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Black privlege vs White Privlege in the US Court System - Is the Ethan Liming Case Fair?

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posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 01:46 PM
We all hear about White Privilege in the media and the talking heads. How bad people of color have it. How education has changed systems because of systemic racism in not suspending kids or failing them based on race. Job hiring and firing based on systemic racism. Everywhere you look racism..racism...racism. Even our own president has stated that White Supremacy is the greatest threat to the US.

Sorry, not buying into it. Barack Obama shattered that. If a single mom can raise a child of color to become President of the United States there is a chance for anyone.

Sto ry 1

Three Akron men initially charged with murder in the beating death of Ethan Liming in the parking lot of the I Promise School have been indicted by a Summit County grand jury on lesser charges. Liming was found beaten to death the night of June 2 on the Akron school's grounds on West Market Street. Deshawn Stafford Jr., 20, was indicted on four charges, including two counts of involuntary manslaughter, while Tyler Stafford, 19, his brother, faces a felony charge of involuntary manslaughter and a misdemeanor assault. Their cousin, DonovonJones, 21, was indicted on two misdemeanor assault charges, according to court records.

These 3 men beat a man to death. Stomped on him while unconscious and then stole the car of the man they beat. You are going to tell me those are their charges? At the very least each one should be charged with manslaughter. The could have stopped but instead kept kicking the white victim in the head. Do we really want to believe there were no racial slurs against the young man? Where is the hate crime charge also?

I should state that yes, what the victim and his friends were doing was not smart but it is a water pistol. No one should have died that night. No one.

Now, the explanation from their lawyers that they thought a water pistol was a real gun? Really? One kid is charged with Assault and could be out in 6 months. That is the maximum penalty. For assisting in killing a young man.

In the end of the article is even lays blame on Tik-Tok and the Orbeez challenge...not the fact that AFTER they knew it was a water gun they still ganged up and beat a person to death. Then they stole his car. They took a phone of one kid so he could not call 911.

Where are the murder charges?

Now, on the other hand, when a 'white' police officer did his job he was first sentenced for murder and then sentenced for violating civil rights of the person. I have stated in these forums that I believe Chauvin could be tried, and maybe even convicted, of manslaughter as it was an accidental death. He did not set out to kill Floyd. Floyd was just so drugged up he died in custody. Could have just gotten in the car. Let's not beat a dead horse. He was convicted because of outrage and not guilt.

Yet 3 youths, who when the fight started my not have intended to kill him, did. You do not kick someone in the head when unconscious to wake them up. You are trying to hurt and or kill them. He had a cracked skull, his spine was severed and a foot print on his chest wall.

I am making this about race because there is a huge disparity here and I will guarantee, if 3 white kids kicked and stomped a black kid at the BBall courts that night you know they would all be indicted on murder charges and hate crimes. Biden would have chimed in already. The parents would be on the CNN circuit.

How has are country gotten so far away from justice that even murder, by adults, they were not kids, is allowed to pass into the night? If I was the parent who lost my son I would be heartbroken that i had lost my child and the people responsible, for his beating to death, were going to do months in jail.

If there is the thought that white people are let off from crimes easier than people of color then the solution is not to make it more lax but to make it more strict. I hate reading about the kid who does not get prosecuted because of this skin color or who he is related to. Just look at Hunter Biden.

When it comes to law and the courts it all has to be even. No one should have any extra privilege in this country.

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: matafuchs

There has always been the claim of racism in the court system. Sometimes rightly so and other times not so much.
Probably has a lot to do with location.
Honestly to there seems to be more privilege based around wealth.

Female privilege in court on the other hand is quite obvious..all hail the patriarchy!

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 02:47 PM
a reply to: Bluntone22

Agreed. I can also attest to the family court system. I finally had a male judge once, who asked my ex why she did not work. She said she did not have to. He cut my monthly by 2/3rds and told her since she has a law degree she can get out and work. For the previous 14 years they railed me.

For this case, it just really hits because it is young adults and older kids. I have both. These are the situations i fear when my son is going to hang out after baseball or go see friends. Kids can do dumb #. However,

They also have to be held responsible. That was part one of the OP. Part two, if the roles were reversed they would already be found guilty.

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 02:56 PM
We can also sidetrack this into those who participated in the Summer of Floyd and those who were at the Capitol on 1/6.

DC during the Floyd rioting lasted for weeks...1/6 lasted less than 8 hours. No cars burned. No property damage. Yet, there are people who never entered the Capitol that day facing 15 years.


this looks like an insurrection...


posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 02:58 PM
The county court here is corrupt, it's who you know and do business with and if they are your friend or enemy. I doubt skin color means a thing to the corrupt local officials and their followers around here. It's corrupt and dirty from the lowest local level on up. The only privilege here is if you are on the inside or related to someone who is, skin color doesn't mean much, power and influence everything.

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

Very common. I have seen it in smaller towns/etc.. It can go many ways in many parts of the country.

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 04:59 PM
a reply to: matafuchs

I think racism is often exaggerated but obama becoming president doesn't mean racism ceaaed to exist.

I think the u.s. largely ignored racism for so long that we are trying to overcorrect it after finally addressing it in the past 10 years.

While white priveldge is overused, it still exists to some degree. I think the left is doing a disservice to african americans and other minorities by saturating the conversation of race relations with white priveldge. If you try to force this idea of white guilt constantly, its going to have blow back. And people won't take it seriously.

I think the solution is to put a better effort in helping african american communities that are stuck in a cycle of poverty. Rather than to just make white people feel guilty.

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: CptGreenTea

To Clarify, I never said it does not exist I was showing that a POC could become the most powerful person in on the planet. The need for excuses is over. Make something happen or move out of the way and let someone else take your place.

Your solution to the issue is also very good.

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 05:37 PM
a reply to: matafuchs

Yea the white guilt is turning people off and so overused. We should help communities and look for solutions.

But solutions are difficult and virtue signaling on social media is easy and seemingly more effective to appear as an "ally" to POC.

But its not like the right is providing alot of solutions either.

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: CptGreenTea

Poverty didn't kill that kid. Selfishness and thuggery did.

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: CptGreenTea

45 did push a lot of the black community. First Step Act. Re-enacting monies for HBCU. School Choice. The economy and jobs were better under 45 than 44.


You just never really heard about it.

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 07:18 PM
I say bs - some years back, my husband was jumped by 8 blacks (we are White), mugged and knifed.
He was ok, but out of work for some time, and I went down to the police station in the city where this occurred.
I was told these 8 men would not be found, they were long gone, and when I stated that were the situation reversed, it would have made nationwide news on channel 7, and suspects would be hunted.
I was ordered out of the police station, and that was the end of it.
Sorry, I have no sympathy for the animals. And with good reason.

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 07:20 PM
I want my President Trump back, everything made sense when he was in power.
Always My President!

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 07:25 PM

originally posted by: CptGreenTea
a reply to: matafuchs

But solutions are difficult and virtue signaling on social media is easy and seemingly more effective to appear as an "ally" to POC.

But its not like the right is providing alot of solutions either.

Here's a solution - Everyone has to get a job and pay their own way like the rest of us.
We weren't pampered and given anything, and why a certain segment of the population gets everything handed to them is ridiculous.
Some people really need help and those people should have it, but the rest need to get off the pity pot.

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 08:43 PM
Level the damn playing field.
All this does is generate interracial tension.
They (thems runnin sh*t) do THAT on purpose.
We have a common foe that beats us by turning us on each other.
The dirty truth is no lives matter to them.

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals
I agree. That common foe has been sowing division for a very long time. Problem is, you can't name them for who they are or you're labeled and put on a list.

posted on Aug, 8 2022 @ 03:08 PM
Life in prison. Not for murder. For a Federal Hate Crime.

Now, you have the same case. 3 on 1. In one case you have 3 older white racist guys and in one they are troubled youths (didn't add race to be like he media) who should not lose their whole lives to a mistake as their lawyer says.

These 3 kids, who beat someone to death, I don't care the race, had their bonds reduced to the following. All charges lowered.

19-year-old Tyler Stafford: Bond reduced to $5,000 with one count of assault, one count of involuntary manslaughter. Pleaded not guilty with a pretrial date set for Thursday, Aug. 18.

20-year-old Deshawn Stafford Jr.: Bond reduced to $25,000 with two counts of involuntary manslaughter, one count of assault, one count of aggravated assault. Pleaded not guilty with a pretrial date set for Thursday, Aug. 18.

21-year-old Donovon Jones: Bond reduced to $5,000 signature with two counts of assault. Pleaded not guilty with a pretrial date set for Thursday, Aug. 18.

There is nothing involuntary with kicking someone in the head when unconscious.

edit on Augpm31pmf0000002022-08-08T15:09:37-05:000337 by matafuchs because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2022 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: matafuchs

Anyone who pays a smidgen of attention understands that black privilege is alive and well. White people, especially those who lean right, are persecuted daily. We can't even disagree with a black person without being called a racist of having people try to make us feel guilty. Brettany "Little Laddy" Griner knew this and thought it would carry over to Russia with her, now she's got the guiltiest white president in our history clanking his fist and making empty threats about releasing her. In America, nothing would have happened to her.

But, I'll say this... If you think it's bad being a white Conservative, try being a black Conservative. They're hated by the democrats more than even Trump.

posted on Aug, 8 2022 @ 05:40 PM

originally posted by: CptGreenTea
a reply to: matafuchs

Yea the white guilt is turning people off and so overused. We should help communities and look for solutions.

But solutions are difficult and virtue signaling on social media is easy and seemingly more effective to appear as an "ally" to POC.

But its not like the right is providing alot of solutions either.

or is it whites just don't do as much stupid # as poc''s?

like dirtbag floyd.

play stupid games win stupid prizes.

posted on Aug, 8 2022 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: LSU2018

It's just a divisive policy to keep everyone wired and at each other's throats, there is no black and white some are browner than others so what? Some thicker some brighter.

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