I have read too many articles, pushing to get rid of petrol (gas) and use of natural gas in Australia.
I have only opinion for example please check out this age article, especially the comments action, where 99 percent are agsinst petrol powered cars.
Seems like a lobby group has placed so many fake comments, surely 99% are not in support of electric cars.
Secondly here in Victoria the greens have forced policy to ban gas aopliances in all new home builds.
Victoria now has some of the highest electricity prices in Australia.
My only conclusion is this is pushing a rubbish policy to enslave people to only have electric everything, and then be tied into massively high
electricity prices, as electricity generators know they have you, and you can’t use a fossil fuel possibly cheaper, and they know they have zero
competition, so prices will keep on being jacked up.
Why put all your eggs in one basket for energy needs.
Looks like the Tesla fanboys have been busy today.
How do you tell an aboriginal community that has no electricity supply that they can’t use thei diesel or petrol generators at night cause they pump
out too much carbon dioxide.
Though electric car proponents, don’t take into account the environmental impact of lithium mining, the children mining this stuff, the lack of once
it has reached its useful life there are no know technologies to safely dispose or recycle it.
Some people can’t see beyond their noses.
edit on 8-8-2022 by robsmith because: (no reason given)
edit on 8-8-2022 by robsmith because: (no reason given)