posted on Aug, 12 2022 @ 10:37 AM
Bear in mind that twisting, manipulated nightmares, Faustian terror-spiels have plagued my dreams for years, the most terrible things, fracturing
reality, fracturing my mind & soul, spinning me in a thousand strands into the abyss of eternal doom – only to be relieved of the horrors on
awakening, realising that I'm here for another day, that there is a higher purpose behind this suffering, which I swear to you, I have experienced in
my dreams for as many years as I can remember. The Great Dragon has had me in his clutches – or at least, has ALMOST had me fully in his clutches.
Each time the absolute pinnacle of horror approaches, I have been gifted with a reprieve, or an awakening from the hypnotic swirl of horror which has
consumed me for what seems like hours at a time, nowhere other, as I now see, than in those Hellish Tunnels of Set. Powerful black magic has been
worked against me for my entire life. This is something I need no validation regarding, I have found & seen the evidence first hand on numerous
occasions, and the guidance I have received, gnosis of direct Truth from the Creator, has elucidated further aspects of what has been unfolding in the
architecture of the life I was born into. The very beams of the floors of my home were removed from a castle in Italy, where they had furnished the
floors of a chamber used exclusively for the torture of the occupant's enemies, for hundreds of years. There is sympathetic magical purpose in such
actions. Secret rooms have been found under my house, artefacts have been installed & removed at the will of some exterior, unknown group, in subtle
ways which are hard to notice, unless you are looking for the activity. These nocturnal visions of horror which I now describe have been building in
my dreams for over a decade, each time the objective is to convince me that I'm trapped, doomed, unable to ever escape – to force me into screaming
aloud, blaspheming God, no doubt. But thank God, the Father has sustained my spirit through these torments - each time I recover a little stronger
than the time before. He has allowed me to experience if, in all its terrible, delicate, exquisite & thunderous, bludgeoning, eviscerating mental &
physical torture, fracturing my soul into a thousand versions of myself, experiencing each time a higher level of mental & physical agony, falling
into an endless abyss of threat & terror & despair – and last night was the pinnacle of these trials, of that I am certain. Despite being at the
apparent mercy of the Dragon, I have been yet protected from the very worst of the torments, at the crucial moment being shown only their
hypotheticals, as though momentarily removed from the experience, able to view it from another angle, ultimately so that I could understand exactly
what the Tunnels of Set actually promise for their adherents, and for the lost souls foolish enough to give no thought to the question
of whether man-eating sharks swim in the deepest, darkest waters they dive headlong into, with reckless abandon.. These are questions of Life which
are vital, crucial, terribly necessary – many (most) are utterly shielded by grace, and need not fear these things, instead they will experience
the natural joys of Heaven's love & protection (I have written elsewhere regarding the outworkings of natural grace in the ebb & flow of humanity's
endless varied expression of the idealised purpose which is laid out before all of us) – but those who toy with the dark side need to understand
just what sort of leviathan lurks in the darkest depths.
I have now been there, and by God, it is the most all-consuming torture, beyond even the worst possibilities that could ever be imagined by a
human heart, to find yourself the plaything of the Great Dragon.
There simply are no words – you will have to trust me, unfortunately. I'm doing my best with these words, but it is an impossibility to relate the
horror of spinning out endlessly hypnotic eviscerations of your body & soul, torn to shreds & reassembled, fear & threat & pain in ever-intensifying
permutations - viewing reality through fractal echoes & non-Euclidean spaces, realms of death in which poison & pain are flooding every fibre of your
being. On awakening this morning, I fell back to sleep, and awoke again, several times in the space of a half hour, here in the waking world.
However, in dreamtime, each few minutes of sleep had become hours of torment, finding me falling straight back into the exact same dream space, the
narrative unwinding & recoiling, wrapping around & casting away, over & over.. When I finally had the presence of mind to remain awake, I held my
peace for many minutes, simply reflecting on what had just occurred. I knew it to have been the pinnacle, the apex of the pyramid of my suffering - I
was shown the ultimate horrors, the ultimate extent of the exquisite torture which Satan reserves for his enemies – and yet, as I have noted, God
shielded me from the impact & effect upon my soul which the very worst would have had – I would have been lost to utter insanity & discombobulation
of body & soul - but instead I was shielded, protected, shown a sort of 'abbreviated' exemplification or mock-up of what the Dragon had intended for
me in those fractured moments, those interminable aeons of abstraction – I was protected for those brief, eternal moments, and thus I awoke still
sane (such as ever I was).
In order to give you some insight into the heights & depths of those terrors, imagine a lake burning with fire, and you are cast into it – I felt
with all sincerity on awakening that the very simplicity of torment of that nature would be a mercy, compared to what I experienced in my dreams last
night, particularly compared to that which was shown abbreviated, intended for me, yet which could not befall me due to God's grace. Do not be
surprised that I relate a tale of Hell & yet still thank God for the experience – because in it, I saw the sheer reality of what I am up against –
what we all, are up against. The despicable, abhorrent character of that immortal beast is unparalleled, and its hatred of all of us, children of the
day, is paramount in its motivations to destroy us all through layer upon layer of deceptions & diabolism, from the Tunnels of Set, through to the
shaded fibres of the astral plane, there are spiders weaving connections, demons building bridges spun from rendered human souls, calling &
catching & tempting & hunting. The reality of the ultimate objective of that insidious darkness, as an enemy of the Dragon, is a fractally
expanding, shimmering elucidation of every conceivable mental & physical torment, intensifying iterations of threat, pain & terror so monumental that
the gravest warnings cannot possibly prepare you for what awaits if you wilfully tread or nonchalantly chance upon that path.