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What Does Meaningful Three Letter Reform Look Like?

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posted on Aug, 10 2022 @ 02:15 AM
Got the idea for this thread from a reply I wrote in another thread here.

The context of the other thread was that our three letter agencies were somewhat corrupt, which prompted my questions. I then thought that this should be a topic all its own, hence this thread.

What does meaningful three letter reform look like? Several questions.

How does any of this ever resolve? I mean, say there's a 2024 Trump win and imagine he's really going to get in there and kick all the bad guys out, how does that even work? Will pink slips and perhaps charges for some be sufficient, or is it not going to be that easy? Some of those men and women have extraordinary skill sets, lots of connections, and access to lots of off the books resources. Will they abandon all of that when they get their walking papers? I'm not so sure that they would, but I really don't know the actual situation so that is just speculation on my part.

Or does it happen in some other way? I'm trying to wrap my head around cleaning out this sort of juggernaut system, so that's what I'm trying to understand. Where is the end game here? Is there any viable end game? I don't want to hear anyone's operational data, if there is such a thing, I'm just trying to understand how, if ever, it could actually go down.

More importantly, what does meaningful three letter reform look like? What are the biggest mistakes that are being/have been made in terms of the way our armed bureaucrats do their business? What are the biggest mistakes the public has made in regards to this problem? Legislators, etc.? How do we prevent these sorts of problems in the future? How and where has it all gone wrong?

Also, how does any such reform occur absent some unicorn chief executive? What's to be done about it by responsible Americans?

I prefer to leave these questions unanswered as I start this thread, though I expect I will have more to add later. I'd like to hear what others think, especially any of our resident spooks who are interested in weighing in on this topic, but also ordinary people too. Discuss, please.

A reminder to those read in on sensitive projects to not violate their secrecy oaths. Don't get yourself in trouble or compromise any operational information, if to comment would do so. I don't want anybody to get in trouble for my online musings. Not that I know of any specific domestic operations that might fall under this type of restriction, but undoubtedly some who read this will.

I hope to see a better world where abuse of power by those in powerful positions within government do not often occur, or preferably do not occur at all. Help me to see this future. What does it look like? Discuss.

posted on Aug, 10 2022 @ 03:29 AM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

Here you asked " What might the end game look like ? "

It's assumed you buy the wares being dangled in public , and have that free sip of koolaid when it's offered. By news outlets .

So the question comes back. What game ? Only cbs nbc cnn bbc fox sky ajn are three letters with games to play. Occasionally their operational details slip round the sides . And there it's the editors answer to the owners.

They are the front line and attempt to be the leaders of consciousness. Consider their remits and protocols before asking any other investigating alphabets anything.

If the fbi investigate on a federal level its to inform the government first. Not you or any hangers on.

If the Cia do much at all it's to promote us foreign policy .

If mi units eg naval intelligence learn things they're never ever going to publicise it, but they might pass it on. Or act on it.

There's no point hoping for much reform in these areas. Why ? Because history itself has gone way beyond reform. This world including your country is now being run by Centrists .

To them the media and the alphabets are playbook tools they use them to divert distract and engage the public in speculations where it'll never matter either way.

And , Trump is a playbook tool . Believe it or not.
Did he " borrow" mullions of dollars from the bundesbank and never pay it back ?
That's what you call remittance . From the centrists .
Anyway , all yous can keep believing that the fbi raided because blah blah blah .

Now if anyone does fear anything , and where it could go wrong for some is is mixed up in the judicial system , and that's why you have an attorney general.

If that ones a corrupt snake even judges can't do # .
Actual law doesn't matter etc.
And who you have in legal firms and associations qualifies too.
For example the high court judge who is the chief of the solicitors supervision body , can supervise solicitors out of existence also , should his causes require I ire him to have the need .

Now hear however we re not the only sentient beings. When a couple coinkydinks become hard coinkydonks on the head from nowhere , that's how things change .
If its meant to be . And I d suggest that nobody is getting away with anything , as in, nobody , in the full term . That's a better place to put your hope in the higher judicial agencies of the universe and life.
Karma a bitch when the truths laid out , and it always is eventually . They'll answer, be sure of it

posted on Aug, 10 2022 @ 03:52 AM
a reply to: IsabelleJones

Thanks for responding, interesting thoughts. Tell me more, please.

I have no desire to argue pro-Trump points of view in this thread or whether he's gonna drop the hammer or not or anything like that. That may or may not be, that's not what I created the thread for. Don't get me wrong, I do not mean this as an attempt to moderate your comments. I am simply stating that I didn't make the thread to have that argument. That being said, I didn't mind that you shared your thoughts and opinions on it.

I made this thread to learn, and to help others learn about these ideas. I want to hear what others think about these issues, so that I can better formulate my own intelligent answers to these questions. This is an important social issue regardless of whether Trump is involved with it or not.

I didn't make the thread to advance any particular solution or point of view. I'd just like to see where the conversation goes.

posted on Aug, 10 2022 @ 04:41 AM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

What are the biggest mistakes that are being/have been made in terms of the way our armed bureaucrats do their business? What are the biggest mistakes the public has made in regards to this problem? Legislators, etc.? How do we prevent these sorts of problems in the future? How and where has it all gone wrong?

The biggest mistake were allowing revolving doors, a mechanism by which the United States Secretary of Defense or a General can happily be CEO of a defense company, or a supreme court judge who needs the politicians' endorsement to become a judge. The biggest mistake was adoring money as a goddess, exchanging security for freedom, and being ignorant enough as to have guns, lots of them, yet being unable to kill a single banker, a corrupt public official, a judge who prevaricates, or any CEO of any corporation that exploits and alienates you.

All went wrong when the slaves started to fight against each other just because one wears a red t-shirt while the other wears a blue one, while the lords laugh in their luxurious mansions and in their offices.

You wanted guns, you have them. But you don't know whom to shoot. Like a chimpanzee with a chainsaw.

posted on Aug, 10 2022 @ 05:01 AM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

4. Unilaterally or multilaterally cancel all national debt currently owed to any foreign financial banking institution .End all repayments of foreign loans in immediate severance . Take military action overseas without approvals to disable particular institutions.
Allow private foreign debt to be settled as a measure of goodwill. Reaccount national debt at £0

edit on 10-8-2022 by IsabelleJones because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2022 @ 05:15 AM
edit on 10-8-2022 by IsabelleJones because: (no reason given)

Well there's a background.

Meaningful reform , as in if you went back to when a nation was it's own nation ( quite a long way back ) , and reinstituted what an independent nation would do for itself , is

1 .Put a proper Attorney General in who'd make the domestic environment clean. It'd have to be strictly for [ England ] , James .

2. Completely clear the armed forces of non strictly patriot generals . Have people who hate hearing about foreigners doing anything whatsoever in the homeland.

3 . Run a foreign service that is super cagey about vetting domestic actors . If there's a slightest wiff of a Harold Macmillan there , have them meet an accident poste haste . Do lots of them in if you have to , clear the account.

4. Hope that you're the actual King of a Country and what you say goes , end of story . Which sort of leads back to where that meaningful reform nowadays isn't well it won't :/ hard to explain.
edit on 10-8-2022 by IsabelleJones because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2022 @ 05:15 AM

originally posted by: [
edit on 10-8-2022 by IsabelleJones because: (no reason given)

Anyway given the constitutional frameworks of nations generally , IF you did those kind of things in a serious way you'd have an fbi and a cia and an nsa and whatever , that looked the shape they were supposed to look.
I suppose its possible you're talking about a lot of money and land and goods and people.
It's always possible , we could reset Klaus Schwab in the clink when it comes time for the fat ladies singing.
But that's what's well let's not talk about it. We ll see . The aliens ll mash em up or something.
edit on 10-8-2022 by IsabelleJones because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2022 @ 07:58 AM
There is a big ticking time bomb in the way international and national governments have faced the covid issues. As the long term implications of the vax surface and more people come to terms with the suppression around safe and effective covid treatments, the day is coming where the official narrative around these issues will all fall apart.

People usually only get politically engaged when they are personally affected. From such an evil and wicked breach of the public trust by the state, the blow back will topple governments. Anyone on a federal government paycheck will be out of a job as the power vacuum results in disorganization and chaos.

To build back better, state independence will rise in strength. Perhaps in time a Federal government may return, but only after learning the hard lessons of what happens when it goes wrong.

posted on Aug, 10 2022 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

there are many 'workers', who just do what they are told. And likely most aren't asked to do shady things, but some are. Those who orchestrate the shady things are upper echelon type people.

I don't claim to know anything, but in my mind, they would pause the activity of the FBI, shift the duties to another agency, (the IRS will have an abundance of extra folks), and investigate the entire group with an outside entity, likely removing a large portion of the top tier folks. Then replacing them with some of the regular folks who have good clean records.

It's a good thing they didn't ask me, because "burn it all down" would be my first reaction, worrying about the ramifications would be totally secondary.

posted on Aug, 11 2022 @ 06:23 AM
To answer the OP query: A public square awash with blood with a looming, dulled Guillotine?

I jest, but at this point a swift culling could be considered self defense if a fraction of what has been talked about on obscure forums by presumed psychotics has any truth... at all.

Certain technologies that have been developed in secret these last hundred years are terrifying and seemingly inescapable. Here's hoping all the scary electromagnetic and pharmaceutical mind control, AI, bio-weapon and nanotech patents were locked away to avoid humanity being exterminated or are balderdash... though logic says many are not locked away OR silly and what's to keep autonomous organizations without a lick of oversight benevolent, especially if it comes out that they have acted against humanity's interest in too many ways to count?

Anyone want to migrate to an arctic or undersea Amish community yet? Maybe a renaissance fair in orbit?

posted on Aug, 11 2022 @ 07:44 AM
At this point, the FBI has been so badly tainted that we need to start talking about disbanding it and creating a successor organization. Maybe we could transfer their duties to the federal marshals.

To prevent future occurrences, how about this: a political oversite board. The board would have equal numbers of Democrats & Republicans, and it would have access to all information regarding decisions to prosecute or not prosecute any person or entity. Their specific purpose would be to watch for evidence of political favoritism among the DOJ and their minions, and to blow the whistle if they see evidence of it.

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