evil or mara' would be assuming making a sacrificial no matter what we do out of each individual is why such concepts of world extinction exist or occur and unite for or against the created sacrifice and it's gotten to the point of blanketing to make temporary heavens and hells based on ideological 'laws' not the laws of physics such as the very real hell called 'drugs' as both a holy and unholy sacrament and sacrifice where all life possible pays in some way shape or form even those 'ignorant' of it like the environment becoming toxic and poisonous.

With wisdom one sees that such cannot be resolved or won... and in it people will crave existence and non-existence meaning it is a duality that humans have created for themselves and have yet to conquer. Building lives and industries around such a thing? Wrong livelihood and until all life and the environment is liberated from such a concept or sacrificial sacrament for whatever purposes it is used for? Then we cannot say anyone or anything is 'liberated'.

If someone is practicing non-perception? And others perception keeps interrupting? Then that person seen as 'ignorant' becomes their new cause to either conquer or liberate not understanding the skandhas are something to transcend to live or exist on a higher plane of existence. Iconography of that is sitting on some fur of a beast... whatever that beast is falls into the pit of becoming for more rounds of birth and death automatically judged ignorant and not by the person that wasn't when ignorance arises again in thinking that that person sent them into the wheel for more becoming then it is attachment to form or rupa... instead of seeing that it was simply the kamma or ignorance of not knowing instead of the practitioner.

For 'Buddhists' they seek to equal their 'lords' and 'ladies' and to do so they follow the precepts not 'commandments' commandment is an open and shut finality with no room a threat an or else... already being such it is a lower plane of existence as; There is no belief of any reprieve or redemption other than through the person they've continually sacrificed to do whatever they've wanted to in his 'heaven' or pure abode of course his abode would be called 'The virgin Mary' or a woman that existed before his birth that he never met until she was already defiled... otherwise his birth would not have occured; on 're-birth' all of those people between her virginity and his non-existence are automatically damned. It isn't a 'path' for anyone not 'Christ' is the easiest thing to say about it.

The same could be said about every individual that has ever existed currently exists or will.

I can't really go any further in explanation; As it becomes too esoteric and leaves the direct experienceable reality simply known as the 'mundane'. The previous was turning such a person's wheel from being forced on it by others many times and explaining it with logic and ration to what it actually is so that there are no mistakes or misapprehensions about it.

posted on Aug, 26 2022 @ 09:01 AM
a reply to: Crowfoot

Perception is yours in that instance if it is perceiving someone in a non perceptive state or being; then 'talking' to them?

A too complex a statement for me to understand, so if I may I'll paraphrase.

Talking to the dead, is how I would say it.

Buddhist perspective would be the one doing the talking is 'mara or with compassion a fetter or child to be taught. Since perception is a 'skandha' to overcome for right meditation and liberation the same way the other four skandhas are

As for the use of the word "path" I took that from listening to other poeple. They describe it thus for right or wrong. In your use the suggestion is otherwise than "way" or "path" I only guess.

So from the quote above, it seems reasonable to me that the 'perception of the dead', and the attribute of 'mara' to them is a Buddhist way of looking at things.

Does it not follow that to call it 'mara' might be a way for the student to ignore such things?

I looked up the technical term 'skandha' which apparently refers to "clinging". A negative term if I may that sets the hearer's mind on a certain course.

That is okay as far as I am concerned, that there be very differnt views of myself and the Buddhist (non?) thinkers.


For 'Buddhists' they seek to equal their 'lords' and 'ladies' and to do so they follow the precepts not 'commandments' commandment is an open and shut finality with no room a threat an or else... already being such it is a lower plane of existence as; There is no belief of any reprieve or redemption other than through the person they've continually sacrificed to do whatever they've wanted to in his 'heaven' or pure abode of course his abode would be called 'The virgin Mary' or a woman that existed before his birth that he never met until she was already defiled... otherwise his birth would not have occured; on 're-birth' all of those people between her virginity and his non-existence are automatically damned. It isn't a 'path' for anyone not 'Christ' is the easiest thing to say about it.

An odd thing I learned recently about the Roman Catholic Church. A deceased Sister gave me a glimpse into her heaven. It is a community where the Sisters take the names of saints and live up to the ideal. So a community of virtues in learning one might say. The view from outside is a golden yellow ovoid within the centre of which is a bright "Our Lady" of Catholic fame. No men in there by the way.

So the 'Holy Roman Catholic Church' (as Sister Amelia calls it) on the female side anyways, sounds like "For 'Buddhists' they seek to equal their 'lords' and 'ladies' . . "

edit on 26-8-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: added extra

posted on Aug, 26 2022 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

form (or material image, impression) (rupa)
sensations (or feelings, received from form) (vedana)
perceptions (samjna)
mental activity or formations (sankhara)
consciousness (vijnana)

Those are the 'skandhas' or things to conquer in meditation to achieve what is known as enlightenment or simply existence beyond all dualities even those they 'dualities' exist one cannot fall back into them as an existence as duality 'samsara' is destroyed for that individual.

It's funny that you say 'dead' the 'perception' of that phenomenon when it really isn't dead? Is NIrodha. What exists there is vital heat when that heat comes into contact with the proper fuel it will reignite on it's own or grow cold and then become a corpse.

Unfortunately, people move corpses before they should all the time somewhere between 3 to 39 days is the ideal before moving one as that heat can arise and re-fire the system as nothing else will do it... not talking, nor peoples prayers, or even an ocean of tears. 'Nirodha' is an attainment or accomplishment not well understood it typically unhindered or bothered typically lasts for seven days if hindered and bothered is the 'routine' then those people go about life normally until that, that keeps clinging bothering or disturbing them goes away... if it does not then a wrathful energy arises and puts all of those disturbing that persons rest and meditations to impermanence.

Ignorance has yet to be any sort of excuse having grasped the 'stink' or 'bad breath' of 'creationists' even without name there is still 'form' whether there is light or no light... that form is simply the 'elements' but not attaching the same 'bad breath' to them is 'key' to liberation or freedom. It's something enlightened beings do and in not attaching that 'bad breath' it becomes the create or cause for 'pure' lands.

There is no excuse for idiots trying to play 'god' or creationist in such places as they fall into the one(s) they have ignorant of having or even comprehending them.

All of those 'skandhas' from 'others' is poison to those 'pure lands'... impermanence means no matter the suffering some 'fool' is causing in grasping and desire? They will without fall fall into the hell they have created in the pure lands of their own they have intentionally defiled and cannot escape until the kamma is ripe for them to do so.

What I have said is 'dead' from past 'perception' of what was described. It is unwise to assume a corpse to be ignorant even if the heat has left it... as there are countless life forms still attached to it.

posted on Aug, 26 2022 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: Crowfoot

I use the word "dead" or "deceased" simply because ordinary folks understand what I am refering too.

I find the whole subject of the "deceased", "death" and "afterlife" to be a very complicated subject depending on the culture of the person. To complicate things further, the church has destroyed the rites of the peoples of the lands it has conquored. Not just the western churches, others too. Most of my learning has been in practice caring for children tortured and killed by the Inquisitions. The existance of trauma after death complicates things emensely.

There are still the Anubis' about by the way. One can learn the trade if one puts in the work. If one is (un?) lucky an Anubis will teach you still, even in this day and age.

By way of example the girl in the blue dress in my avatar is one such case, and the reason I got the glimpse into Sister Amelia's heaven. I guess I could photoshop out the blue dress and give her a penguin suit. But I think the Alice look suits her better. Interestingly she was an American christian. I guess she graduated.

I have to admit my dislike of the church's black history is so strong, I would never have let Alice go anywhere near the Catholic church if I did not see it for myself.

What I have said is 'dead' from past 'perception' of what was described. It is unwise to assume a corpse to be ignorant even if the heat has left it... as there are countless life forms still attached to it.

I know what you are refering to here. From memory the Romans called them "manes".

All I'll say is when trauma has been inflicted up to the time of death, the person may not make the clean exit. The torture of the Inquisition was designed in specific ways to achieve certain (afterlife) goals. Other (thankfully few) cases I have had to deal with was where a someone is targeted and killed in childhood over and over in sequential lives. The purpose there is to create a trauma based aversion to living. Spiritual genocide one might call it.

The whole business is an unneccessarily complicated mess.

edit on 26-8-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: typo

ETA: Sister Amelia's heaven feels very similar to the Temples of Isis. It is the way it is constructed where the girls learn to be appropriate virtues according to the goddess in question.

edit on 26-8-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: ETA and please forgive my appalling Egyptology

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