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Something Strange In The Air? - The Return Of Solomon

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posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 06:07 PM
Has anyone else noticed something strange in the air the last few days?

I'm not sure if it is something very wrong, or something very right, but something is different

Like something has happened. Or something is happening. Or something is about to happen

I'm not talking events such as war, religion or politics, or things such as these, because all these things are effects of alignment, not the cause of alignment themselves. In fact, most of the institutions and people "in power" are absolutely irrelevant to the real alignment of power in this world

I'm talking about a feeling like there has been a shift in the alignment of this world

Almost like someone else is "in charge", or a future that used to be certain, is now uncertain, or somehow changed

In my semi-conscious "just awake" state yesterday morning, I overheard an astral conversation between a Pastor and somebody/something else. Somewhere else in this world

A conversation where he was being asked to justify kicking someone out of his Church, who had visited to ask for help with understanding certain things that were happening to him in the physical world, as they might relate to the Churches understanding of things

The Pastor justified kicking him out, in the name of Jesus Christ, saying that the things that were happening to him were of Satan or Lucifer

The somebody/something answered him, "The person you kicked out was Solomon"

It took a second for the gravity of the situation to sink in to the Pastors mind

At first he went very quiet, realising he may/might have made a very big mistake

But his confidence quickly returned, as he again, invoked the name of Jesus Christ, as his right to kick the man out of the Church. Without any real justification for why he did it, only why he believed he had the right to

The somebody/something talking to him quickly corrected him

"Jesus Christ won't help you when it comes to Solomon. They are not at odds"

The Pastor tried stating that Jesus Christ is greater than Solomon, and that he said so himself. And whoever he was talking to laughed in such a way as to warn him that he was treading on very dangerous ground

"Haha ... No! No! No! No! No!" he said, "You misunderstand. He never said he was greater, only that he succeeded him. He respects Solomon and names them as being the same"

The Pastor still did not seem to realise the gravity of what he had done, kicking Solomon out of a temple of worship, abasing him as evil. A Church he helped found

"He wants his temple back. And Jesus will give it back. He won't stop him"

The Pastor still did not seem to understand, so the somebody/something spelled it out for him

"Solomon is fair and just. He has compassion and understanding. But ... He is not as forgiving as Jesus. He will make you pay for your judgement of others and all you have done. He will make everyone pay"

I then heard the voice informing those like the Freemasons, that Solomon had returned and he was taking his throne back

All day after this, I felt a sense of foreboding

Like a massive shift had taken place in the world

From this, it feels like the asynchronicity is getting very thick and dangerous

A relative of a friend dies yesterday, cave diving, at almost the exact time I add the movie "Thirteen Lives", to my watch list. The story about the 13 kids who got stuck in flooding caves in Thailand

Speaking to her yesterday about her family member, she mentioned to me, that the night before (about the time I was downloading the movie, and her relative was diving overseas), she had needed to turn off one of the Tomb Raider movies because she couldn't watch a scene where people were drowning in caves

The synchronicity is getting very potent

It feels Ominous

But also, if Solomon is going to somehow make those who think they are above reproach answer for their crimes? I am somehow hopeful

It is skin that needs be shed

Anybody else sensed something strange in the air?
edit on 15 8 22 by Compendium because: Corrections

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 06:31 PM

originally posted by: Compendium
Has anyone else noticed something strange in the air the last few days? ...

Nope! I got nada.

Aside from the ever present wave of corruption already engulfing the planet. But that been around for awhile now. Nothing new.
edit on 2022 8 15 by incoserv because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 06:53 PM
a reply to: Compendium

Solomon was a great king who turned away from God. Solomon was a mortal man, Jesus the son of God. No way Solomon could outrank Jesus.

Perhaps the message is the turning away of the church? Cue the great deceiver?

Forgot to say yesterday the sun hurled a plume of cool, dark plasma into space following an explosion of a sunspot. Don't know if you're sensitive to sun/moon activity, but thought Id mention it.
edit on 100000066America/Chicago311 by nugget1 because: ETA

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 06:56 PM
a reply to: incoserv

All I am getting is an INTENSE Sense of FEAR All around me . WTF is Wrong with Our World Today ?

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 07:21 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: incoserv

All I am getting is an INTENSE Sense of FEAR All around me . WTF is Wrong with Our World Today ?

Sit back, stay calm and ride the wave; the dam has broken. I feel really, really bad for people living in big cities.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 07:31 PM
a reply to: Compendium

I have been having dreams about flooding and heavy rains for a few months. Almost every night I dream about water flowing through leaky roofs or heavy rains, sometimes black with the consistency of tar.

I would of kept it to myself, but since you kind of asked.

Symbolically, it could be personal revelations, but usually they have dual meaning.

Something is up, I agree.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 07:56 PM
a reply to: nugget1

Yes , by the Time they Finally Realize it is Time to " Bug Out " , it will be to Late . Thank God I Live 5 Minutes from the Atlantic Ocean .....*)

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: Compendium


Since Saturday, August 13th I've noticed "something in the air", as well.

It doesn't feel like "danger" per se, although depending upon what, exactly "it" turns our to be, could result in what feels like very dangerous situations.

I noticed Saturday afternoon that vehicle traffic, in a usually busy part of town, was almost non-existent, and it was, as the saying goes, "almost too quiet". I even noted to one of my relatives, who I had been visiting that day, that the unusual quiet was "creeping me out" a bit.

I spent most of Sunday indoors, though I awoke that morning still feeling on edge, the feeling seemed to dimish a bit towards the evening.

Did not sleep well last night, woke with same feelings of unease, but dismissed them as just being silly.

Then, just a few minutes ago, I returned from a take-out food run...

And that feeling, and the unusually light traffic, is back again, but now,, it is in my part of town,, as we'll. What strikes me as strange is that, although my "gut" is telling me to be hyper alert and "keep my head on a swivel", my eyes and my brain can sense Absolutely Nothing that could be considered a threat, immediate or otherwise.

If I might ask, where are you located, geographically, not a specific location, just generally. I thought, perhaps we might try to see if location had anything to do with perception. I am in Northern California; well away from any risk of wildfire or serious earthquake. So I doubt that what I'm "picking up" is a direct threat to me, personally.

As for coincidence, I was feeling compelled to write exactly this same thread as I pulled into my driveway just minutes ago.

Stay safe, everyone!
edit on 15-8-2022 by Mantiss2021 because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-8-2022 by Mantiss2021 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 11:04 PM
a reply to: Mantiss2021

That "gut" explanation was spot on

I feel pensive about a seemingly non-existent threat

At the shopping centre this morning, I felt a strange type of confusion or anxiety about dangers unapparent

I felt the urge to park my car in the outside carpark, instead of under cover, but couldn't understand why

I stopped short of parking outside, to think about why I felt an urge to break a pattern, or be cautious in the way. But could not see any reason why. The likelihood of random things like others damaging a car while they are parked, is the same regardless of where I park

I realised that although the cautious feeling like "something is wrong" was manifesting specifically with things like where to park, it was actually a more generally sense

The thing that seems very strange to me, is that there is no apparent focus to understand what is wrong, or where it is

I am in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 11:20 PM
Vatican days are numbered. Zechariah 13 ... "In the whole land, two-thirds will be struck down and perish, yet one-third will be left in it". Tassie.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 11:20 PM
I'm not sure I understand where the OP is going with Solomon. I thought Solomon was just a person blessed by god but not technically a full messiah.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 11:34 PM
a reply to: Compendium

I feel pensive about a seemingly non-existent threat

The psychiatrist Carl Jung believed in a 'collective consciousness', where people are connected 'spiritually', or however you want to phrase it, in the universe.

He concluded that our thoughts are picked up by others -usually on a subconscious level, and collective shared thought patterns are able to bring about change. If enough people think something is inevitable, they set the things in motion to bring it about.

Right now the entire world (sans the 1%) are fearful, angry, confused, and have suffered some major trauma in the last couple of years; some more-so than others. The 'collective energy' of the planet is highly negative, and you don't have to be an empath to feel it anymore.....if you believe in that sort of thing.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 11:55 PM
a reply to: Compendium

If we were to draw a bearing between us, it would encompass a good deal of the north and south Pacific Ocean.

A Kraktoa-like event, perhaps?

posted on Aug, 16 2022 @ 12:26 AM
a reply to: nugget1

It depends if we are talking in allegory terms of the veil Bible

Or in terms of the hidden meaning within the texts

If you compare the hidden texts with older preceding mythology, you start to understand where today's problems lay

"Conscious" refers to an individual. "Consciousness" is collective. Even if you are talking about another persons individual conscious as "Consciousness", you are doing so in such a generalised sense that it implies something possessed by someone else, as known through something possessed by, or through, the one defining it, related to something they possess. Making it collective

In Sumerian teaching (when correctly translated) there is:

Enki = Conscious
Enki Ea = Conscious Thought
Enlil = Consciousness

Enki being the individual projecting casting forth, as/to Enki Ea

Enlil being the collective consciousness, by which the individual conscious could exist, in relation to, and when related to, other instances of individual conscious

Others, as a reflection of ourselves, as the only primary truth of knowing

Today, we fail to understand a distinction between perspective in such things

In the Christian teachings, this same concept became:

Theos = Thought
Jesus Christ = Emotional Conscious

Enlil "Consciousness" was replaced by "Church", defining the collective consciousness as something which could be owned and controlled

Something you needed to subscribe to, rather than it being a right of birth

If you subscribe to the Christian Theos as "God" (that which is cast forth), then you also subscribe to "Ea", "Thoth" and "Thor", which came before

Theos, Thor, Thoth, Ea, all mean "Thought". "That which is cast across, or cast forth"

So, the comparitive of Sumerian is:

Christ = Conscious
Theos = Thought
Church = Consciousness

Solomon is the seat of consciousness

The temple is the brain. The primitive layer, the first temple. With the evolved layer formed over the top, the second temple built over the first

The Ark of the covenant is the heart

The 4 holes are the chambers

Gold is blood

The Seraphim on top are the lungs

Aaron's rod is the backbone of the body

It is all talking about foetal development

Without which, there could be no emotional conscious

Today's problems with "gender" and "Identity" are all a result of the modern Church perverting the older teachings, to try own the collective consciousness as "Church"

In doing so, they have corrupted the natural link to the self within the collective, and caused an entire generation to start going haywire, because they do not feel right in their own skin

It will only get worse until the Church admits what it knows about the original versions of their texts


Again ... It depends on whether you want to look at the veil allegory teachings, or the hidden meaning

But, either way, Solomon owns the temple
edit on 16 8 22 by Compendium because: Added something

posted on Aug, 16 2022 @ 01:11 AM
a reply to: Mantiss2021

Feeling it here in socal too..

posted on Aug, 16 2022 @ 01:38 AM

originally posted by: Infinitis
a reply to: Mantiss2021

Feeling it here in socal too..

How about an experiment?

I have an iPhone with a compass app. If I am still feeling this way tomorrow, I will try to see if the "threat" is stronger in one direction or another (this technique first came to me the night before the Northridge, CA quake hit. I sensed what felt like an "evil thing on the hunt" or a dark, black haboob rolling in South of me).

Using my compass app, I'll try to get a bearing on the "center" of the disturbance, and pot it here.

Might be interesting?

posted on Aug, 16 2022 @ 01:39 AM
a reply to: Mantiss2021

Hey, can you check your inbox?

posted on Aug, 16 2022 @ 01:54 AM

It feels Ominous But also, if Solomon is going to somehow make those who think they are above reproach answer for their crimes? I am somehow hopeful It is skin that needs be shed Anybody else sensed something strange in the air?
a reply to: Compendium

Well a few months ago, I awoke in the morning with
the name "Ozymandias" in my head . I had never
heard that name before, and did not know who or
what it was. Then I looked on Wikipedia.
He was a ruler in Egypt . The wikipedia article
also included a poem by  Percy Shelley :

I met a Traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desart. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
— Percy Shelley's "Ozymandias" 1819 edition

posted on Aug, 16 2022 @ 07:03 AM
a reply to: Compendium

I noticed that every year, end of August till beginning of October, lots of threads appear that have these inverted "love is in the air" message.

Could be, it's just the busy month in the astral plane and people pick that up and get spooked. But it also has a slight feeling of cramming the crop for the yearly harvest...

Back to your OP, Salomon is a cool dude if he makes a move for the temple I fully welcome that. I think I met him a few years back when he wasn't fully committed to his role yet.
I guess we'll soon see the effects ripple trough all mayor religions.

what happens when modern tech, forensic and surveillance catches up to the occult teachings?

Whomever this might concern, Be warned!
Every connection is Monitored there will be swift action against any nonconsensual astral interactions.

posted on Aug, 16 2022 @ 08:03 AM
Can ya feel the change?

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