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From the demand for "tolerance" to the demand for full participation; how we got to where we are

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posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 03:00 AM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
a reply to: incoserv

You have to understand, where I grew up it was a slur for anyone not fitting the "jock" stereotype.

I was called a dyke for wearing jeans in grade school, and my husband was called a faggot for being thin and artistic in his style. We are both profoundly heterosexual and always have been. His torment was so great he dropped out of high school because of it, whereas my experience was just one school in the fourth grade by one young man who tormented me.

So, even "direct language" can be abused and come off as crude behavior when not levied appropriately.

But what you're talking about there is not direct language. That's people being ... uhh ... anal orifices. There's a difference.

By direct language, I mean that words that are strong but may be the only one fitting for a given topic and situation. People bullying other people is not "direct language." It's just stupid.

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 03:39 AM
That is a good analysis incoserv. The question is who and why? As BTS said this is all downstream from culture wars so we have been getting warnings for decades but people wrongly wrote it off as "fads" or "entertainment". Just the amount of change in my short 60 years is stunning, as a child TV programs in the 60's were free from overt blood, gore and sexuality. Lassie, Old Yeller and the Red Skelton show were standard fare. Elmer Fudd could still shoot Daffy Duck in the face and make his bill spin around. In the 70's we had the first openly gay characters (Soap) and socialists (Meathead on All in the Family) thanks to Normal Lear. By 2005 we had movies like Hostel that portray kidnapping and torture of women and sexual arousal at bloodletting. Eat your heart out Dracula, Hollywood has more blood than you! Now all our culture is full of gratuitous violence, random sex all done with no sense of aesthetics. Art, music, theater, movies, tv shows - all have gone to hell. Small wonder you end up with an "anything goes" society that can be pushed around easily. We have no base, no firm sense of right or wrong.
I was all for Freedom and equality for many decades until I learned the darker agenda at the heart of it. Those were only means to an end; the end of us as a hope-filled and morally upright creature. We are worse than the Morlocks now, at least they had an excuse.

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 04:10 AM
a reply to: incoserv

Thanks for being sympathetic and proving you're not an anal orifice.

A lot of my friends who fall under the "pure" definition of LGBTQ don't wear any pins or rainbow identifiers anymore since the movement got hijacked by the sexually immoral and more perverse elements.

It's simply not safe for them to do so because of the takeover.

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 09:34 AM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
a reply to: incoserv

Thanks for being sympathetic and proving you're not an anal orifice.

A lot of my friends who fall under the "pure" definition of LGBTQ don't wear any pins or rainbow identifiers anymore since the movement got hijacked by the sexually immoral and more perverse elements.

It's simply not safe for them to do so because of the takeover.

Kind of like what's happening to political conservatives and moral traditionalists, no?

The whole damned world is upside-down

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 11:29 AM
At this point,I don't even think its about,or is being pushed soley by the members of these "special groups" whom we may not offend.

Those people,are being herded like a sheep dog herds them all run in the same direction,then suddenly all change direction at the dogs command.
They are the "useful idiots"but none of their causes are actually what this whole clown fest is about.

What it is actually about in my opinion is something I call the Soft cultural revolution/Neo year Zero.
It is about the enemies of freedom and democracy attempting to twist and pervert everything we once held dear,or what we "thought we knew was reality."

It is about weakening us as western nations,and about infiltrating and weaponising all of our insttutions,turning society into a malleable mass of jelly which can be made to believe even the most disturbing behaviours are wholesome.

History is being revised,science,mathematics,literature etc..

The people who are doing this to us are not only the usual Russian and Chinese governments-although the Soviets really built the framework of this form of attack during the cold war.
Now we also have all those people who we trusted with our money for generations-the fking bankers and economists,who after getting richer than most countries-are now also pushing the same warped ideologies in order to soften us up for their dystopian social/carbon credit communist utopia where you will own nothing,eat bugs,be force medicated and be a happy slave.
They own and run the biggest mass hypnosis/mind control operation in known histroy-the main stream media(and social media)and are using it to build the borg.

We are to trust these people who got rich by fking up the planet to save the planet,by handing over total control-right down to our thoughts.

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: Silcone Synapse

You nailed it. I mentiond in my OP that this started at least with the free-love movement in the sixties. I'm sure it goes further back, but that's when it all surfaced. As to the ultimate goal, that's exactly where it's headed.

edit on 2022 8 09 by incoserv because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: incoserv

I completely agree.

It is a bit insane out there.

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