posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 02:43 AM
We have our celebrity guest here now...audience applauds...
"Hello and welcome.."
MC- For what I don't know?"
Q..." Are you male or female?"
A... I should think you would know the answer to that one unless you are an idiot!"
.."Well, I cannot see you so.........."
But, you can hear my I sound like a woman?"
" let's move on shal we?"
MC..'Lets..and fast."
Q... Do you act, sing, write or play sports?"
A.." I don't actually...although I would probably bee better than the lot acting today!"
Q...Alright...So are you married, divorced, single?"
A..."It's really none of your business.....but I'll go along I'm dating.."
Q.." So, tell us, what are you famous for?"
A.."Well to put it bluntly..I tell people the truth, and 99% of the time, they hate me for it, but they do end up agreeing with me..I'm a good judge
of people."
Q...Where do you live?"
A.."Not in Americer....I am from Another country..although I do have a home here....but I do prefer my country much better."
Q....So you tell people the you hurt their feelings a lot?"
A.."Well yes, some are just crushed when I say the things I say, but I tell it as I see it...I never pretend to like someone if I don't..I mean that
would just not be who I am."
Q...What is your stlye of clothing?"
A..Well..Everybody says I have one tee shirt, but I have 500 of the same one actuaally, it suits me and is my favorite color so I don't let their
remarks bother me..why should long as I like it..I'm not here to please anyone."
Q"You sound very arrogant..are you like this with everyone?"
A..."Well,'s my style...but my 2 other partners...think I have a huge ego..its just I know when I'm right..and it's usually most of
the time."
"Thank You....we will see if we can guess now who you are."
"...As long as they don't sing off key..I'll be happy."
Who is it?