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The Real Universal War Being Waged

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posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 12:25 AM
In a previous thread proof of the divine authorship of God’s word in the Bible was discussed, namely, the message carried throughout its pages over thousands of years being canon. The fact that Jehovah God had angels reveal cryptic prophecies to his prophets and had the understanding sealed up and said that in the time of the end those having insight would rove to and fro through the scriptures and they would understand them. There is no way a human could produce such a work. This is convincing proof to me that the Bible is not of human origin.

In this vein it is interesting to note what the very first chapters of the Bible say about the divine war being waged. And what the very last pages say about it.

Genesis was written by Moses in the wilderness around 1513 B. C. E. John wrote the Revelation he was given over 1,600 years later. Moses penned the words in Genesis 3:15 about a universal war. It also explains how God sees fit to bring humankind back to perfection.

There is a divine theme here that reveals a universal war that has been waging since the founding of the world of humankind and into which we were born. The majority of humankind do not know these things.

Studying Revelation 12 and understanding its words can help open one’s eyes to the truth, and to see that the Bible is really inspired.

In Genesis 3:15 Jehovah God makes a pronouncement that the entire Bible is centered on, there we read:

“And I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and her offspring. He will crush your head, and you will strike him in the heel.”

Jehovah was talking to the serpent who had deceived Eve. This we know is not the literal serpent because the literal animal couldn’t care less what God was saying to it. Revelation 12 reveals who the original serpent God was talking to is:

“So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him. “-Revelation 12:9.

After seeing a war in heaven John tells us that Satan the Devil is the original serpent of Genesis 3:15.

There was enmity put between the woman and her offspring, and the serpent and his offspring.

The woman is revealed in Revelation 12 as having a child that is caught away to God’s throne:

”A woman was arrayed with the sun, and the moon was beneath her feet, and on her head was a crown of 12 stars, and she was pregnant. And she was crying out in her pains and in her agony to give birth… she gave birth to a son, a male, who is to shepherd all the nations with an iron rod.”-Revelation 12:1,2, 5.

The woman gave birth to a male that is to shepherd all the nations with an iron rod. This woman is in heaven. She is God’s celestial organization. Her offspring came to be known as Jesus Christ. He is the king that will shepherd the nations with an iron rod. I have written several threads about Jesus’ rulership as king in heaven of God’s kingdom government that will soon come to wage war with the nations of this earth and crush them.

But there is more to the offspring of the woman than just Jesus Christ. Revelation 12 tells us that Satan is cast out of heaven after the birth of the kingdom. In this thread we see the birth of the kingdom as it took place in 1914. After the coronation of Jesus Christ in heaven as king he cast Satan and his wicked angels, who are misleading everyone on earth, down to earth. And we are told that Satan becomes wrathful and goes forth to wage war with the remaining ones of the offspring of the woman:

“So the dragon became enraged at the woman and went off to wage war with the remaining ones of her offspring, who observe the commandments of God and have the work of bearing witness concerning Jesus.”-Revelation 12:17.

Jesus was the primary offspring of the woman. Who are the remaining ones of the offspring? These are the 144,000. God has foreseen in his good pleasure to call 144,000 humans out of every tribe and language and nation on earth to heaven to rule with Jesus over the earth during his future kingdom rule over the earth for the 1,000 years. Most of these have already lived and died.

Among those witnessesing to Jehovah’s great name are called and chosen anointed ones, over 20,000, alive today. They have the seal of God, they have been baptized with holy spirit, they are the anointed, called and chosen ones. These are adopted sons of God. They have the work of bearing witness to Jehovah’s name, and concerning his Christ, Jesus. Satan is directly waging war against these remaining ones, the offspring of the woman on earth today. He directly attacks them by using the world’s nations to ban their work, throw them in prison, kill them. He does so indirectly by spreading misinformation and lies about them.

As these go forth and preach about Jesus’ incoming world government, the good news of the kingdom, the solution to all of humankind’s problems they have as their leader and king Jesus Christ reigning in heaven. When Jesus arrives in the future, shortly, all humankind will be separated as sheep and goats based upon how they treated Jesus’ anointed brothers who were sent to them, and how they responded to the good news of God’s kingdom.

The carnal wars that the nations have been waging are distractions to the true nature of the real issues now facing humanity. The real war being waged, between Jehovah God and his celestial organization, and Satan the Devil and his wicked demon angels ruling over the earth.

This very brief glance into the beginning of the Bible and the last book of the Bible, and the revealing of the real war being waged between God and Satan, the birth of the kingdom in heaven, the war Satan is waging against the remaining offspring of the woman on earth in this time of the end is not something you will learn in any Church in Christendom. You will not learn about it from any political leader. You will not know of it by watching the news. But the effects of it are being seen everywhere.

And you have been alerted to the real war being waged. This is because God’s love for humankind is greater than Satan’s hatred. And his anointed have been enlightened with the truth, and they are telling everyone everywhere the good news of God’s kingdom.

edit on 31-7-2022 by randomuser because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 01:55 AM
a reply to: randomuser

it was either divinely inspired or they had better crack back then hhen we do now

im talking blue breaking bad stuff for real for real lol
edit on 31-7-2022 by negedef because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 04:25 AM
God exists in everything, all of reality, the truth. The devil is the inverse with lies, deception and stupid tragedies.

Once that bite on the tree of knowledge started we have been learning, understanding and working with this world a lot more. Lot of mistakes along the way as life tries new stuff out to find what works. It is a struggle, battle hardened over millions of years of evolution.

The basics of religion and law is simple, do no harm, look after your neighbor. Some religions and laws do include war time rules when it comes to interactions with other cultures.

Lot of this is outside of our control, been that way for a long time. Do what we can, most people try to do the right thing.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 05:13 AM
a reply to: randomuser

Hey muse,

If I may, I'd like to get your take on how we humans are redeemed not from
judgement. But from condemnation which is the second death. How does
salvation come according to the way the Bible is taught in your church?
How is one forgiven of his/her sins and have their name written in the
book of life?

I don't know why I'm having a problem articulating that right now but i
hope it's coherent?

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 05:58 AM

originally posted by: Randyvine2
If I may, I'd like to get your take on how we humans are redeemed not from
judgement. But from condemnation which is the second death. How does
salvation come according to the way the Bible is taught in your church?
How is one forgiven of his/her sins and have their name written in the
book of life?

Salvation - eternal life - is available for anyone who wants it, no matter who they are. You don't have to do anything to win or earn it. It's yours. Anyone telling you that salvation is only for people who do special things or belong to a special group or have specific beliefs is committing blasphemy against God.
Like all people across the entire Earth, you're forgiven and your salvation is paid for.

Ironically, a lot of Christians absolutely hate when this is pointed out, because it ruins their sense of exclusivity for belonging to the "right" church and doing and believing the "right" things.
edit on 7/31/2022 by trollz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 07:24 AM
a reply to: trollz

Exclusivity is far from what I want I have no religion per se.
But I believe and try to follow Christ leaning towards
dispensation. I still live my life in the carnal world but I
never deny Jesus having tremendous faith despite the
life I have to endure. I could never think Christ went to
the cross and died for nothing. So assuming you and muse
share the same. Do you believe Yeshua Jesus Christ is
the truth the life and the way? And that he is the one
and only way to come to the Father? I guess that's where
I'm going with this. So suffice all that to add I'm likely
one of the worst Christians on the planet who has always
had the strongest faith. And has never once looked back
after making my own decision when I was around ten.
There's a little about me.
edit on 31-7-2022 by Randyvine2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 08:22 AM

originally posted by: Randyvine2
Do you believe Yeshua Jesus Christ is the truth the life and the way?

In a manner of speaking, sure. I believe Jesus existed and spoke truth and taught people how to live. But it's important not to get hung up on phrases and terms. This is often a trap of "Satan" that draws people away from God. I believe the term is "legalism" (I may have the wrong word in mind). Do you see what you're doing here? I can say "God's forgiveness is unconditional and available to all, which includes you" and you'll say "Well, ok, but do you believe this and that about these specific phrases and terms?". I could give you the perfect answers you're looking for for that question, and then you might pick it apart further and say "Well ok, but...". You're looking past the message itself and trying to pick apart the credibility of the one saying it to find an excuse to not hear it.

originally posted by: Randyvine2
And that he is the one and only way to come to the Father?

Again, in a manner of speaking. Here's why I say in a manner of speaking: going back to my previous comment about "legalism", or getting hung up on phrases and terms, there are many denominations who all believe in Jesus - but they may say "Well, fine, you believe in Jesus - but if you don't also have our specific belief about him, you won't go to Heaven!". These questioning attitudes about specific meanings and beliefs are traps to divide and separate. I was once accused of not being a Christian by a woman who took offense to me saying that God offered salvation to anyone who wanted to accept it. She wanted to live in a mentality where salvation was only for the people like her who happened to hold her specific beliefs. Do you see how this mentality is a weapon against truth?
Your salvation is paid for. The act is done. You don't need to do anything to earn it or win it or somehow find it. You don't even have to believe Jesus existed - he did whether you believe or not. Nobody is cut off from salvation for living the wrong lifestyle or having the wrong beliefs or going to the wrong church. The fact that salvation has been given to all humanity is a fact, and that fact will not be altered by your belief or lack thereof.
God does not love an unbeliever less than a believer. God does not love a sinner less than someone who lives a life of piety and grace. The two will not stand before God while he says "I accept you, but not you! You didn't have enough of the correct understandings about these specific phrases! You go to hell for eternity!". It's ridiculous, isn't it?
edit on 7/31/2022 by trollz because: (no reason given)

edit on 7/31/2022 by trollz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 09:18 AM

originally posted by: Randyvine2
a reply to: randomuser

Hey muse,

If I may, I'd like to get your take on how we humans are redeemed not from
judgement. But from condemnation which is the second death. How does
salvation come according to the way the Bible is taught in your church?
How is one forgiven of his/her sins and have their name written in the
book of life?

I don't know why I'm having a problem articulating that right now but i
hope it's coherent?

Greetings Randy. May you have God’s peace. How can you get your name written in the “book of life?” It is also called the “scroll of life” and the “book of remembrance.” I wrote a thread about this book. One gets their name written in it, according to scripture, by exercising faith in Jesus Christ’s shed ransom sacrifice for our sins. See John 3:16.

Once a person’s name is written in the book of life it can still be removed. For example Jehovah told Moses:

”However, Jehovah said to Moses: “Whoever has sinned against me, I will wipe him out of my book.”-Exodus 32:33.

Jesus, talking to John in the book of Revelation says that in order to keep one’s name in the book of life they must remain faithful, or endure, until the end:

”The one who conquers will thus be dressed in white garments, and I will by no means blot out his name from the book of life, but I will acknowledge his name before my Father and before his angels.”-Revelation 3:5.

Now Jesus told us in the future resurrection there will be a resurrection of both righteous people who have their names in the book of life, and of unrighteousness. Because many have not received an accurate understanding of God or his purposes they were never able to exercise faith in him, and in ignorance they practiced what was evil while alive. Jesus said these ones would be given a resurrection of judgement:

”Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, and those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment.”-John 5:28-29.

“And I have hope toward God, which hope these men also look forward to, that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.”-Acts 24:15.

So righteous people who lived their lives according to Jehovah’s will while alive have their names written in God’s book of life. They will receive a resurrection of life. Unrighteousness people who never were afforded the knowledge to serve God will also be resurrected, to a resurrection of judgement. They will be taught the truth and be given opportunity to have their names written in the book of life.

When Jesus shortly arrives to judge humankind all those who do not have their names written in the book of life will be thrown into the lake of fire, which means the second death which you referred to:

“Furthermore, whoever was not found written in the book of life was hurled into the lake of fire.”-Revelation 20:15.

In my OP I talked a little about how people will be judged according to how they react to the kingdom message. I will quote the passage here in full. It is important because these ones will be counted as goats and will be thrown into everlasting cutting off (the second death from which there is no resurrection):

”When the Son of man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit down on his glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 And he will put the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on his left… Then he will say to those on his left: ‘Go away from me, you who have been cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels. 42 For I became hungry, but you gave me nothing to eat; and I was thirsty, but you gave me nothing to drink. 43 I was a stranger, but you did not receive me hospitably; naked, but you did not clothe me; sick and in prison, but you did not look after me.’ 44 Then they too will answer with the words: ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister to you?’ 45 Then he will answer them, saying: ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of these least ones, you did not do it to me.’ 46 These will depart into everlasting cutting-off.”-Mattew 25:31-33, 43-46.

Notice these goats will ask when they saw the Lord Jesus naked, or hungry, or thirsty, or sick and in prison. Jesus will reply: “To the extent that you did NOT do it to the least ones, you did not do it to me.” Who is he referring to? Well just before this he tells us he is talking about his brothers:

”In reply the King will say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.”-Matthew 25:40.

Jesus’ brothers are the adopted sons of God. These are the ones who have been called and sealed with holy spirit. They have the work of witnessing to Jehovah and Jesus’ name while on earth. They are declaring the good news of Jesus’ kingdom government.

So in this our day, how people respond to the kingdom message being proclaimed by Jesus’ brothers, the very least of them, will determine if they have their names written in the book of life, or if their names will not be found in it. Those who do not listen to the kingdom message and respond favorably, at Armageddon, they go into everlasting cutting off. They will be destroyed and will NOT receive a resurrection.

The Bible clearly tells us, unlike what many believe, that the road to life is narrow and few are finding it. And that there is only one true faith:

“Go in through the narrow gate, because broad is the gate and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are going in through it; whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are finding it.”-Matthew 7:13-14.

“One body there is, and one spirit, just as you were called to the one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism.””-Ephesians 4:4.

edit on 31-7-2022 by randomuser because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: randomuser

It's odd that no matter how scripture is interpolated to my ears.
I hear the truth and majesty of the words as they're on his
mighty voice. I feel his love flowing thru every word and I fear
not. Because he is with me and he knows my heart. Thank you

Be well

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: Randyvine2
a reply to: randomuser

It's odd that no matter how scripture is interpolated to my ears.
I hear the truth and majesty of the words as they're on his
mighty voice. I feel his love flowing thru every word and I fear
not. Because he is with me and he knows my heart. Thank you

Be well

Thank you Randy. You too. Be well. Here is a beautiful video for today if you feel like watching something uplifting:


posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: trollz

God does not love an unbeliever less than a believer. God does not love a sinner less than someone who lives a life of piety and grace. The two will not stand before God while he says "I accept you, but not you! You didn't have enough of the correct understandings about these specific phrases! You go to hell for eternity!". It's ridiculous, isn't it?

I see exactly what you mean. And I fully agree with that. Seeing that's
exactly what I believe as well. I had a preacher at this "Corner Stone
Church one time. I went at the request this lady I had just started going
with who wanted to go with her three kids. Naturally I was all for it.

(remember I've eluded my faith lives in stark contrast of my life)

So we go thru the whole service all of us sitting there first timers
to this place. Service ends Pastor finishes his sermon with a prayer
and he excuses the congregation. People heading out and I hear the
Pastor say softly," Randy can I ask you for a few moments of your time"
As he's walking over towards us. I have no problem with talking to
anyone. So I says "Yeah absolutely" What for I had not a clue so walked
back to his quarters just him and I he shuts the door.

Walks by me over to his desk sits down kind opens up
the Book a little bit. Then says something about not being
married to that lady out there. And as I started to reply I just
met her a few months ago.

Out of no where he slams the Bible shut and said,
"Now Randy I don't want see you and the mother of those kids
out there go to hell"

I mean like loud he said it. He wanted to intimidate me.
But not even shocked I fired right back at him. I said

" Well I don't think you'll have to worry to much about that.
Cause I don't think you have enough faith in Jesus Christ"

Basically he made an idiot out of himself and I haven't seen
him since. But it was comical seeing his jaw drop on his desk
before I left.

I still call it Brimstone instead of Cornerstone after all that.

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