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No employees no business

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posted on Aug, 10 2022 @ 03:41 PM
I was at WalMart the other evening to just get some dog food. It was Sunday around 6:30PM. They had 0 people on the registers, 0. Out of about 20 registers. It was absolutely ridiculous. The line for the self checkout (which was all that was available) stretched back into the store for legitimately, at a minimum, 750 ft. I wish I had taken a picture that was captioned “what automated service leads to”. Needless to say, I was instead frustrated and simply turned around and left. My dogs ate some steak and chicken leftovers instead.

Starred and flagged. Has anyone else also noticed how there is pretty much NOTHING open 24/7 anymore? I mean unless you’re probably in a major city or on major highways (which I’m not usually) there is nothing providing such service anymore. I feel for people that work second and third shifts at other places that NEED to be open like municipalities, who get out of work and can’t even go grocery shopping if they need to.

a reply to: JAGStorm

edit on 10-8-2022 by Narvasis because: More to say

posted on Aug, 10 2022 @ 03:41 PM

originally posted by: VierEyes

originally posted by: Brotherman

originally posted by: Lysergic
Rents 1500 for a #ty 1 bedroom lol.

After taxes I don't make that much in 2 weeks.

As a welder? I don't believe you.

For some reason people think welders are rich or making bank. Are you a welder or know what they pay?
My son is a welder and I believe the poster. My son makes more but when he started out he made around that amount and so did a lot of people that stayed with a shop for a long time. One of the only ways to get more is to shop hop and up your pay as you go along.

posted on Aug, 10 2022 @ 03:44 PM

originally posted by: Narvasis
I was at WalMart the other evening to just get some dog food. It was Sunday around 6:30PM. They had 0 people on the registers, 0. Out of about 20 registers. It was absolutely ridiculous. The line for the self checkout (which was all that was available) stretched back into the store for legitimately, at a minimum, 750 ft. I wish I had taken a picture that was captioned “what automated service leads to”. Needless to say, I was instead frustrated and simply turned around and left. My dogs ate some steak and chicken leftovers instead.

a reply to: JAGStorm

Don’t get me started on Walmart. I had not been there for around 8 months or so, I just hate it. Well today I desperately needed envelopes and didn’t want to go to office max. So I decided to run into Walmart. What a slum that place is.
The workers are zombies and by some miracle I did get a real cashier but she was in zombie mode.
Self checkout had long lines. Lose lose situation .

posted on Aug, 10 2022 @ 03:47 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

originally posted by: VierEyes

originally posted by: Brotherman

originally posted by: Lysergic
Rents 1500 for a #ty 1 bedroom lol.

After taxes I don't make that much in 2 weeks.

As a welder? I don't believe you.

For some reason people think welders are rich or making bank. Are you a welder or know what they pay?
My son is a welder and I believe the poster. My son makes more but when he started out he made around that amount and so did a lot of people that stayed with a shop for a long time. One of the only ways to get more is to shop hop and up your pay as you go along.

The welders I know make a hell of a lot of money.

posted on Aug, 10 2022 @ 03:49 PM
I try not to go there as well but there is one right down the road and I usually work evenings so it’s usually open later too. I edited my last post to mention 24/7 places too cause there aren’t any around me anymore. It blows

a reply to: JAGStorm

posted on Aug, 10 2022 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: VierEyes

There are all different levels. Some shops will take advantage and pay low and for whatever reason people stay there. It is also very dependent on region.

An underwater welder can make sick money while a basic new welder can make little over min wage.

My son was obsessed with fire as a child, I suggested the fire department for him but had to laugh when he ended up in welding. He is very good at it.

posted on Aug, 10 2022 @ 03:53 PM
Most welders are unionized, not really allowing for a lot of places to be able to lower their rates like that else that place probably goes out of business. Much like carpenters and electricians. The unions for those professions really set the pay.

a reply to: JAGStorm

posted on Aug, 10 2022 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I just looked to make sure pay hasn't changed, places here are $15 an hour and not full time so no benefits.

The reason they are part-time is so there will be no benefits. Do you have any idea how much those benefits can cost an employer? They likely would pay as much for the benefits as they do for the pay, even at $15 an hour.

We have legislated away the full time jobs from everyone except those in traditionally high-paying positions.

Many warned this would happen... many tried to explain why things like Obamacare and minimum wage and UBI (which was what unemployment turned into during COVID) were bad ideas. No one listened. Everyone wanted to just screw the companies. Now we have our present situation, and too many people are still putting all the blame on the evil employers.

The employment contract is simple: one exchanges one's labor on a specified schedule for a specified amount of money and benefits. The employee gets money and benefits; the employer receives the benefit of the labor. The more skilled the labor, the more it is worth. In the end, however, one's labor is worth whatever they can trade it for.

If an employer is unwilling to pay a satisfactory price for the labor, they do not get the labor. If an employee is unwilling to work for the wages offered, they do not get the wages. It's really that simple. However, we have turned the employment contract into a weird form of marriage, with implied obligations that have become so excessive that employers are becoming loathe to hire employees, especially full-time employees. Many companies now do not directly hire people from outside the company; they rely on job shops to staff temporary employees that can be fired at the drop of anyone's hat, and only hire direct after an employee has proven their value through that avenue.

This is what we as a society wanted. I fear it is too late to change our minds now. It is done.


posted on Aug, 10 2022 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Oh I agree with everything you said.

The irony is the as a contractor you’ll make twice as much in some instances and actually get benefits through your contract company. I did a few gigs like that because I didn’t need the immediate company benefits.
I also liked that I could easily quit, not work and then pick up when I wanted to without too much hassle. It worked for me as a second household income. It is probably more difficult if you are the main source of income.

posted on Aug, 10 2022 @ 04:22 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

We are turning into a nation of sub-contractors. Businesses can actually save money by outsourcing work as much as possible to contractors, and the contractors get paid more in exchange for supplying their own benefits. The days of graduate school, get a job, work 40 years, retire are long gone.

The downside of that is it will also mark an end to advancing technology. It requires teams to push technological limits; difficult to accomplish when everyone is working for themselves.


posted on Aug, 10 2022 @ 10:42 PM
Excellent post. I can add that the food industry seems to attract angry people who make the life of new employees a bit miserable.

Although i am totally a capitalist, it is obvious that some business people don't really know what they are doing.

Finally, there is no such thing as a labour shortage. If you offer enough wages you will get applicants. It makes me mad that Australian farmers can bypass capitalism and import cheap islander labour.

posted on Aug, 11 2022 @ 04:40 PM
$15/hr for flipping burgers isn't asking for alot when the price of a fast food meal is steadily approaching $15.

Companies and businesses should be required to post a CEO to worker pay gap index (PGI) number right next to their business hours.

Any pay gap index above 300 (where the CEO makes 300 times more annually than a full time employee) avoid doing business with that company.

Starbucks Holiday Hours.
9 am - 6pm
PGI 835

I'll make my own coffee today...
While smoking a cigar...
And I'll stir it with my trusty butterfly knife...
Ahh... Tastes like 7 A.M.

posted on Aug, 11 2022 @ 04:45 PM
a reply to: CloneFarm1000

People are going to have to really decide what is worth the labor.
To me Starbucks isn't worth it. On top of that they want tips, we are getting close to 8 bucks for a coffee, for a coffee.
Our grandparents would have slapped us into next week if they found out we are paying that for one cup.

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