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4x Vaccinated Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Tests Positive For Covid-19

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posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 06:38 AM

originally posted by: thethinkingman

You talk about graphene but what do you actually know about it?

Look at this a seperate thing from you bringing up what you consider to be ludicrous claims which is your way of downplaying this by mentioning things nobody here is stating. Like mentioning flat earth, like mentioning lizard men.

Dont try to skew this question as some validation that the vaccine contains this or that. Its nothing to do with that, i wanna know what you know.

Go ahead and express the full of extent of your knowledge of what its capable of.

For starters, we know that there isn't enough graphene in the entire world for it to be a standard component of the vax, and we know that it cannot independently form into structures, and we know that it can't defy the laws of physics by forming a molecular level antenna capable of transmitting or receiving on the 2.4ghz spectrum.

We also know that it isn't made of rubber and stainless steel, which was what was found in the Japanese phials after poorly trained staff were drafted in to distribute the vax and accidentally contaminated the containers.

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 06:48 AM
Also your knowledge is ridiculous, you mention in another thread that the virus can just hide out in your body.....well not if your immune system works, it will detect and respond to the virus.... if it didnt it would replicate and then if your body did'd die.

The only way you could tell your body to not respond to the antigens of the virus is through a similar process that is used for allergy shots, where you're giving multiple large doses of an allergen which essentially causes an exhaustion of the immune system and turns off cellular responses to that antigen...thats A VERY bad idea to do that with a virus.

These multiple injections could be causing that.

(post by thethinkingman removed for a manners violation)

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 07:06 AM
a reply to: thethinkingman

You talk about graphene but what do you actually know about it?

We find in the center of pencils and its an allotrope of carbon.

The substance shows a lot of promise and will most lightly replace or supplant silicone where our future semiconductors industry is concerned.

Down to the material having several unique benefits like the fact that at room temperature it's capable of conducting electricity 250 times better than silicon for one.

Now reciprocate and tell us all what you know about the substance and why you think it's in the mRNA vaccines?

edit on 25-9-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 07:11 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 07:19 AM
a reply to: thethinkingman

Why would i have a full knowledge regarding "graphene" my degree is in IT and media studies not chemistry or material science.

Dont mean i cannot have an opinion on the stuff or pick up the odd titbit or two regarding the properties of the material.

Still waiting on your ""full knowledge"" where graphene is concerned and/or how it relates to the mRNA vaccines?

Quite happy to debate and discuss the matter right here ta very much.

No need to move to wherever or whatever the feck "omegle chatroom" constitutes.

Now your turn, put up or shut up please.

edit on 25-9-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

(post by thethinkingman removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 07:26 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


(post by thethinkingman removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 07:35 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 08:00 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

So your source for this doom porn is an anti-American, pro Russian financial, economic and political information website?
You really like to scrap the bottom of the bulls*it barrel with your "sources"

Seth Hettena

It runs stories that hew the Kremlin line, such as how the poisoning of a double agent in England was staged by British intelligence operation or how the Steele Dossier was created by Internet trolls. Throw in commentary from a self-described “Kremlin troll” and writings from Russia Insider (which the Trump State Department describes as “an English-language publication linked to pro-[Russian] government oligarchs”) and you see how many think Zero Hedge is some kind of Russian disinformation operation.

Despite its pro-Russia leanings, or perhaps because of them, Zero Hedge a critical part of the right-wing conspiracy ecosystem. This became clear when Facebook temporarily blocked Zero Hedge in March, prompting howls of outrage from people in President Trump’s circle like his son, Don Jr., Nigel Farage, and Katie Hopkins. (The ban was lifted, and Facebook told Breibart that it was the result of a “mistake with our automation to detect spam.”)

All posts on Zero Hedge are written under the pseudonym of Tyler Durden, the character played by Brad Pitt in the film Fight Club. “Anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the majority,” reads the Zero Hedge “manifesto.”

Of course, anonymity is also a shield for someone who has something to hide.

In a 2016, a former Zero Hedge employee named Colin Lokey, who wrote much of the site’s political content, told Bloomberg that he felt pressure to frame issues on the site in a way that felt disingenuous.

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Still never tested positive for it. Still only had 1st doses. Been exposed numerous times.

Heck, this area was laid low with ragweed allergies this week. I felt so bad that I COVID tested, and I wasn't alone. I think half the region did. 11 of our tourney competitors dropped out over ragweed.

Still tested negative despite COVID being apparently active in this area.

It's not like I don't test. I am required to go out every day. My job requires me to be onsite. I get exposed. I test. Where is my contamination because lord knows I DO NOT MASK.

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 09:43 AM
Well its quite obvious by the way these people talk, they have no knowledge thats why i ask. They have no confidence in their lack of knowledge but since they're not the brightest, they have full confidence is someone elses knowledge. Thats fine except when they act like its them who knows, like this stuff is an extension of them.....

They'd be happy to prove it if it was so but they dont. They'd rather follow people around like a bad smell, squawking like parrots.

I'd LOVE for any of them to PREDICT something that isnt known yet so we can later see how much they understand and how close they are to the facts. You know where they have to describe whats most likely occuring since its not fully known. Like for example Why are people getting heart problems from the vaccine? Whats the mechanisms?

You know like people predicted MULTIPLE lies that turned out to be lies.

alas its futile, they dont know enough to do things like that. And if you're reading this, which im sure you little rats are, Before asking, you should probably exhaust your own understanding except....that takes effort and its far easier to squawk.

But the option is open if you're willing to discuss i will HAPPILY do a 1 on 1 and end these little games once and for all. I am not interested in these pointless bickerfests. I would simply like these people to stop harassing everyone

They want you down at their level because they cannot come up. They dont have the intelligence or curiosity.
edit on 25-9-2022 by thethinkingman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 09:55 AM
a reply to: thethinkingman

Who's this "they"?

You asked people to tell you about graphene, and we endeavored to do just that.

Not satisfied with facts about the substance in question, and possible future applications, you then went on to call people silly names and show your true colours never mind the measure of your mettle.

It's your turn to reciprocate and attempt to educate us as to your own thinking on the subject.

Since we seem to know so little please shower us with your own insights and vast knowledge on the material in question?

Else again, crap or get off the pot.

Meep meep.
edit on 25-9-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 11:08 AM
Graphene is a fascinating material due to the fact its "2 dimensional", although this isnt exactly true, its described this way due to the fact its 1 atom thick. Its VERY, VERY small. This "2d" nature allows alot of strange things like all of its electrons are available for chemical reactions.

This small size and chemical reactivity makes it great for filtration of almost any atom. It also allows the passage of light due to its very small size and the interactions with the wavelengths being hundreds of times larger.

Infact its the smallest form of carbon. Its known that to be very conductive to electricity this is due to its electron structure and because its so small, you can pack far more electrons into an area compared to say something like silver or gold.

Due to the bonds within the electron structure as carbon usually has 6 electrons in its various electron shells, it has 4 available spaces due to the first electron shell needing 2 electrons, carbon has the ability to create very large molecules.

This gives it major strength and is able to conduct alot of atomic movement in the form of thermal conduction.

The fact that its so conductive to electricity, gives you the ability to apply electric and magnetic fields that will cause the graphene to produce a very large array of responses to those fields.

These attributes give it alot of beneficial properties for a multitude of uses one of those uses can be in the body. Many of the structures of the body are made from carbon and for this reason you could for example make biological sensors, which is to say the electric fields produced by the body can be conducted by graphene and since it has unique characterisitics you can pick out is signal from the rest of the noise.

This of course can also interfere with the body and the immune system such as neutrophils and macrophages will respond to this material and has the ability to break it down when its within certain compositions.

You could for example, utilise something like graphene as a way of having the human brain process infomation without any need for microchips and you would not be aware of anything happening.

If have a small electromagnetically reactive material in and around some neurons, you can excite this material to get a cell to "turn on" and this is essentially acting as a binary code, if you have a field that turns a cell on and off in a controlled manner this will be like the 1 and 0 used by a computer. Its simply a voltage change within a certain threshhold.

You could use the cells to decode any computational information you want aslong as you can detect the return signal from the electomagnetically sensitive material, all you need that material to do is produce a unique energetic signature that stands out in the same way we use 2.4 ghz microwaves because that signal is very very uncommon naturally. This could then process all kinds of digital information, from youtube videos to bank statements.

This doesnt mean you'd have any idea anything is going on, its not controlling you or your brain either by this method, its simply using your cells to do work which can then be registered somewhere else. However you could also influence the human brain by creating electrical stimulation to certain areas of the brain or suppressing them.

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 11:10 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Still never tested positive for it. Still only had 1st doses. Been exposed numerous times.

Heck, this area was laid low with ragweed allergies this week. I felt so bad that I COVID tested, and I wasn't alone. I think half the region did. 11 of our tourney competitors dropped out over ragweed.

Still tested negative despite COVID being apparently active in this area.

It's not like I don't test. I am required to go out every day. My job requires me to be onsite. I get exposed. I test. Where is my contamination because lord knows I DO NOT MASK.

Where I am right now Covid hasn't really been a thing in the best part of a year. No mask wearing, no social distancing, no nothing. Cases are limited, deaths are more or less non-existent.

If you want a booster you need to book it in with your flu shot or something as they're not doing it centrally any more.

The reason: Because we all masked, distanced and vaxxed when we were originally asked to.

It's also quite likely that you had covid but never noticed. A lot of people just get the sniffles, it's a head cold at worst for them. You might just have sneezed a few times and that was it.

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 11:14 AM
Graphene biointerfaces for optical stimulation of cells

Seen anything like this before???? They're demonstrating the ability to control a zebrafishes heart with light.

Aptamer-Modified Graphene-Based Catalytic Micromotors: Off–On Fluorescent Detection of Ricin

Graphene-based bimorphs for micron-sized, autonomous origami machines

Indirect optical trapping using light driven micro-rotors for reconfigurable hydrodynamic

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 11:17 AM

9. The evidence on effectiveness of masks for source control (for example stopping infectious people — pre-symptomatic/asymptomatic — from infecting others) is weak. Evidence for protecting the mask wearer from becoming infected is also weak. The unusual situation for COVID is the relatively high infectiousness before symptoms appear.

10. Overall, the evidence that exists is marginally positive for the use of masks

11. The effect of wearing a mask is likely to be small but not zero. The RCT evidence is weak and it would be unreasonable to claim a large benefit from wearing a mask.

18. By contrast, SAGE does not think there is good evidence for use for long periods where people regularly mix with the same people.

20. The evidence does not support a recommendation to wear masks outdoors in either urban or non-urban environments, unless in an unavoidable crowded situation.

21. This advice does not replace or change existing advice on other measures — such as hand washing, 2-metre distancing and self-isolation — which remain more important (because of stronger evidence and larger effects).


You also cant spread a virus you dont have and cant have if you're immune....... and pretty much 99.9% of the wont be around anyone with the virus. And masks cant do #, even if the hole was 1 micron which is probably the smallest you can get without sufforcating yourself, those holes are around 1000x larger than the virus. Even if you had absolutely perfect seal.

edit on 25-9-2022 by thethinkingman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 11:19 AM
I had a text message about 6 weeks ago saying if I wanted a booster I could have one.

That's some epic level pressure and coercion right there.

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Still never tested positive for it. Still only had 1st doses. Been exposed numerous times.

Heck, this area was laid low with ragweed allergies this week. I felt so bad that I COVID tested, and I wasn't alone. I think half the region did. 11 of our tourney competitors dropped out over ragweed.

Still tested negative despite COVID being apparently active in this area.

It's not like I don't test. I am required to go out every day. My job requires me to be onsite. I get exposed. I test. Where is my contamination because lord knows I DO NOT MASK.

Where I am right now Covid hasn't really been a thing in the best part of a year. No mask wearing, no social distancing, no nothing. Cases are limited, deaths are more or less non-existent.

If you want a booster you need to book it in with your flu shot or something as they're not doing it centrally any more.

The reason: Because we all masked, distanced and vaxxed when we were originally asked to.

It's also quite likely that you had covid but never noticed. A lot of people just get the sniffles, it's a head cold at worst for them. You might just have sneezed a few times and that was it.

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: nonspecific
I had a text message about 6 weeks ago saying if I wanted a booster I could have one.

That's some epic level pressure and coercion right there.

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Still never tested positive for it. Still only had 1st doses. Been exposed numerous times.

Heck, this area was laid low with ragweed allergies this week. I felt so bad that I COVID tested, and I wasn't alone. I think half the region did. 11 of our tourney competitors dropped out over ragweed.

Still tested negative despite COVID being apparently active in this area.

It's not like I don't test. I am required to go out every day. My job requires me to be onsite. I get exposed. I test. Where is my contamination because lord knows I DO NOT MASK.

Where I am right now Covid hasn't really been a thing in the best part of a year. No mask wearing, no social distancing, no nothing. Cases are limited, deaths are more or less non-existent.

If you want a booster you need to book it in with your flu shot or something as they're not doing it centrally any more.

The reason: Because we all masked, distanced and vaxxed when we were originally asked to.

It's also quite likely that you had covid but never noticed. A lot of people just get the sniffles, it's a head cold at worst for them. You might just have sneezed a few times and that was it.

It's an automated message.

Probably sent out because you gave them your number when you booked your previous vax, and you happen to be in the right age group.

I'd hardly call a robocall "epic" anything, except maybe an epic bore. You got one along with however many million other people there are around your age who also gave out their number.

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